Month: September 2020

It’s good to be a Democrat – Update

The Atlantic writes an article quoting four anonymous sources that Trump skipped visiting an American cemetery in France for WWI soldiers because he said they were “losers” and “suckers.”

This was refuted by more than two dozen people who have gone on the record, including people like John Bolton, who is not a Trump fan.

Still, the smear that Trump hates the military persists.

Joe Biden did this back in 2016.

Then he calls said “Man, you are a dull bunch. Must be slow here, man.”

But sure, he supports our troops.

Man, it’s good to be a Democrat.


You can tell that didn’t go over well with the troops.


One Conservative talking point addressing Judge Barrett needs to be addressed

I have heard several conservative talking heads address the anti-Catholic bigotry that was shown to Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation hearing for the Court of Appeals.

I addressed this last year.

I keep hearing conservatives pundits ask rhetorically: “would the Democrats say the same thing about other religions?”

Yes, and no.  It depends on the political alignment of the individual.

I have demonstrated over and over again the anti-Semitism found on the Left.  It’s everywhere.

So, would the Senate make anti-Semetic talking points about a Jewish nominee?

If the nominee were a conservative Republican Orthodox Jew like Ben Shapiro, the Senate would be quoting from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Just as if Hillary Clinton nominated a Catholic justice who agreed with the Commie Pope that gun control and redistributive socialism was the way to salvation, that nominee’s Catholicism would be praised.

The bigotry isn’t anti-Catholic.

The bigotry is against anyone of the Judeo-Christan faith who puts the principles of their faith over the religion of Leftism.

The Easter and Christmas Christians or Passover and Hannukah Jews who are really practicing Leftists that aren’t questioned on their faith because the Democrats know that their true faith is Fellow Traveler.

The current “would any other religion be treated this way” talking point is frustrating because we’ve watched in real-time Mayor de Blasio target the Orthodox Jews of NYC for harassment and the Democrats give a pass to Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitism.

Don’t pit religions against each other, the talking point needs to be “conservatives of any faith are attacked for their faith while Democrats of any faith get praised for their faith.”

The Red Pope has spoken on Self-Defense.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio A.K.A Pope Francis was born in Argentina in 1936, that means he lived through Peron and all the Argentinian dictatorships plus was witness to the mass immigration of Europeans (German, Italians and Spaniards) getting out of a post-war Europe.  The abuses suffered by regular citizens by the hands of the secret police are well known to any Argentinian of his time, even during periods of “elected” government.

I have covered this before (damn, 10 years ago) but it bears repeating. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. “The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor. . . . The one is intended, the other is not.”

Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow…

Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm.

This is pretty clear: The Catholic Church allows for self-defense, period.  Nowhere in the Catholic Church doctrine specifies that can only be done with certain objects because it was never about the objects but the individual’s hear and soul.

How are we supposed to defend ourselves? Say couple of Hail Marys with a mouthful of garlic while presenting a cross and a spray bottle full of Holy Water? Only if the bad guys are vampires and only in the movies.

Shut up Old Man. You are the most embarrassing pope in a couple of centuries, probably three or four.

This is your state in Socialism

Portland is what? Over 120 days of riots, burning, looting and constant Antifa idiocy and nobody from the State raises an eyebrow.

The Proud Boys announce a rally into Portland and Governor Kate Brows evacuates in her panties  while declaring a State of Emergency.

Dear Portland, How does it feel to be a hostage in the political machinations of your elected officials? Is that what you elected them for?

Remember in November.

PS: Yes, we know of one reader’s firm opinion. 😀



One of the reasons we are where we are.

I am not the most religious person in the world, but this kind of crap ticks me off.  And it is not because we may need more religion in our lives, but because we in colleges is where we allowed  the the ingraining of the ideas that restrict speech under the cover of protecting feelings.

I went to a religious college which happened to offer my chosen career. One of the things we accepted (somewhat) was the attending of “chapel” once a week, which was basically one hour of a Baptist minister doing his thing. This came with the package of the college offerings and you knew ahead of time. But other than that, there was no religious imposition on us or denial to exercise our particular religions. In fact, one invited minister went on a rant against Catholics, and the poor bastard never expected that there was a bunch of us attending the school who stood up loudly protesting and left the hall in protests (Rumors about a particular exchange student cussing in English like a drunken sailor may or not may be truthful). The college promptly apologized individually to every student which was a classy move.  And this is from a private Southern Baptist college who would expel your ass if they caught you smelling like booze on campus and dancing was verbotten (More on that in another post).   The college never, ever tried to restrict the Freedom of Religion of any student even when it had a health representation of foreign students in it. And again, they were private and not subject to the whims of federal funding.

I can almost bet you that a considerable majority of kids playing unrestricted Antifa come from indoctrination camps like that… I mean colleges like that.  There is only one religion allowed and that is the Cult of the Left.

Seattle bike cop is learning just how untouchable Antifa really are

From Seattle:

The police were about to storm a line of rioters.  One rioter lays down in front of the police to stop them.  One cop walks a bike over the rioter and knocks his hat off.

Now the officer is in a world of shit.

During the demonstration that occurred last night, the Seattle Police Department was notified of an incident where, on video, it appears an SPD officer walked the wheels of his bicycle over an individual lying in the street. Immediately after being made aware of this incident, SPD activated the Force Investigation Team (FIT) to document and investigate the use of force – as required by policy — and alerted the Office of Police Accountability (OPA), which also responded to the scene. OPA has opened an investigation into the incident. The officer has been placed on administrative leave. Following the request from the OPA, the SPD has referred the incident to the King County Sheriff’s Office for a potential criminal investigation.

It’s fair game to throw incendiary devices at police but the police can’t walk a bike over a rioter who deliberately laid down in the street to block his path.

And here I am thinking that the police should run over those fuckers with one of their surplus MRAPs.

Honestly, every single cop in Seattle should quit tonight.  Every one.  Take their families and just abandon the city.

It’s not worth risking everything to protect a city from rioters that cannot be touched when they lay in the streets.