Dianna Riggs passed a few days ago and I posted about it. She was advanced in age, but even so, she never tried to freeze herself into an old memory. And it does not matter that time passed, she is always Mrs. Peel to me.

Last night I caught a commercial for an upcoming series and I almost had a stroke. No way! That could not be her! That is some sort of Wax Museum 101 project that went wrong! Kim Catrall.

My memory of her is Lassie from Porky’s and I know many later came to admire her in Big Trouble in Little China, but now she looks like this.
Ladies, believe it or not, and expression-less face is not sexy. We like to see reactions and that cannot happen is the forehead can be used to project a movie and the rest of the face looks like you used 3 pounds of ceramic glaze as make up.
We love you, wrinkles and all.
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