Month: March 2021

Biden goes to bat for his constiuents

From Human Events:

Biden cancels Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’ Program that Targeted Sex Offenders Living in U.S. Illegally

Biden has made it clear that his number one mission as president is to undo everything the Trump administration accomplished over the last four years. His newest cancellation simply does not make sense.

Biden’s administration recently cancelled Operation Talon, a Trump administration program aimed at removing convicted sex offenders living in the United States illegally.

“We’re working hard to fight human trafficking and sex crimes in South Carolina and allowing convicted sex offenders who are here illegally to remain in our country makes absolutely no sense,” Wilson said. “These trafficking and sex crimes are repugnant to human decency generally and to children specifically,” he added.

The letter, directed to Joe Biden, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Acting Director of ICE Tae Johnson, pointed out the problems with this cancellation. The attorneys general argued that canceling Operation Talon could encourage sexual predators to attack.

“The United States’ population of illegal immigrants includes disturbingly large numbers of criminals with prior convictions for sexual crimes,” the letter reads. “According to data collected by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, during the period from October 2014 to May 2018 ICE arrested 19,572 illegal aliens with criminal convictions for whom the most serious prior conviction was a conviction for a sex-related offense.”

“Meanwhile, an increasing number of illegal aliens are entering the United States after having been previously convicted of sexual offenses,” it continues. “The cancellation of [Operation Talon] effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators. This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally and assault more victims, both in the process of unlawful migration and after they arrive. It will also broadcast the message to other criminal aliens who have committed other offenses that any kind of robust enforcement against them is unlikely.”

I should say: this is where Trump Derangement Syndrome and “Orange Man Bad” have gotten us, with the current administration blocking the arrest and deportation of child sex offenders and sex traffickers.

Except that I honestly believe that this is more nefarious.

I’m not saying that QAnon is real.

I just fervently believe that for the vast majority of people, the issue of punishing child rapists is non-partisan, and yet, the people who palled around with Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein, the people that defended Cuties, and a politician somewhat infamous for being inappropriately handsy with the children of other politicians are going out of their way to not punish sex offenders and sex traffickers.

If there is one thing that we should be able to unify around it “don’t rape children.”  But there is a group on the Left that seems to want to die on the hill of “yeah, but don’t be too harsh to child rapists.”

I fundamentally do not understand this.

When it comes to dealing with undocumented child sex traffickers and sex offenders, I have my own preferred policy.

Pictured: ICE out-processing facility for child sex offenders.


Catalonian politician finding out Socialism creates unemployment.

Sometimes I glance at what is going on in Spain for the heck of it since I still have kin up there. This one comes from a Twitter guy I follow, @el_espia_vago and I caught the tweet above this morning. 

If you know tools, you know Bosch makes some seriously good stuff. We had drills and other power tools by them that lasted decades till they finally gave up the ghost because of ager and wear. So yes, they sell a lot and make a profit. But Catalonia has moved firmly into the Socialism realm and apparently to the point where they have become poisonous to commerce and obviously companies that want to make a profit, cannot exist in an environment that wants to suck the marrow from their corporate bones to feed its followers.

Reading the replies of the tweet, I come to find out that since Catalonia moved to full Socialism, over 7,000 companies have packed and moved to better latitudes. And the author of the tweet has gone as far as demanding to nationalize the local Nissan factories in Catalonia which was rejected by his allies but it was brought forward that they could come up with extra taxes and other “obligations” to “help the people” and to make competition illegal. Yeah, that is gonna work so well.

The sad truth is that if Bosch or any company leaves, there is nothing they can do to keep the jobs working. Nationalization only works (stop laughing) if you manage to keep the brain trust that runs the company and then only willingly. And the confiscation move also creates a problem of trust as in nobody will trust your word ever again and will demand payment in advance till trust is generated. That drain of cash usually kills the People’s Company faster than a firing squad.

We are seeing some of the same in the US with companies and people migration from NY and California. I reckon that we will also see companies shifting production back to Mexico and  China under the new DC administration because of the same reasons as always: Government being idiotic anti business.

You’d figure people would learn, but nope! It does not catch apparently.

PS: Just saw this. It illustrates quite well, don’t you think?

Stand Your Ground: This is not how it works.

Darren Campbell is fighting for his life in the hospital, critically injured after being shot multiple times, police said, outside a Miami Hooters on Saturday night.

Campbell was out to dinner with his 8-year-old daughter when he was gunned down, according to officials, by a woman named Quanesha Lewis.
“Miss Lewis, you were arrested for one count of attempted first-degree murder and one count of child abuse,” said Judge Mindy Glazer.
Lewis stood in front of a judge Tuesday after police said she initially fled to Tampa and then a day later returned to speak to detectives.

Father hospitalized after shooting outside Hooters restaurant in Miami

You shot somebody and ran away? Ouch, that is not going to help you in court, but you know what is worse? Not being innocent.

It all started, according to police, inside the Hooters on Coral Way near 33rd Avenue. There was some sort of altercation between Campbell, Lewis and the rest of her family.

Lewis told detectives that Campbell initially came to their table and asked if they drove certain vehicles. That’s when she says Campbell told them to “tip your waitress or I’m going to slash all four of your tires.”

When Lewis went to move their cars, she claims, “the victim began to make threats towards them, charged at them, and proceeded by reaching with his right hand in his pocket…”

It is a nice believable story, right? Out of the blue, an unknow person threatens your vehicle and then makes a furtive movement. Next come the alleged magic words:

She went on to say that “she was in fear for her life and that was why she shot the victim.”

That’s it! She is free to go! We have been told over and over through the years that once you say the magic words, the cops have to let you go free or else you are a victim of racism!

Not so fast, Sparky. In order to claim SYG and anything else Self-Defense you need to fulfill the Five Elements of Self Defense: Innocence, imminence, proportionality, avoidance and reasonableness.

But witnesses told officers that Campbell shouted, “Stop! Get away from me, I don’t want to fight.”
Detectives stated in an arrest report, “based on the video footage from Hooters, it appears that the victim was attempting to leave, seen walking away holding hands with his daughter. At no point in the video do you see the defendant attempting to retreat, call the police, or walk away…”

Ouch. You screwed up the first Principle: Innocence.  Not only you ran away from the scene of a shooting you created, but you lied to the cops when you got back, probably after they had all the evidence gathered. Your claim of Self-Defense and SYG is “by thine own hand, revoked.”

We use our firearm in defense of life, not in defense of Ego.



Blue Texans cry out “but I’m one of the good ones.”

Earlier I covered Keith Olbermann being an utter piece of shit.

Colossal pile of shit Michael Moore had to join in.

So we have two famous millionaire Progressive assholes who believe that healthcare is a human right, one that only goes to Democrats.

Though to take them at their word, that’s not really surprising. They made it clear Conservatives and Republicans are not humans, we’re Deplorables.

Untermenschen don’t get healthcare.

Or maybe they do and our children are who they practice pediatric gender transition surgery on because sewing identical twins together to make conjoined twins is played out.

That these two human colostomy bags went to Twitter with their garbage isn’t surprising.

Neither, honestly, was the popular response.


Few if any replies said that calling for the deaths of Texans is bad.

A lot of Democrats saying they themselves don’t deserve to die because Texas is Red.

The alacrity at which Democrats are willing to throw Texas Republicans under the genocide bus shows you how interested in unity they are.

Don’t  bother hiding your Republican kids in the attic.  Your Democrat neighbors will rat you out on Twitter for likes.