Month: November 2021

Biden’s exacerbating actions on the supply chain crisis are purposeful and malicious

First this:

Then this:

Biden, or at least his handlers, know this.

They know that the vaccine mandate on truckers will hurt the supply even more.

Leon Trotsky said “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

We were supposed to obey, not just the vaccine mandate but the requirement to vote for Hillary Clinton.

We didn’t obey and so the Left is punishing us

Gas prices, food prices, empty shelves, the purpose is to squeeze us until we learn to never vote against them again.

This is a light touch version of the Holodomor.

They know it, they will continue to do it, your suffering is their goal.

This conclusion is inescapable, it is impossible for they to be so wrong by accident.

I don’t recommend, but I understand.


And if you favor King James’

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

And after living here in Non -Incorporated Middle TN for a few months, I understand why the home owner did what he do: There are a lot good and kind people still remaining in our world who will help a stranger in need.

I have met them.

God Bless them and keep them safe. In this particular case, the angel may have remained invisible and somehow protected the good man from a murderous devil who got in his house under false pretenses.

Ours is a struggle balancing between maintaining our basic goodness for our fellow Man and meeting strangers ready to do them harm in a shake of lamb’s tail if they show hostility or even become hermits altogether.

Nobody said there were easy answers available

Next: Mandatory Masks in the Showers and While Eating

An indoor mask mandate has been reinstated in Santa Cruz County, California, after a surge in winter coronavirus cases has led to increased hospitalizations.

The county health department is requiring that people wear face coverings in indoor settings, including in private homes.

Both people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who have not are required to wear face coverings indoors.

California’s Santa Cruz County mandates mask-wearing in private homes – TheBlaze

And suddenly I am wondering how hookers are going to deliver oral sex with a mask mandate.

It is California, I won’t even try to explain it.

Hat Tip Paul K.

I keep telling you these freaks are not transgender, they are perverts who rape through coercion instead of brute force

These are men who are trying to coerce lesbians into having sex with them using Woke language and the threat of cancelation.

I know many of you might say “so what, those are Leftist lesbians, why should I care?”

One, as a principle I stand against rapists.

Second, do you believe it will end with the lesbians?

Lesbians are low hanging fruit.  Being women, they are more inclined to avoid conflict and as Leftists are more susceptible to Woke jargon.  So it’s easier to use Woke language to coerce them into sex.

But eventually they will come for you children.

“That straight, cis-gender girl refused my advance, she needs to be canceled.”

We need to recognize this and know where it is going before it’s too late.

Gentlemen, fire up your woodchippers.