Month: August 2021

We’re not even leading from behind, other nations are showing us how it’s done in Afghanistan


The UK:

The Biden Administration is telling our people that they are on their own to get to the airport and they can’t guarantee a flight out if they do get there because they are first come first serve.

The Poles and the British are going in with armed military to extract their guys.

That’s how a country that cares about it’s citizens behaves.

I guess the only people the Biden Administration gives a shit about are the ones that give Hunter sincures.

This is absolutely fucking shameful.

I have a cousin who is a USAF Colonel and commercial airline pilot.

I am honestly tempted to crowd source getting an international cargo plane and some of the former operators I know down in Huntsville,  and flying to Kabul to repatriate our people and a shitload of NODs, guns, ammo.

I’d bet some of the contractors there would pay good money to have their tech and IP recovered.

Seriously A-Team a rescue because our government is just fucking off to nowhere.

Tell me you’re an anti-semite without telling me you’re an anti-semite

Maybe Jewish journalists know that Jew-haters won’t talk to them if they (the interviewee) knew that they (the Jewish journalist) was Jewish.

Remember how we saw multiple Olympians in Muslim countries forfeit rather than compete against an Israeli Jew?

That in media.

The fix for this is apparently making Jewish journalists wear yellow stars when they conduct interviews.

Yup, solid plan.

British MP kicks Biden’s ass

Nothing that he said was wrong and that is horrible.

Biden let down our allies.

The reputation of America has been destroyed.

For all the media bullshit that Trump was an embarrassment for the US on the international stage, it was Biden who actually sank America as a nation that could be trusted.


Have I mentioned how much I am liking Tennessee?

Yesterday I went to a local used book store because it is nearby and the name agrees with my age group and attitude.

Unfortunately they were unexpectedly close for some reason, but I did get a laugh at the business across the street which I suspect it belongs to the same person(s).

The RV is something I should have investigated.  Sort of like a DoorDash for bail money? Remote operations center?

Anyway, if you need to get out of jail and are bored and in need of some reading to pass the time till your release, you know who to call.

Our military leadership is a f**king joke. These men are empty suits covered with meaningless medals.

Mark Milley is a four-star general and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Lloyd Austin is a former four-star general, Director of Central Command, and current Secretary of Defense.

They are leaving American citizens behind in hostile territory with a shit-ass useless plan.

They are getting their asses handed to them by the media, who are apparently better tacticians than two four-star generals.

The look on Milley’s face was clearly “fuck, why didn’t I think of that?”

Our military once took on two enemies on three fronts on opposite sides of the world and won.

When our people were faced with destruction in Germany, we engaged in the largest airlift in history to protect them.

Now, our people are stuck in Kabul, and the two highest-ranking men in US Military have all four of their thumbs buried knuckle deep in their assholes.

What an utter, shameful, fucking disgrace.