Month: November 2021

When you figure out too late who sold you that “solvent trap adapter”


Department of Homeland Security agents recently alerted authorities in Rockland County, which includes Airmont, that Downey had bought an illegal rifle suppressor over the internet — information that led to a raid that uncovered a room full of guns and gun parts, the district attorney’s office said.

A N.Y. Deputy Mayor Is Accused Of Amassing An Illegal Arsenal And Fake FBI IDs : NPR

And, of course, it does not help your freedom to have another couple of NFA items, “unregistered assault weapons” living in the great GFZ of New York State and a boatload of fake Federal and State IDs.

From past experience, if only ATF was involved, they would have dropped the charges and plea down to jaywalking or some other dumb stuff. But the Fibs do not appreciate the fake badges and probably will get more legally scorched that than anything else.

Play stupid games, end up wearing orange rompers.

Hat Tip Felipe W.

The evil of climate cultists on display

They destroy a mountain range.

Three scrubbed the life from a mountain rage and glazed it with photovoltaic cells.

They made the world an uglier place.

This is infinitely more of an abomination than a natural gas facility that emits plant food.

And you know that none of the mountains the elite vacation on will be glazed.

They will pit this in Appalachia and other places where the poor live and work do that we have no green spaces to enjoy  just the giant carbuncle of green energy monstrosities disfiguring our land.

If they are going to stop treating Republicans like they are normal I’m glad I became a Pinochetist

I could talk about the CHAZ/CHOP Summer of Love, ANTIFA, Mostly Peaceful Protests™, etc. But we all know the Left isn’t intimidated by hypocrisy.

I’m just going to say, make almost half of Americans and the political party that represents them untermenschen that can be ignored and abused and see how that works out.  Especially when that half of society owns most of the guns.

They don’t think these things through.

WCS101: HW1

The two most popular forms of wood chipper technology are disc chippers and drum chippers.  The preferred style generally depends on use.

Disc chippers are usually smaller and more fuel efficient.

Drum chippers are generally larger and process more material faster for high volume operations.

Consider the following:


Would you select disc or drum and explain why.

I’ve been thinking about intellectual property and social media

There are few things I hate more than Insagram bunnies.

In Huntsville I had to deal with NASA bunnies.

They have some version of “I fucking love space/science/STEM” captioned while they get the T&A on display in front of a Mercury capsule or Atlas engine.

I was ready recently about a tool bunny who poses with tools at job sites like she actually framed that wall.

It finally dawned on me why.

Exactly what about it pisses me off so much.

It’s a form of intellectual property theft.

That bunny might get half a million views.  She might get paid for those views and get sponsorships or ad revenue.

But what about the man who got $20/hr to frame that wall that she’s used as her background?

What does he get?

She used his labor to set up her photo shoot.

If I make something and someone comes along and uses it for a viral post, I want to get paid for that.

It’s the principle that those of us behind the scenes who make everything the influencer uses don’t get royalties for our labor that bothers me.

I want intellectual property law to assert that social media backgrounds belong to the creator of the background and are owed value.

If I create something and you pose on it and it goes viral, I want half of your ad revenue.

I believe I’m entitled to that.

If an influencer doesn’t want to give that up, then he/she can frame their own walls, build their own rockets, or pose in a blank white space.


I want to get into the CEO consulting game

I need to become a business consultant.

Call me the 48 hour CEO.

That’s the plan, I’m CEO for 48 hours, implement a few major changes, then leave.

My first customer should be Starbucks.

Like their coffee or hate it, they are ubiquitous, so if you’re out and want a hot beverage on a cold day, there is a good chance you’ll end up there.

Unfortunately, social media has ruined Starbucks.

The rise of “TikTok/Instagram drinks” and super complicated orders means one person can ruin everyone else’s day by making a barista take 10 minutes to make one monstrosity of a beverage.

Starbucks keeps saying that it supports customers making custom orders.

Sure it pisses off the baristas that Starbucks considers slave labor, but it also pisses off regular customers who wait for this drink to be made.

Since Starbucks has steered into the skid on this one, here’s my change.

“Ayone who orders a TikTok drink, secret menu item, or customizes a drink with three or more ingredient additions or changes will be given a $25 surcharge and 20% gratuity.”

If you want a 27 ingredient drink to post on TikTok or Instagram, it’s gonna cost you $50.

LAPD tells you to be a good victim. What did I just saw say about violence and the defense of property?

This public announcement from the LAPD:

“Do not resist the robbery suspects; cooperate and comply with their demands.”

“Do not chase or follow the robbery suspects out of your place of business or home. Leave the job of catching the suspects to the police.”

I wonder if those suggestions have anything to do with the first part “an increase in violent street robberies.”

I think so.

Also, the police have have given up on their job of catching robbery suspects since the state won’t prosecute or punish them.

The response to an attempted violent robbery should be copious amount of high velocity lead.  Unfortunately in LA County, that’s not possible.

No right to the tools of self defense and impotent police have turned every law abiding citizen into a victim waiting to be preyed upon.

Hence announcements like this.