Month: March 2021

I hope the nice Tweets are worth getting butt-f**ked on your commute

We all knew this was coming but Biden and Butt-Judge are going to cram this up your tail pile on top of all the other fuckery.

Got got that nice house in the suburbs and a fuel efficient hybrid to save the planet and money at the pump.  Especially since you supported Biden gutting oil and gas and at 45 mpg it didn’t really affect you.

Too bad for you, you’re gonna get fucked with taxes for that.

Just wait until the plumber or contractor who drives a truck or van for work hits you with both a $4 per gallon fuel surcharge and a millage surcharge.

I bet you’re gonna feel it then.

We could have had an Administration that wasn’t going to fuck the economy to death like a trafficked migrant child on the casting couch of a Democrat donor Hollywood executive, but nope, you had to stop the mean Tweets.

From the bottom of my heart and my 40 mile per day round trip commute, you can go fuck yourself with a fire hydrant.

USSOCOM is going to get f**ked – Update

According to his LinkedIn page, he has never served in the military and is a career HR weenie.

It’s like some people in the Biden Administration and Pentagon watched Blackhawk Down, Zero Dark Thirty, and 12 Strong and said: “You know, our Special Forces might be highly effective but they are just too straight, too white, and full of too much toxic masculinity.  We need to do something about that.”

The SEALs may never be able to hunt down another terrorist mastermind ever again, but at least they will have transgender representation in the unit.


This guy is ridiculously anti-Trump.



You already knew that, of course. But this is the guy who is going to diversify our Special Operations community.

Just wait until the new Navy SEALs think about Trump supporters the way the old SEALs thought about Bin Laden.

Mark my words, that’s the goal.


Democrat hypocrisy is a feature not a bug

Let’s start with this quote:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” – Theodore Dalrymple

Hypocrisy is another form of lying and dishonesty.  It’s saying one thing and doing another.

Like other political lies, the purpose is to humiliate the population.

Bill Clinton is beloved by feminists. He’s also a serial sex offender.

Andrew Cuomo is beloved as a pargon of good governors but killed his state’s residents, prioritized COVID tests and vaccines for him family, and engaged in multiple sexual assaults and harassment.

Joe Biden wants to crack down on guns and is held up as a decent and moral president but enriched himself through manipulating family, covered for his son’s gun crime, and is evidently every bit as corrupt as Clinton Inc.

There is a reason calling out Leftist hypocrisy doesn’t work on them, hypocrisy is the point.

It drives home the idea that we are peasants and the law applies to us but they are kings by divine right and are exempt from the laws they make.

A scandal is a right of passage or trial by fire for a Democrat.  If they come out the other end it proves they are powerful enough to play in the big leagues, if they go down they weren’t.

Cuomo won’t resign.  Biden won’t be removed.  Bill Clinton is rebooting his career again.

Al Franken just wasn’t ready to sit at the adults table and stepped down.

They lord their hypocrisy over us to humiliate us and proove they are untouchable.

Los Angeles removes the homeless from Echo Park. Awful treatment of the downtrodden.

Echo Park in Los Angeles had become another Blue Tarp Tent City and for reasons I did not care to research, the city of Los Angeles decided to have them removed. Of course, once the news hit the Social media nets, the Homeless activist who till them could not give two craps about the homeless other than posting insightful tweets and Instagram pictures, suddenly became incensed about their plight and protested the removal.

Police was present to see that the clearing was done and keep the crap to a minimun. Of course, “activists and cops ended up trading stupid.


This one was a particularly rather “moving” tweet: A vigil for the displaced!


And where were all these unfortunate people sent to live on the taxpayers coin? The L.A. Grand Hotel Downtown

Go to 15:44 for the hotel part or just watch the whole video.

This hotel. Notice the update indicating the hotel will be closed till January next year:

If you click here, you get to see the photos of the hotel and its amenities. I am telling you it is pure hell, 100% Concentration Camp-like facilities! How do you expect those poor homeless to live in this squalor?

You are a hardworking Los Angeles resident, pay up the ass in taxes and how do you see this and not have a stroke of pure anger is beyond me. And if you complain, you are just a White Supremacists that wants to see  poor people suffer and die and you are the one that should be in some prison upstate for hate crimes.