Month: February 2021

Heartbreaking story of a deputy and K-9 killed by a multiple felon is the direct result of Ca state policy

This is heartbreaking.

A 31-year-old deputy and his K-9 were killed, leaving behind a wife and baby.

Multiple interactions by a felon on parole with police, including weapons charges and threats, and still he was out on the streets.

This guy made it clear he wanted to die in suicide by cop, which means attacking the police with lethal force, but he was not sent back to prison.

The politicians of California are just as responsible for this officer’s death as the felon himself.

California is a failed state that refuses to enforce laws to protect good citizens from violent human garbage.

Biden’s Body Language is interesting

I don’t mind he forgot the mask. Anybody may have a momentary slip and forget it. What calls my attention is the body language itself: He looks tired as he had been on the job of president for eight years and not barely two months.

And I am not sure if he is wearing body armor or a brace. The whole movement thing does not look fluid or vital but forced and exhausted.

But that is just my opinion on Premier Joe.

What sucks about being us?

We no longer pack as if we are going on a leisure trip but to face Doomsday.  Between “We may need this…” and “What if …?” I am gonna overload the truck. I think I have spent more time paring down the pile of stuff that I initially collected than actually packing what I may really need.

And still to come: Where everything goes in the vehicle. What gets the priority: Iced water and munchies of truck rifle and reloads?

PS: Locate center of gravity of vehicle….ammo goes there. 😀
PS: I was actually forgetting the First Aid kit <sigh>


In case you needed another reason to hate the lockdowns

The lockdowns have made everything worse.


There is no evidence that they saved a substantial number of people from dying of COVID.

They did however increase the rates of poverty, alcoholism, depression, overdose, suicide, the elderly dying alone and afraid with family unable to visit them, children falling behind in education or out of the educational system entirely.

But if that wasn’t bad enough, there is worse news. | Chattanooga News, Weather & Sports


We have to end the lockdowns now.

Also, when it comes to a 100% increase in child sex predation, 800HP is a good start…

But look on the bright side, no more mean Tweets

It’s beginning to seem like people on the Left are waking up to the fact that the Democrats got them so hopped up on Orange Man Bad that they were tricked into electing the dementia king of the swamp monsters for President.