Month: January 2022

Tell me how thick your bubble is and you don’t understand what conservatives think at all – a follow-up

Yesterday I published a post I don’t think this Dem Oklahoma State Rep gets it so I made some meme to explain it to him.

In it I included this meme:


The responses to his Tweet were almost universally the same.

Today we have a follow-up.

Here is the takeaway:

The Left has absolutely no idea what Conservatives actually believe and instead believe Conservatives are the bullshit strawmen they make them out to be.  The Left then projects the worst aspect of their side onto the Conservatives.  They do this because the Leftist bubble is so thick and their echo chamber is so loud that reality rarely penetrates it.

In this case the Left’s mantra is that the Right wants to ban abortion because the Right hates women and wants to control them.

This bill also assumes that Conservative men are like Leftist men when it comes to sexual morals, i.e., easy sex and hookup culture.

This bill was supposed to scare Conservatives, i.e., “you’ll be financially responsible for the women you knock up when you sleep around.”

If he actually knew any Conservatives he’d know that Conservatives are anti-hookup culture and pro-marriage.  That isn’t a talking point, that’s real.

But he doesn’t actually know any Conservatives or understand what we think so made up a bill that attacked his strawman idea of Conservatives, and when we reacted with completely support if his bill, he had to pull it before it was passed overwhelmingly by the Oklahoma House.

This is a microcosm of politics in America.

If you want to understand why there is no more compromise and why I say we need a national divorce, it’s because their side doesn’t operate in reality but an echo chamber filled with Conservative strawmen.

The Biden administration makes it clear who their supporters really are

The latest Quinnipiac poll show Biden has an approval rating of 33% and only 28% over voters want him to run for reelection.

Who are these people?

Who is the Biden support demographic?

Jen Psaki just told us.

Rich bored white women from the cities and suburbs with disposable income and a penchant for day drinking.

He’s the wine mom president.


Covidians are human garbage

Generally I like the NY Post but not official cause of death has been released.

And to be fair Meatloaf was a 74 year old fat guy known to have had a heart problem and a long history of drug use, all the hallmarks of a legendary Rockstar of the 70’s and 80’s.

So there is no guarantee that even multiple vaccinations would have done anything for a man who had literally all the co-morbidities for fatal COVID.

Nevertheless, this Covidian has to dance on a man’s grave for being a heretic to the religion of Covid Fear and Compliance.

These people are utter garbage.

I didn’t think Austin and Milley could be this stupid and greedy but they are

I underestimated the greedy stupidity of Secretary of Raytheon Stonks Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Leaving Americans in Afghanistan Mark Milley.

In President Eisenhower’s farewell address in 1961 he said:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Austin and Milley are the physical embodiment of that.

So whats the latest news about our foreign policy?

Oh great…

Russia has nuclear tipped hypersonic missiles that can totally evade our missile defense systems.

We do not have equivalent weapons.  We spent two decades shooting medieval goat fuckers in the desert, we abandoned our development of strategic weapons.

(Probably because our top strategic enemy is China and the Chinese have successfully purchased our political class who would never sign off on developing weapons to use against their cash cow.)

So now we’re picking a fight with a nation with missile technology superior to ours, with a military that doesn’t teach its soldiers Critical Race Theory or list their preferred pronouns, over some country in Eastern Europe that happened to have been at the heart of a corruption scandal involving bribing the crackhead son of the current president.

Anyone else get the feeling we’re getting close to playing Fallout IRL Edition just so that a lot of corrupt assholes can keep lining their pockets?

Maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight but we could have squeezed Russia’s balls hard by blocking their pipeline to Germany and selling natural gas from Texas to Germany cheap.

But that doesn’t pump Raytheon Stonks.

We’re only six months out from having the Taliban step on our dicks and these guys are now playing chicken with the Ruskies.

Remember when Obama said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

We about to find out just how bad he can fuck things up.

Discreet EDC System

Some of the places I have to go for work are Gun Free Zones and some are not, but you can tell they would frown on Carry. My solution after a bit of research was this: Reminton RM380 in a Galco Tuck-N-Go 2.0 holster and 2 spare mags in a Sticky Holsters double mag pouch.

When not regularly clipped to my belt, the holster can be removed quickly and slip in the pants’ pocket without problem. The mags do stay inside a pocket all the time, but the pouch keeps them secured and oriented to my liking.  If the location is fully GFZ, I can remove all quickly and secure it in a gun box without having to do the Disarming Macarena/Strip Tease in the parking lot.

Sharing in case somebody needed an idea for his/her own EDC.