Month: March 2021

Venice Beach: Once a premium Californian spot is now a Liberal ****hole

I think I posted his first video before. Here is the latest update.

You have to love the karma of a liberal franchise shutting down because the downtrodden they like so much made business impossible. Business upon businesses closed down, possibly forever and prime real state cannot be sold.

And the movie shoot? Just the perfect cherry on top of the Bullshit Pie.

Hollywood purging itself.

TCM is purging its movie library. Breitbart reported that among those on the “troublesome and problematic” list are Hitchcock’s Rope (the villains are homosexual) and Psycho (the villain is a man in drag) as well as Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? and My Fair Lady.
Yes, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Mickey Rooney’s portrayal of an Asian was straight out of a World War II propaganda movie. But the other 4 are good films that withstood the test of time. LGBT villains? Villains are the best roles. Why should straight white males have all the fun?
The problem with Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? is it stars Sidney Poitier.
He’s too white.

Sidney Poitier, enemy of the people

I finished reading the above and made a beeline to Amazon to acquire the one movie from Poirier that must be in my collection in case they decide it is time to non-person him.

Again, if you have not seen this movie, do so. Possibly some of the best acting of the 60’s and when Hollywood could make Social commentary with grace and depth and not like nowadays when they use tactics Mob debt collectors would frown upon.

Hammond B3: A classic keyboard that will never die.

Nothing sounds like a Hammond B3. Many companies tried unsuccessfully to compete with Hammond (Yamaha* and Farfisa come to mind) but they never could come close.

And at the heart of the Hammond sound was the Leslie speaker. Again, many tried to reproduce it, but failed miserably. Rather than going into a complex and stupidly written explanation on how it works, here is a video that will actually help you.


Once when I had my studio, a client came in with a sampler keyboard and one of the sampled sound was a somewhat decent Hammond copy. After laying down a track with it, he asked my opinion and rather than shut ,my mouth and nod, I told him that being a sampler rather than the real thing, it missed the Leslie sound to make it like the original.

Oh yes, that was a dumb mistake. The guy then insisted in us duplicating the Leslie sound for his song, probably more for bragging rights than actual musical enterprise. Although we had some rack effects gear that allegedly could make something sound like played through a Leslie, it sucked.  But there was an old way we knew from reading some ancient secret books (no interwebs back then. You kept an extensive library of audio books and mags or dies) on how to reproduce an accurate Leslie sound: You stood an assistant in front of a speaker while holding a microphone by the cable about a foot or two down and the same from the speaker. And then you had the assistant spin the mike like you were playing with a lasso.

Did it looks stupid? Yes., Did it work? Yes  too, but only after a lot of trial and error and basically the client getting tired and saying “Yes, this is the take.” Hell, what did we care? Studios and engineers charge by the hour anyway. You want to experiment? it is your wallet.

And as an extra Sunday Music, I leave you with two classics using of the Hammond B3.

Hat tip Bill M

  • Yamaha never got the organ sound right, but they did come up with an electric piano that eventually won over the Fender. But that was in part the fault of Fender when they no longer produced the Fender-Rhodes line and went on their own design that was never as good as the F-R.

Grill guard sales in Tennessee about to go brrrr

From FOX4 News:

Tennessee bill would give immunity to drivers who unintentionally hit someone blocking roadway

A bill in Tennessee would make obstructing a highway a felony. It would also grant immunity to drivers who unintentionally injure or kill someone blocking a highway.

That would include protesters who illegally block roadways.

Under HB 513, if a driver “who is exercising due care” unintentionally injures or kills someone blocking a highway, the driver would be immune from prosecution for the injury or death.

Yes, it only applies to someone who “unintentionally injures or kills someone blocking a highway,” but have you ever driven a 1-ton Diesel truck hauling a 45-foot gooseneck?  Those don’t exactly stop or turn on a dime.  I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of wiggle room on the definition of unintentional in certain parts of the state.