Month: August 2021

Tell me you know nothing about guns or shooting sports without telling me you know nothing about guns or shooting sports


That is Russian Olympian Vitalina Batsarashkina, and the sport is women’s 10m air pistol.

ISSF shooting competitions (10m air pistol and 25m rimfire) are all done one-handed.

Also, it’s a 177 caliber air gun.

I bet this asshole also believes you shouldn’t own an AR-15 because it’s a weapon of war.



When your Race Card gets declined by reality

Space Jam 2:
Worldwide Box Office: $93,987,825
Domestic Box Office: $51,387,825
International Box Office: $42,600,000

Space Jam:
Worldwide Box Office: $250,180,384
International Box Office: $159,716,850
Domestic Box Office: $90,463,534

Black Panther:
Total worldwide gross: $1,346,913,161

Dear CaBron: Just because you are a conceited jackass and people refuse to spend money on a shitty movie you does not mean systematic racism at the box office. It simply means your movie is disappointing and you should stick to play b-ball. You are not the first athlete to venture in the movie business only to suck and crash.

Get over yourself.

PS: We still like Michael Jordan better.


Mask mandate in Chicago and other thoughts about Delta

A thought crossed my mind about the Delta variant and the new push for masks and restrictions: What if it is just an attempt to get a victory lap without even taking a spin in the go-kart? So far early indications are telling us that the vaccinations hold against Kung-Flu 2.0 and it is not as deadly as the original; so what if the Administration is just whipping some good old scaremongering  and then when the tragic things do not materialize, they simply claim it was because of their excellent efforts and mandates?

A con administration doing a con job on the Republic it is more than feasible.