I have heard several conservative talking heads address the anti-Catholic bigotry that was shown to Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearing for the Court of Appeals.
I addressed this last year.
I keep hearing conservatives pundits ask rhetorically: “would the Democrats say the same thing about other religions?”
Yes, and no. It depends on the political alignment of the individual.
I have demonstrated over and over again the anti-Semitism found on the Left. It’s everywhere.
So, would the Senate make anti-Semetic talking points about a Jewish nominee?
If the nominee were a conservative Republican Orthodox Jew like Ben Shapiro, the Senate would be quoting from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Just as if Hillary Clinton nominated a Catholic justice who agreed with the Commie Pope that gun control and redistributive socialism was the way to salvation, that nominee’s Catholicism would be praised.
The bigotry isn’t anti-Catholic.
The bigotry is against anyone of the Judeo-Christan faith who puts the principles of their faith over the religion of Leftism.
The Easter and Christmas Christians or Passover and Hannukah Jews who are really practicing Leftists that aren’t questioned on their faith because the Democrats know that their true faith is Fellow Traveler.
The current “would any other religion be treated this way” talking point is frustrating because we’ve watched in real-time Mayor de Blasio target the Orthodox Jews of NYC for harassment and the Democrats give a pass to Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitism.
Don’t pit religions against each other, the talking point needs to be “conservatives of any faith are attacked for their faith while Democrats of any faith get praised for their faith.”
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