Month: November 2021

How you know your politician spends too much time on Twitter

AOC says Dem Election Day losses result of running ‘fully 100% super moderated campaign’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that Republican Glenn Youngkin won the Virginia gubernatorial election because Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe ran a “100% super moderated campaign” that didn’t “energize a progressive base.”

“We lost because we were not radical Leftist enough.”

Yes, absolutely.  Run on this.  Please.

Schools zones should encourage all children to engage in homosexual experimentation require them to cross dress as part of sex education, as young as kindergarten.

Stores should be prohibited from having gendered sections.  Not just toys but everything.  That can be a man’s brassiere and tampons as much as a woman’s.

Companies should encouraged to dumpster resumes from white male applicants by the Dept of Labor.

All white male college students should be given no higher that a C in any state school.

Doctors should be required to tell every pregnant person about the benefits of abortion during every prenatal visit.

Go balls to the wall.

Never hold back.

Energize the fuck out of the Progressive base.

Do it.  I beg you.


“Who are you going to believe: Me or your cheating eyes?”

Democrats and Liberals in full Gaslight mode.

Was it a collective hallucination induced by Trump? That has to be the answer right? There is no evidence that CRT even existed or that is a planned strategy fully prepared to take over schools and teach kids about Socialism Through Racism.

Click to enlarge

Hell, you can look online at the paper of record and cannot find mention of it, right?

And, of course, perish the thought that unscrupulous Liberals would latch to this CRT thing to make a side buck for themselves or their families.


I can see how that strategy is going to pay handsomely coming next elections.


When an enemy is making a mistake…..

No, you have not seen it, nor you want to see it.

What is this idiot talking about?


Armed? Violent? No sweet cheeks, that was a bunch of rowdy folks crashing in a party. And you looks and sound specially stupid by calling it a coup attempt against the United States when coups are directed against people in position of power, not against a whole country.

Whenever I hear idiots like this, I wish I could send his exaggerating ass to a Third World country in the midst of a real political shitstorm and just let them degust the aroma of rotting corpses piling up in streets mixed with the smell of burn propellant and  edifications in cinders while wondering if he was going to be sliced and diced by a machete-wielding mob or just plain shot by a military patrol for breaking curfew or just looking that stupid.

But then again this is the crowd that considers and unbearable hardship and develop PTSD if their Uber taking more than 15 minutes to arrive or that the barista addressed them with the wrong pronoun.

C’mon SCOTUS, you bunch of cowards, do it!

Supreme Court justices lean toward expanding right to carry a concealed gun in public

The Supreme Court’s justices, citing the “right to bear arms” in the 2nd Amendment, sounded ready Wednesday to strike down laws in New York and California that deny most gun owners permits to carry concealed guns in public.

Most of the justices said people who live in “high-crime areas” and fear for their safety should be allowed to carry a gun for self defense. And they said this applies equally to people who live in cities as well as in rural areas.

During their comments and questions, the court’s six conservative justices said they were skeptical of state and local officials who deny gun permits to law-abiding residents.

But a ruling in the New York case could be limited, however. The justices, both conservative and liberal, said they would not prevent cities or states from enforcing bans on guns in “sensitive places,” including subways, football stadiums and elsewhere.

At issue on Wednesday were laws in New York, California and six other states that limit who may obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun in public.

Typically gun owners are required to show they have a “special need” or “good cause” to be armed, not simply a general fear for their safety. In New York City and Los Angeles, these permits are rarely granted.

What I want is blanket shall issue.

That is the first step to full national reciprocity.

I would love for the Court to ram mandatory shall issue, including New York City, right up the Democrats’ asses.

I just know the Supreme Court has a tendency to be a bunch of pussies who don’t like to upset the norms.

But damn do I hope Court Conservatives grow a couple of pairs of balls between them and tell NYC to start issuing permits.

At least our Marines know their pronouns

I’m no longer embarrassed by shit like this:

Royal Marines commandos force US troops into a humiliating surrender just days into mass training exercise in Mojave desert

British forces took part in a five-day mock battle at the US Marine Corps’ Twentynine Palms base in southern California, one of the largest military training areas in the world, and achieved a decisive victory against their American counterparts.

The Royal Marines, along with allied forces from Canada, the Netherlands and the UAE, destroyed or rendered inoperable nearly every US asset and finished the exercise holding more than 65 per cent of the training area, after beginning with less than 20 per cent.

Combatants used paintball-style training ammunition, which fires with reduced pressure and velocity, along with hi-tech simulators for heavier firepower like artillery, and live ammo on expansive ranges.

Seeing no opportunity for victory, American combatants asked for the exercise to be ‘reset’ halfway through the five-day exercise, having taken significant casualties from British commandos.

You can either teach combat tactics or Critical Race Theory and gender neutral pronouns.

You can’t do both.

Our Marines lost on their home turf.

That’s not embarrassing.

That is demonstrative of just out much our military leadership has failed us.

This is Millennium Challenge 2.0.

Our entire military 0-5 and above needs an overhaul.

Honestly, every command level officer involved in this, going all the way up to the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be prosecuted criminally.

On the bright side though, if everything goes to shit and they turn the military against us, we will have a solid chance at victory.