Month: March 2021

Palm Beach MinLuv does not like your DoublePlusUnGood comments

Police in South Florida are increasingly knocking on people’s doors to confront them about potentially threatening messages they’ve posted online, a law enforcement tactic that some people interpret as harassment.
In an age of unrestrained social media threats, the cops insist their only intent is to warn online posters that following through could get them arrested. They say they’re taking a preemptive approach to make sure online chatter doesn’t evolve into real-life crime.

Critics say the attempt to curb crime, no matter how well-intentioned, could be an intimidation tactic that stifles people’s free speech rights.
The issue was spotlighted recently when a woman in Lake Worth, an opponent of COVID-19 masks, made a Facebook post threatening to dump masks on the lawn of a county official. Two Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputies showed up at her home one night in February — not to arrest her, but to warn her that she would be arrested is she actually took action.

The woman became furious and called them the Gestapo.

Careful what you post online: Cops may show up at your door – South Florida Sun Sentinel – South Florida Sun-Sentinel (

As you can see the (very rich) People’s Republic of Palm Beach County will not accept that you, the little people, dare to express your anger at their bought and paid for elected officials.

What convinces me this is a threat job is the condescending tone of boy the deputy uses. “Ma’am, it would be a shame if something like drugs would suddenly appear in your kid’s backpack or your dog would have to be put to sleep because it bit somebody and God keep your daughter safe from rapists.”

And yes, I would not put it past them to be that low.

And then you realize why it has to stick in their craw that Trump lives among them. He their Republican Al Czervik in their Democrat ointment.

A little more on eyewear at the range (Graphic warning)

Miguel’s post reminded me of this from the recent internet.

I’ve never seen a Glock do this before but it’s not out of the range of possibilities.

Apparently it wasn’t a Glock that did this.  The rest of the point still stands because regardless of what sort of gun failed catastrophically like this, a guy still has a striker assembly sticking out of his eyeball.

Eyewear is critical we all know that.

I will go step further and say that it needs to be safety rated eyewear.  I see a lot of people at the range in regular sun glasses or their prescription glasses.  Those offer little to no protection.

Z87.1 is the minimum acceptable ANSI rating.

There is a Mil Spec MIL-PRF-32432 that is for ballistic fragmentation that is rated at higher velocity particles.

Z87.1 is a steel ball at 150 fps. fps.  MIL-PRF-32432 is a 0.15 inch steel cylinder at 650 fps.

There are quite a number of reasonably priced ballistic rated glasses out there.

I get mine here.  I get no kick backs from this place.  They are a small, veteran owned business and sell at a very reasonable price.

You only have one set of eyes. Glasses are cheap.  Learning to read braille will cost a lot more.


Drive Thru attack by Girls Gone Stupid

Remember the “Ladies” going stupid at the drive thru of a Popeye’s in Palm Beach County?

Three Florida women have been arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for an attack in which a Popeyes employee was hit multiple times via the drive-thru window. All three suspects—Brianna Toombs, age 19; Chloe Arieigha Hernandez, 21; and Joanna Ceidi, 19—hail from West Palm Beach.

The alleged attack happened on Tuesday around 1 p.m. in the nearby town of Lantana. The trio was charged with robbery with a weapon and burglary with assault or battery, according to Local 10 News
The driver, Demarco Quant, told the South Florida Sun Sentinel one of the suspects sprayed an “unknown aerosol” through the window. “I couldn’t walk into the restaurant because everyone was running out coughing,” he said, adding the incident “was a moment I was totally shocked by.”
Two women from the group are alleged to have spat on the cashier. Police also say two of the women exited the car to attack two other employees inside the Popeyes. One of the women is accused of reaching into the drive-thru window to take cash out of the register.

3 Florida Women Arrested, 1 Still Missing After Being Filmed Attacking Popeyes Employee via Drive-Thru Window

As a society, we have allowed morality and good manners to become a putty-like concept which can be molded and forced to accept any behavior as acceptable if “reasons” are given. In fact, behaving correctly is now seen as some sort of perversion, something that is so off the new “community standards” that it has to be viewed as suspicious. If you haven’t caught people looking at you dubiously when you behaved politely to them, you haven’t been paying attention or still happily live in a nice neighborhood.

The people that keeps saying “violence is not the solution” keep being awfully intent on not only allowing behavior like this, but also encouraging it as it serves their political purposes. Of course they think they will be able to control this rampart behavior once they achieve absolute power and I am no saying they will not do it, but the amount to be paid on that bill will be staggering.

I can vouch for this from personal experience


My dad had a condo on Miami Beach, a little south of Bal Harbor, which is on the north end of the island.  Most of spring break occurs around South Beach on the southern end of the island.

Sometimes spring break spilled north.  Sometimes, living on the island you had no choice but to go south.

As a part-time resident of Miami Beach, I can attest to the fact that fights, shootings, people skipping out on their restaurant bills, shoplifting (an enormous amount of shoplifting), and all sorts of hooliganism happened during spring break.

My family was in the restaurant business in Miami and I knew of a number of restaurants and stores that would close down for spring break.  They had been burned in the past and the number of dine-and-dashes and property damage that occurred made spring break unprofitable.

The lockdowns in Miami have nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with the hell that breaks loose during spring break.