Month: November 2021

Attempted jury intimidation stopped by the judge

I like this judge.

He will defend the justice system from the mob.

The next step will be the mob going after him.

I hope he has the fortitude to stand his ground.

We need more judges like him.

I refuse

I refuse to feel shame or guilty for things I did not do and that I don’t support, done by people I did not know before I was born.

I refuse to atone or pay reparations for those things.

Anyone who wants to make you feel shame or guilt for things you did not do is emotionally abusing and manipulating you.

I refuse.

Tell me it’s a social contagion without telling me it’s a social contagion

For decades the understood number of LGBT people was about 4% of the population.

Actual transgender individuals were around 0.02%.

Then two things happened, the rise of identity politics and victim culture, and along with that the creation of micro-sexualities.

As a result, we have created this social contagion monster.

Individual LGBT people are Individuals.  They may be good or bad, decent or scumbags, personable or misanthropic.  All people should be treated as such.

This however shows the problem of collectivism and identity politics.

We went from 4% to 40% LGBT in a generation, a generation that grew up and came of age on social media I should point out.

The thing that worries me is that this will mess these kids up (if it already hasn’t) and they will be permanently emotionally, and possibly physically, damaged.

Building an identity around your sexual proclivities and then trying to get victim status for it is unhealthy, but that’s where we are.

A society interested in its own success and self preservation would stamp this out overnight.


And I am done with the official dieting.

Since Thanksgivings is coming soon and the cold is playing with my metabolism (making me frigging hungry), my body and I have decided to call off the crusade for weight loss and sign off a peace treaty. I wanted to reach the 220 pounds (100 kilos) mark, but the body has been ornery and I have been stuck in 225-224 for the past 3 weeks.
The deal is to maintain the 225 +/- 2 pounds from now on and I don’t starve myself trying to go lower. I know I am still a good 40 pounds above what the doctors’ charts recommend, but screw it the doctors as they keep moving goalposts.
All in all, I can’t call a loss of 175 pounds but a good victory.

Today’s Rittenhouse trial news gets better

Ha ha ha, holy shit.

I wrote about this before.


After his buddy confessed to drawing on Kyle first, I guess Marshall wanted to get the fuck out of dodge before having to testify against his bro and getting him charged.

This is getting better by the day.

That’s not going to solve the problem

Like this guy?

Baldwin wants to transfer responsibility from an armorer to a cop.

That won’t prevent this from happening again.

The fundamental problem is transferring responsibility.

The guy with the gun in his hand always has the duty to check the weapon.


You are your own last line of defense.

Rittenhouse should get a summary dismissal in his favor

That’s it, case closed.

The guy that got half his bicep blown off just admitted it was a good shoot.

Go home Kyle, ya done good.

I love that the prosecutors look like they got kicked in the balls.

The only question I have left is who can Kyle sue for putting him through the ringer needlessly.