Month: February 2021

Something the armchair economists on the Left don’t understand

Video warning: ladies, you might need to take an extra birth control pill before watching something this manly.

This is why this guy makes $100,000 (or more) per year with a high school diploma.

The guys who do this and like doing it are not going to take well to sitting behind a desk and being taught to code for $20 per hour.

“But we’re going to t retrain them…”


Only a white-collar technocratic numbnuts with hands softened by years of fondling money could believe that the highest career people aspire to is to be the soft-handed drones of white-collar technocratic numbnuts.

I hope that the next time some Ivy League graduate working for the NYT writes an OpEd about how no, really, it’s a good thing Biden put these guys out of work so they can get a green energy job coding a smart grid, one of these dudes flicks his wrist and wraps a chain around a pampered journalist.


Environmentalists have made us dependent on other nations for all the most important natural resources

From the Financial Times:

China targets rare earth export curbs to hobble US defence industry

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China is exploring limiting the export of rare earth minerals that are crucial for the manufacture of American F-35 fighter jets and other sophisticated weaponry, according to people involved in a government consultation.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last month proposed draft controls on the production and export of 17 rare earth minerals in China, which controls about 80 per cent of global supply.

Industry executives said government officials had asked them how badly companies in the US and Europe, including defence contractors, would be affected if China restricted rare earth exports during a bilateral dispute.

“The government wants to know if the US may have trouble making F-35 fighter jets if China imposes an export ban,” said a Chinese government adviser who asked not to be identified. Industry executives added that Beijing wanted to better understand how quickly the US could secure alternative sources of rare earths and increase its own production capacity.

China isn’t stupid.  They control the market on materials we desperately need and so they are going to squeeze our balls.  This is a logical and strategically brilliant manuver.

We’re the ones who fucked ourselves.

There are rare earths in the United States.  We just don’t mine or refine them because the environmentalists shit a brick whenever someone tries to mine in the US.

This is functionally no different than what they did with oil, shutting down our production forcing us to buy from Middle Eastern nations that hate us.

We need domestic rare earth mining but the Left will not stand up to the environmentalists, we know that.

There is, of course, another option.

One of the richest nations for rare earth is Afghanistan.  We spent billions of dollars and lost thousands of American lives there.

The Left already calls us racist colonialists.  I say embrace it, since denying it does nothing.

Strip mine the fucking country to nothing.  If Lockheed needs rare earths for the F-35 get the Secretary of Raytheon Sherholder Dividends to get Biden to announce a program to get our money back in rare earths.

At least use the press’ willingness to suck that old man off to sell a colonial war of resource conquest to the American public as something great.

I truly don’t care if we spend $50 million teaching Afghani children gender-neutral pronouns in Urdu as long as we are bringing back needed minerals by the metric-fuck-ton.

Neither will The New York Times for that matter.

Either way, we’re going to have to do something, before China sets us back to using cathode-ray tubes just because they can.

We’s gonna be in all the wars!!!

Sure, we could have sustainable peace through trade in the Middle East, but how would that let the Secretary of Rathyon Shareholder Dividends Defense justify needed all the new toys?

I honestly prefer Democrats that spit on our soldiers and called them baby killers to the ones the destabilize the world to boost their buddies on Wall Street.

I have to admire China some times

Yes, I know this is Chinese propaganda.

Yes, I know this only applies to the children of good Chinese citizens with high social credit scores.

I don’t care.

As I said earlier today, we are entering a new dark age.

The future of America will be one like that of Idiocracy.  Not because the stupid have out-bred the smart but because we willfully made ourselves stupid by embracing woke ideology in math.

Chinese students are celebrating a kid getting all the right answers on a math test.

In the US, there are no right answers on a math test, and any kid that did get all the rights answers would be branded a white supremacist.

There is a lot to criticize about China.

But I will give the Chinese credit for one thing:

If someone showed up in China and said “the Chinese people are responsible for all the evils in the world, they should be ashamed of their privilege, and their students must be taught anti-racist math in which there are no right answers.”

That person would be dragged out into the middle of the street and shot in the back of the head.

Freedom of speech.  Pluralistic society. Blah, blah, blah.

We let a handful of people redefine patriotism and pride in national excellence as racist and evil, and as a result, have utterly destroyed the future of our society.

The lesson is crystal clear, a civilization that is proud of its history will strive to succeed and a civilization that is ashamed of its history will be doomed to fail.

Any society that is willing to entertain the premise of anti-racist math is a nation in the decline.