Month: January 2022

Dear Home Town Gun Mart, a question. (UPDATE: Blog readers identify a possible scam site)

Do you know somebody by the name of John Nick?

Click to enlarge.

I do not appreciate anybody trying to abuse my comments’ section with spam, even if it is gun related. Basic courtesy and professionalism say you contact the site owner first, issue bonafides and ask him/her if it is OK to offer your goods.  Speaking of professionalism, how come I can’t find an email address in your ‘Contact Us’ page?

Dick move.

UPDATE: Read the comments for possible scam site warnings.

Why carry two knives?

We were talking about knives in Facebook and a couple of us mentioned we carry two of them. I was asked why and after I was done, i realized I could use the exchange as a blog post and maybe it could help somebody make a decision about carrying blades.

My “social carry” blades. depending one how I feel or where I wear, I carry one of these most of the times when I go out:

From the top: Kershaw Leek, Kershaw Fatback and Kershaw Strata. OK, so I like Kershaws

And my utility blade:

These were my explanations during the chat:

Most people, the moment they see the little cross in the red shield denoting a Swiss Army Knife, they just think Boy Scouts or camping and don’t worry much. Mind you, this is a respectable main blade that is one-hand opening locks just like your tactical knife, but there is no association with danger-ZOMG-Assassin-Blade! for normal people.
The other knives look menacing which in my personal experience have come handy to change the mind of critters thinking I was a victim. Whatever I am carrying does not come out unless I am back home and has to be put away or I need it to modify somebody’s aggressive behavior.

And, of course, those do not include blades I have all over the house and inside the truck. There be blades everywhere because sometimes they are easier to reach or you dumb plumb forgot to have one with you.

I almost forgot the official House Carry:

When you carry a blade, you are a useful individual. How many times a day do you find yourself trying to remove/open/trim/reduce/etc something and you can’t because simply you do not have the proper tool AKA a blade?

And if you carry at least one, how many times daily do we see people struggling with something and we say to ourselves “How come this person does not have a simple knife or even a box cutter?”

I am betting she never got spanked as a child

And probably was told to “stops acting out” when throwing a temper tantrum in the supermarket because mommy did not want to buy her favorite candy bar of sugary cereal. And I just know mommy gave up every single time.

This story really makes me want to feed the chipper with Covidians

Palm Beach therapist sees increase in children’s speech delays during COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say putting a face mask on your child is a critical tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19, however, some in the health community are now sounding an alarm.

Therapists say they are seeing children with speech delays.

“This has been a very challenging year,” said Jaclyn Theek, a clinic director and speech-language pathologist at the Speech and Learning Institute in North Palm Beach.

She said that during this pandemic, her speech therapy clinic has seen an enormous shift in the ages of its patients. Before the pandemic, only 5% of patients were babies and toddlers, while today it’s soared to 20%. Many parents call it “COVID-delayed.”

“We’ve seen a 364% patient increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers from pediatricians and parents,” Theek said.

When asked if they are children having a difficult time speaking, Theek said they are “speech-delayed.”

Babies start learning how to speak by reading lips at as young as 8-months-old. So when lips and faces are covered up by masks, therapists say for some kids, they can work around the mask and still learn to speak perfectly fine. But for others, it can cause speech delays.

To compound this problem, some places are requiring speech therapists to be masked while doing speech therapy, which makes it effectively useless.

This hits very close to home for me.

My son is very smart.  He’s 7 years old and in the second grade.  He’s doing 4th grade math (multiplication, division, and fractions) and has read the first three Harry Potter books (6th grade level).

Early on, he was tested for special education because he had a language issue.  He had an inner ear problem and was speech delayed.  A minor surgery and speech therapy later, he’s doing advanced work.

Speech delays and communication problems can be confused for slow learning and intelligence deficiencies.

All of this brought about by mask mandates which turned out to be totally useless.

We let a bunch of septuagenarian and octogenarian politicians create a cult of fear around Covid that had destroyed every level of child development.

This shit makes my blood boil.

Ever story like this makes me want to put every Covidian to the wall for what they did to children.

It seems Smart Guns have been here all along and we did not notice.

Really? We have not only smart guns but sentient ones that go in search of police officers and kills them without human intervention. Are they going to hire the NY equivalent of Blade Runners?

Or maybe idiots like Hochul should stop saying stupid stuff and acknowledge that they do not have the fortitude to go after criminals and tell people they are on their own.

PS: She has to quit the Botox. There was something wrong about her (besides being a Liberal) and somebody pointed out her eyebrows never move.

When you shoot yourself in the foot and now have to stop the bleeding


If the omicron variant continues to spread across Tennessee, hospitals may soon turn to a strategy that once felt unthinkable: Letting infected employees stay on the job. Hospitals across the state could ask doctors and nurses who are infected with coronavirus but still well enough to keep working to continue to treat patients.

To be clear, this strategy is a desperate one. It has been recommended as a “last resort” by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and recently employed by some embattled hospitals in California and Rhode Island.

In Tennessee, where hospital staff are in short supply, multiple hospitals have considered allowing infected but asymptomatic employees to keep working, said Andrea Turner, a spokesperson for the Tennessee Hospital Association.

This week in COVID-19: Hospitals may let infected employees keep working (

In the search for the perfect COVID purity, the health systems went stupid to the point of almost uselessness. The problem is people are still getting sick from the regular stuff, but there is nobody to take up the slack because they were sent away. “Infected but asymptomatic” simply means they caught the bug and belong to the almost 99% of those who either are immune to the bug or their bodies took care of it. They are in other words, healthy individuals capable of doing work and take care of others, but in the search of the COVID purity (part and parcel of the COVID theater of Horror), were set aside as impure, but now are desperately needed.

I hope when this shit ends, the lesson learned is how fucked up the approach to fighting a sickness was done and how to never do it again. And I firmly believe that the final count of those who dies from other infirmities but could not be treated or prevented, will be tenfold the number of those who died from the Chink Flu.

And that head should roll high and far for it. And that is not a figure of speech.

Maybe Gavin Newsom can team up with OJ Simpson to find the real killer too

The far Left Democrat Governor of California, a state with a super-majority far Left Democrat legislature, and filled with far Left Democrat prosecutors, wants to know why gangs of organized criminals are robbing trains and making California look like many other “third world countries” run by Leftists/Socialists, e.g., Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

Clearly it’s not his fault.  He was only the Lieutenant Governor in 2014 when California passed Propositions 47.

He’s going to get to the bottom of this, which means finding a Republican to scapegoat and publicly sacrifice.