Month: March 2021

Rob Pincus: The Stupid Saga Continues.

Rob got nasty and personal in his Facebook posts — he baited the official in — at which point our victim responded, referring to Rob as a “little bitch.”

That was all it took.

Rob immediately tipped off the Facebook Police, who quickly slapped a three-day suspension on the official for violating Facebook’s community standards on harassment and bullying.

Rob Pincus: Secret Agent for the Facebook Police

So Rob IS a little bitch.

Once again, go read the whole thing.

PS: Rob, don’t need to tell the Facebook Commissars about me. I do a great job landing my ass in their gulag all on my own.

The New York Times is the Grand Wizard of newspapers

I’m not backing down from that.

This is an actual New York Times Tweet:

The article:

Who Are the Jurors in the Derek Chauvin Trial?
The jurors bring to the table a range of views about race and policing, some forged by long life experience and some formed after the death of George Floyd.

The jury is a demographic mix: three Black men, one Black woman, and two women who identified themselves as multiracial. There are two white men and four white women. They are urban and suburban, ranging in age from their 20s to their 60s. The two alternates are white women.

The jurors bring to the table a range of views about Mr. Chauvin, Mr. Floyd, race and policing, some forged by long life experience and some formed after the video of Mr. Floyd dying under Mr. Chauvin’s knee started a new civil rights movement.

And yet they remain invisible, unseen by all but the very few people allowed into the courtroom. Because of the many threats against people involved in the case and the potential for outside pressure, the 12 jury members and two alternates remain anonymous and their faces cannot be shown on camera.

Yes, because of the threats against them.  Not just death but being canceled, and the threats that would naturally precipitate against their family.

That’s how this would go, you know it from how the Left behaves and has always behaved.

“Juror X voted to acquit, she’s a racist, her husband must be racist for marrying her, cancel her husband and her children too.”

When the Communist regimes of the 20th century took out an opponent, they took out their whole family.  The agent of Pol Pot would bash the infant children of dissidents to death against a tree.

So rather than respect that, the NYT is on the side of the mob and gives details like the race, sex, and profession of the jurors.  Details that could be used to identify them.

This is one of the most widely circulated papers in the world attempting to doxx jurors in one of the most heated trials in my lifetime.

This isn’t journalism.  This is what the Klan used to do to intimidate jurors.

This is evil.


Lessons in physics

This story in two parts:


This is what happens when you stop teaching basic physics to people.

Force = mass x acceleration

If you increase the amount of mass of a vehicle, it takes more force to accelerate it.

That force has to come from somewhere, in the case of the Tesla S, its battery power.

Throw in added wind resistance from the trailer and BOOM, range drops.

Anybody with a truck who has ever towed anything knows that milage goes down when you tow.

Apparently, this Tesla driver has no towing experience, understanding of physics, or general common sense.

I would put money on this person being all for the Green New Deal, electric cars being mandatory, and all that other stuff.  Because only someone who lacks any sort of common sense and somehow believes batteries are magic that gives the same range regardless of load could believe in bullshit like that.

Mandatory puberty blockers will be the next big demand by the radical Left

If you have that constant feeling like you are stuck in a Poe’s Law conundrum, where you can’t tell if something is real or parody, that’s the result of the ideological times that we are in.

When people are in an ideological echo chamber, one in which going against prevailing opinion is tantamount to heresy, the only way to stand out in the crowd is to be more extreme, more vocal, push even further in the direction the party is going.

When everyone else wants to send the Jews to Madagascar, you call for their extermination.

When everyone else is talking about land redistribution, you call for the liquidation of the Kulaks.

An ideological resonance is set up that pushed ever further extreme.

So what is next for the radical Left?

The beginning of it is being leaked.


Do you understand?

These extremist activists are saying that all children should be placed on puberty blockers until they can decide what gender they want to be (groomed by activists).

One point of contention between Senator Rand Paul and HHS Deputy Secretary nominee Rachel Lavine was that Lavine supposedly supported giving publicly funded puberty blockers to children without their parent’s consent.  At best, the media could only say Lavine could not confirm or deny that position.

It’s been exposed on Reddit that radical Trans acitivsts are offering to administer hormones to children for free without informing parents or even under medical supervision.

This is incredibly extreme.  It’s also the sort of thing that comes out of an extreme ideological echo chamber, where the only way not to get left behind or become an enemy of the cause is to be at the vanguard of the cause pushing the extreme agenda.

We are seeing the very tip of the spear of this online, so you know what that means, it will be adopted as a mainstream Leftist position in not too long a while.

We are being pushed to the collapse of our Society.

An Oregon man has been arrested in South Florida on criminal charges in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, court records show.

A grand jury indicted Richard Harris, 40, and federal law enforcement officers took him into custody in Hollywood last week, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

A man who appears to be Harris is also captured in another video published by the New Yorker. In that video, he can be heard shouting at several U.S. Capitol police officers inside the building, documents said.

Court documents also include a photo that appears to show Harris standing with a statue of former President Gerald Ford, complete with a MAGA hat and Trump flag.

Man Arrested in South Florida in Connection With Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Breach

This is Sedition. This evil man needs to be sent to prison and his family line erased.


And  these? Oh, they are just exercising their First Amendment Right. Nothing to see here, you racist punk!

Does anybody find extremely ironic the image of a black man using a noose?

I think many on both sides are expecting a repeat of the Civil War where things are settled in a remote battlefield by uniformed sides because that is the only historical experience most everybody has learned.

The next time I believe we will see a more common civil war and certainly more cruel. There will be no lines, no useful standing armies and surely no Safe Places for anybody in the lines or their relatives back home. Asymmetrical Warfare will probably be redefined  and not for the best.

Dump your books on the Civil War and start reading about civil wars in other countries as I believe we are heading that way just for starters.

And after that, I am sure we will “improve” on it.