Month: February 2021

The troops are never going away

From FOX5 in DC:

National Guard could stay in DC until the Fall, source reveals to FOX 5

An internal e-mail obtained by FOX 5 reveals members of the National Guard might still be in D.C. through the Fall of 2021.

The National Security Council is asking the Department of Defense to engage Capitol Police on planning for post-March 12th support, according to the e-mail.

Robert Salesses who began Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security on January 20, 202, wrote in the e-mail:

“If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with NG personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period – at least through Fall 2021 – and understand additional options for providing DoD support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.”

This news broke yesterday.


Because the impeachment vote was today.

We were told that troops were needed in DC just in case Trump was convicted and there would be pro-Trump violence.

Trump was acquitted earlier today, so why do the troops need to stay until the fall?

Because we are on day 334 of “15 days to slow the spread.”

The administration that just told us that even though people are getting vaccinated we can’t end the lockdowns and mask mandates are telling us that we needed troops in DC until the inauguration impeachment hearing is over fall.  It’s going to be permanent.


Life, you suck.

So we discovered the hard way our roof has a leak and we need to have it fixed before the new rainy/hurricane season begins. Not happy about having to shell four figures for the repair and then the evil people of Brownells send me this in an email.

Bravo SS .22LR Conversion Kit w/ 3-25rd Magazines : CMMG AR-15/M16 22LR BRAVO CONVERSION KITS | Brownells

For $229 is is a damn good deal. If one of you was thinking about doing a conversion, specially with 5.56 rounds being so expensive, go ahead and snatch one and let us know so we can hate you.

OK. so I can hate you.

PS: Nothing roof in South Florida is cheap when it comes to roofs in case you were wondering. 

More on the Hogg/March For Our Lives situation news

Last time, I reported that David Hogg stepped down from the board of March For Our Lives, claiming it has something to do with his privilege and letting others have the spotlight.

How magnanimous for him to fall on his sword like that.

Like everything else that comes out of his mouth, that was a lie.

From The Daily Mail:

March For Our Lives co-founder calls fellow Parkland survivor David Hogg a ‘grifter’ over his ‘Good Pillow’ rival to MyPillow – but the activist defends his startup saying he ‘needs to put food on the table and pay for therapy’

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, 20, has launched his progressive pillow company rival to challenge MyPillow CEO and Trump loyalist Mike Lindell — but the young activist is facing backlash even from his allies in the gun-control movement.

Cameron Kasky, a fellow Parkland survivor who together with Hogg, Emma Gonzalez and other students organized the national anti-gun protest March For Our Lives in 2018, blasted Hogg’s new company as ‘a grift’ and ‘a cash grab’ in a series of tweets.

‘To those of you who marched, donated, lobbied, and called for change… I’m so sorry this is what it turned into. This is embarrassing,’ Kasky wrote. ‘But, welcome to America, everything ends up a grift.’

He continued: ‘To those of you claiming I’m “jealous” about the pillow grift, I was actually offered free shares as soon as I started tweeting about it. I just declined because while I’m kind of a grifter, I’m not that much of a grifter.’

‘I spent so much time promising people this wasn’t going to turn into a cash grab. I am applying my clown makeup with the shame I deserve,’ added Kasky.

Wow.  I’m impressed by Kasky’s astute introspection that he is a flawed individual and by how hard he tossed Hogg under the bus.

I wrote about Kasky before, why he left March For Our Lives and Miguel covered how he admitted he wasn’t a survivor.

That was roughly a year-and-a-half ago.  I’m glad to see that his epiphany was real and that he is willing to keep calling out the March For Our Lives bullshit.  I may not agree with his politics, but I will give him credit for seeing the grift for being what it was and exposing it.

Hogg apparently got a little too greedy for the rest of the movement and was forced out.

Something else from the Daily Mail article:

LeGate said he will be investing $100,000 of his own fortune into the company, which he said will ‘have a site up this month.’

‘We have had lots of interest from investors as well as many celebrities. As for manufacturing plans, they will be manufactured in the United States and union-made,’ LeGate told

LeGate said on Twitter that ‘a sizable portion of the treasury reserves’ will be held in Bitcoin. He is the CEO of PredIQt – a ‘decentralized prediction market’ for shares of cryptocurrency.

‘We are happy to announce that we will be the first pillow company in the world to use Bitcoin for a portion of company reserves,’ LeGate tweeted.

‘Someone suggested we include a free $DOGE coin with every pillow purchase and, honestly, I’m considering it.’

LeGate said that the company will keep part of its reserves in Bitcoin because ‘we believe it is extremely undervalued at current prices, and I have personally been involved with Bitcoin for 8 years now.’

I am now more than ever convinced this is a scam.  This is not a pillow company.  This is a company that is claiming to make pillows while being a way for Hogg and LeGate to play the cryptocurrency market with other people’s money.

There might be jail time in their futures.


We paid for a few people maybe not getting the Kung-Flu with liver damage and chemical dependency

In Abalama, liquor sales are regulated by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC Board).

This is from their website:

ABC Board Successfully Operates During Pandemic; Sets Financial Milestone

ABC Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 gross revenues for retail, wholesale and military liquor sales was $596.1 million while FY 2019 gross revenues were $531.2 million which resulted in a retail sales increase of $64.9 million.

Despite ABC temporarily closing 78 retail stores last March and reassigning those employees to open stores, to seeing its warehouse staffing shrink 27% as the pandemic continued from summer to fall, the agency shipped 3,304,241 cases of liquor in FY 2020.

In FY 2019, ABC shipped 332,022 fewer cases while the agency operated at full capacity.

So people sitting at home with nothing to do, many having lost jobs, turned to alcohol.  The result was a nearly 10% increase in alcohol consumption.

This was not spread out evenly among the population.  We know that some people really hit the sauce hard because of the anxiety and depression from 2020.

We paid for possibly preventing some people from getting COVID by making sure others would suffer liver damage and alcoholism.

I don’t believe that the cost to society to try and “slow the spread” for a year – which has been an utter failure  – is worth what we got for our efforts.


The lack of rude Tweets is costing me $40 a week at the grocery store.

I saw Miguel’s post I am doing my part for clean energy, Thank You POTUS! and I wanted to add to it.

We went grocery shopping last night.  Usually, we go on Saturday, but we had some other stuff to do and it is supposed to be freezing rain in north Alabama today we thought it would be better just to do it last night.

We generally get the same stuff every week.  Me, wife, two kids, we’re pretty consistent on eggs, milk, bread, various juices, butter, staple items.

We had been consistent in the $120-$140 per week range.  Every once in a while, we’d have a $180-$200 week if we were restocking on multivitamins and other speciality items that are unusually expensive.

Recently we’ve been doing $160-$180 a week and I didn’t feel like I was buying anything extraordinary.

I casually mentioned this to the lady at Kroger.  She said she has heard that a lot recently.  Food prices have definitely gone up, and have really spiked in the last few weeks.

Gas and energy prices affect food prices.  So do lockdowns, restrictions, layoffs, and everything else that has been done because of COVID.

One of the hard and fast rules of economics is “food prices go up when the economy goes down.”

Right now food prices are at a record high and gas has only started to go up in price.

Biden has also promised to “fight the virus” by blocking interstate travel and continuing lockdowns, even after people get vaccinated.

I hope not having the President Tweet mean things is worth it to people because right now it’s costing me about $40 a week more at the grocery store.

When a family of four has a $1,000 per month grocery budget I wonder if any of those people will wish they had the mean Tweets again in exchange for lower prices.