Month: February 2021

And Disney just nuked one its most popular characters from its most popular show

From Deadline:

Lucasfilm Calls Gina Carano Social Media Posts “Abhorrent”; Actress No Longer Employed By ‘Mandalorian’ Studio

In the wake of Gina Carano’s controversial social media posts, Lucasfilm has released a statement tonight, with a spokesperson saying “Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

The actress shared a Tik Tok post a comparison of the divided political climate to Nazi Germany.

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” she wrote.

Well, that’s sad, and some serious bullshit.

I agree with her.  I have made very similar points on this blog.

The first step in exterminating a people is to dehumanize them.

One of the comments made about Carano’s post was shown in the article.


As a Jewish person, I find this other Jew’s opinion to be fucking vile.

Judaism is a religion.  It is a culture.

It is vaguely tied to ethnicity, for instance, Ashkenazi Jews are Jews of central European heritage.  Due to generations of segregation, some self-imposed, some due to ostracizing, we have some unique genetic characteristics, and some diseases are more prevalent in our lineage than in general for white people.  Inbreeding does that.

I absolutely reject the idea that Jewish is an ethnicity for several reasons.  First, there are Jews of just about every ethnicity, black Ethiopian Jews, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews, Sephardic Jews of Iberian and northern Mediterranean heritage, Chinese Kaifeng Jews, there is even a black Jewish community in Cameroon that traces its heritage back centuries.

To say that Jewish is an ethnicity, and more specifically Ashkenazi erases all other Jews.  It also tells converts that they will never fully be Jewish because they are not ethnically part of “the Tribe.”

Lastly, I’ve gone on many times before, I reject the idea of “Ethnically Jewish” for those white Leftists who do not practice Judaism in any way, do not follow any Jewish principles or Jewish teachings, but use their “Ethnic Judaism” as victim status or as cover for anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attitudes towards Israel.

To be Jewish is to be part of a culture and to practice a religion, it is usually something you are raised to be from a child.

There are many subcultures in this country.

Gun culture is a subculture.  In many ways, politics is a subculture.  Being a Conservative, raised in a Conservative house, going to a Conservative Church, living in a Conservative state, being a Conservative isn’t just political affiliation, it is a subculture.

Attacking people for membership in their subcultures is fundamentally no different than attacking people for their religion.  Just because it isn’t praying to a God, doesn’t mean a belief isn’t deeply held and a core part of a person’s identity.

Dehumanizing Conservatives to write them off as non-people who don’t matter and can be summarily dismissed comes from the same place, fundamentally, as dehumanizing Jews in the 1930s.

Carano is right.

But for saying that, she has been kicked out of The Mandalorian.

Honestly, the story arc with Baby Yoda really closed at the end of Season Two, so I’m not sure where they would take the show or how she would have fit into it, but nevertheless, this was an awful thing to do.

As a result #CancelDisneyPlus is the No. 1 trending Twitter topic.

Disney cowered to the mob and the fanbase is pissed.


I hope Disney realizes that cowering to the mob is a bad business decision.

Also, in regards to the accusation that Gina Carano’s post was antisemitic.  As a member in good standing of the Jewish Space Laser Agency, I would be happy to absolve her of all charges of antisemitism with the ancient ritual of letting me motorboat them tiddies.

They are so dumb

As seen on Twitter:


No…. It’s Shakespeare:

She should have died hereafter.
There would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing. – Macbeth, Act 5/Scene 5

This decrepit useless fuck-shit has a degree in English Literature from an Ivy League university and is an anchor for a major media network.

Every single G-d damned day they prove over and over again, ad nauseam, just how little they actually know, how much of what they have is unearned and obtained through favors and connections, and how utterly unqualified they are to be lecturing us on anything.


We are living in an episode of The Twilight Zone

One of the most disturbing episodes of The Twilight Zone was Season 3, Episode 8, It’s a Good Life.

In it, a little boy can read minds.  He can destroy anyone who makes him unhappy, so the entire town lives in mortal fear of the boy, appeasing him at all times.

This is a nice recap of the episode on YouTube:


I bring this up because Axios published an article:

1 Big thing: How to deprogram America’s extremists

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month’s attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios’ Kyle Daly.

Two key measures that could make a difference:

Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.

The U.S. needs a “Marshall Plan against domestic extremism,” Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.

“The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now,” he said. “The damage that’s been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting.”

The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.

A key part of breaking extremists’ rising mainstream influence will be making it unacceptable for white nationalists, anti-government extremists and conspiracy theorists to serve in the military, in police forces or as lawmakers.

That is their suggestion, cancel culture all the time and forever.

What is their definition of extremism?  Anything that stands in the way of the Left.

For example, the NHS in the UK has decided that breastfeeding is too gendered so it is now chestfeeding, breastmilk is now human milk, and mother is now birthing parent.  Anything less is transphobic.

If you say “This is ridiculous.  I don’t hate trans people, but some tiny fraction of society doesn’t get to erase the moment my wife becomes a mother and sterilizes it with ‘birthing parent’ in some Orwell/Huxley fan-fiction crossover,” congratulations.  You get to be kicked out of the military and law enforcement and lose your ability to use banking or advertise your business on social media and are otherwise canceled out of society.

We are living in one of the creepiest episodes of The Twilight Zone and it’s horrifying.

Pork Loin recipe

Believe it or not, it does not involve a smoker. At least this time.

Get yourself a nice pork loin, wash the blood water, & trim the excess fat (you may leave a tiny bit). Next, is the secret to my pork loin deliciousness: Injection of butter and granulated garlic.

Go Dexter on it. That is 3/4 of a stick of melted butter and about 3 tablespoons of granulated garlic. stir well and collect in the injector. Then just stab and inject all over till your heart’s content. Be forewarned that it will ooze all over the loin, which is a good thing for the next step.

First is the Kosher salt (Don’t go crazy) then more granulated garlic (That is the Spaniard in me, you do what you want). I do go next with the McCormick Brown Sugar Bourbon rub in very maniacal amounts and close with a not-so-heavy dusting of black pepper.  The excess butter will hold everything in place my making a delicious paste.

I forgot to take pictures of the loin in the oven, but I use a Roasting Pan with Rack with about an inch and a half of water in it . I have tried several options and this has worked for me the best.

Loin goes in the oven for the first 15 minutes on broil to sear the outside. Then switch to bake at 365 for at least an hour and the internal temperature reads 150. That is not the official FDA temp for pork? Oops!

Take out the oven and let it rest for 5-10 minutes if you can. Really you are supposed to do this to conserve the juiciness. Do not fall to temptation!  Oh carp, too late.

Serve with whatever your little heart desires. I would particularly go with half inch slices of the roast over mashed potatoes, but in the interest of the diet, I must forego something so it is salad instead.

As you see, so simple even I can do it. Whenever you give it a try, let us know here or in the forum.

Florida Legislature 2021: HB 259 – Safety of Religious Institutions sails though another committee.

General Bill by Williamson and Byrd (CO-SPONSORS) Andrade; Gregory; Hawkins; Massullo; Roach; Sabatini; Shoaf; Sirois; Yarborough
Safety of Religious Institutions: Authorizes, for specified purposes, concealed weapons or firearms licensee to carry firearm on certain property of church, synagogue, or any other religious institution.

Read the text

This time it was the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee where it passed with YEAS 14 NAYS 3.

There was some lady who came to oppose it and somehow she managed to bring the Soviets back and compare people with CWL to warfare. It got really confusing. There were also people complaining with the  “How dare you bring a gun to the Lord’s house! That has never bee done!”  In our side, we had Marion Hammer representing the NRA and Luis Valdez representing GOA…and that was it.

Three Democrats voted favorable for the bill and three against.

If I am not mistaken, the next stop will be the Education & Employment Committee.

so far, both the Senate and the House versions of the bills have had no troubles. Hopefully it will stay that way till it reaches the governor’s desk.

Grift big or go home

This is what happens when you fail to address small corruption, you get big corruption.

From the New York Post:

Rep. Omar’s campaign reportedly funded 80 percent of her husband’s consulting firm

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s election campaign helped keep her husband’s political consulting firm afloat last year, providing nearly 80 percent of the company’s income, according to a report.

The Minnesota Democratic congresswoman’s campaign committee gave the E Street Group — which is co-owned by her husband, Tim Mynett — more than $2.9 million over the course of the 2020 election cycle, the Washington Free Beacon said, citing federal campaign finance data.

That’s a lot of campaign money her husband pocketed.

Don’t worry, they want more.

Right now she can only steal district money.  If she runs for the Senate she can steal donations from the entire state.

That’s a much bigger grift.

This is what happens when you don’t stop corruption at the low level, it is emboldened to be more corrupt at the higher level.


….and a puppy and free ice cream too.

WASHINGTON — The Biden White House is considering sending masks directly to American households, according to three people familiar with the discussions, an action the Trump administration explored but scrapped.

The Covid-19 Response Team is evaluating the logistics of mailing out millions of face coverings, but no decision has been made, and the proposal hasn’t yet reached President Joe Biden for final approval, a White House official said.

Biden administration weighs plan to directly send masks to all Americans

I swear. It is like the Administration is composed by a group of spoiled 10 years old who have been told they are in charge and they decided to blow the budget on gummy bears rather than vegetables.


Hat Tip Manny L