Month: January 2022

Sorry for the lack of Posting and Biden’s Jeopardy meme.

Today was a very rare day: I actually woke up at my usual 2 AM for no effing reason, did some little stuff around the house (quietly) but I actually said to myself “Just go back to bed another hour and then go hit the gym.”

I woke up at 9 am at which time I was informed by SWMBO to get my brain engaged and get dressed as I was going with her to the Big Box Wholesale Retailer of her choice.

Beef is still brutally expensive; pork is still affordable, so I got us a 10-pound loin and other assorted things. Of course, it meant that when we got home, i had to cut the pork and bag it in usable portions.

Anyway, I am alive and cold. This temp shit in the 20s is no fun.

Oh yes, the meme:


The only New York transplant that will be welcomed in the Dakotas

New York has become such a Leftist shithole I doubt Teddy Roosevelt wanted to stay there anyway.

He’s probably the only New Yorker that could move from Manhattan to the Dakotas and be welcomed.

I’m just stuck on the fact NYC had to drape Teddy in curtains because his visage, which has been there for 83 years, is now too offensive to be seen.


Vaccine Child Heroes

In Orwell’s magnum opus, 1984, Child Heroes were children who turned in their parents for committing a thought crime.

Both the Soviets and Nazis weaponized children against their parents.

The Covidians are doing the same thing.

The point was never to stop the virus. The point was always control.

Now we are at the Child Heroes stage of this operation for social dominance.

We voted this tyranny in.  I’m thinking were getting close to having to shoot our way out.

Go Woke go broke – Carhartt edition (because everything is stuipd)

In case you missed the news, Carhartt brand clothing decided that it was still going to enforce a company wide mandatory vaccine policy despite the mandate being struck down by the Supreme Court.

Carhartt is a workwear company known for jeans and heavy duty work clothes for agriculture, construction, and other hard working blue collar people.

The hard working blue collar demographic is very anti-vaccine mandate and conservative leaning.

So immediately, the Right decided that they will no longer buy Carhartt workwear.

Fine, that’s people’s decision, and frankly, it’s good to see the Right push back against Left leaning Woke corporations.

The Left decided that they will retort by buying Carhartt to support them.

This is leading to lots of neurotic, Leftists white women in beanies.

The Carhartt stocking cap overnight has become the new pussy hat.

Once the item of clothing worn under a hard hat at a construction site in cold weather, it is now the hat of the triple vaxxed, Leftist wine mom or cat lady who wears a mask in her car and her her pronouns in her bio.


I wonder how much profit is to be made off white Progressives buying beanies compared to losses from blue collar workers not buying actual workwear?

I wonder how Carhartt executive management if feeling about this decision right now?


It’s always the places you can’t carry where you need a gun the most – murderous vagrants in LA edition


LAPD identifies Brianna Kupfer’s ‘killer’ as a career criminal with dozens of arrests who was out on $1K bail as they tell public not to approach ‘armed and dangerous’ suspect and launch manhunt

Los Angeles police have identified the suspect wanted in the fatal stabbing of UCLA grad student Brianna Kupfer, who was brutally slain at her job in a luxury furniture store.

Shawn Laval Smith, 31, was named by LAPD on Tuesday night as the suspect captured on video in chilling footage as he calmly purchased a vape pen from a 7-Eleven just 30 minutes after the cold-blooded murder.

Brianna was stabbed to death on Thursday afternoon while working alone at the Croft House store on La Brea, just minutes after she texted a friend that a man in the store was ‘giving her a bad vibe’.

Smith is a career criminal with a long rap sheet spanning both coasts, and is currently free on a $1,000 bond from a misdemeanor arrest in Los Angeles County in October 2020, sheriff’s records show.

The nature of that charge wasn’t immediately clear, and it was also unclear why the case still hadn’t been brought to a trial or a plea deal 15 months later.

Despite his neat and well-kept appearance, cops say they strongly suspect the suspect is homeless, based on his travel on foot as well as information they declined to reveal.

Police say the wanted man was seen walking all throughout the area and entering several stores, speculating that he chose to attack Brianna after he found her working alone.


LA nurse, 70, who died after being beaten by homeless man, 48, then falling and hitting her head while waiting on bus to work

Friends and colleagues have been mourning a veteran Los Angeles nurse who was randomly struck in the face without provocation by a homeless man as she waited for a bus to take her to work last week.

Sandra Shells, 70, succumbed to her injuries three days later on Sunday at LAC+USC Medical Center, where she worked for 38 years.

Police arrested Kerry Bell, 48, a transient man with criminal histories in multiple states, charging him in connection with Shell’s death.

Shells was attacked by a homeless man at about 5.15 a.m. on Thursday near Vignes Street and Cesar Chavez Avenue, half a mile away from Union Station, while she was waiting to catch a bus to her job at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Bell, her suspected attacker, allegedly punched Shells in the face, leading the nurse to hit her head on the ground, likely striking it against the concrete. As a result of her fall, Shell suffered a fractured skull.

Bell has one prior arrest in Los Angeles, but multiple prior arrests in several other states, according to the LAPD.

Two women, two days, two vagrants in LA with multiple criminal convictions and arrests out on bail.

Both had prior convictions out of state and moved to LA.  Shawn Laval Smith was from Charlotte, NC.

Also, Shells’ killing is another example of the dangers of a single punch to the face.

LA is a shithole where criminal vagrants go to prey upon innocent people and not face serious impediment to their lifestyle from government.

It’s like Escape From LA,  except that Escape From LA is actually preferable to this since at least there were no innocent civilians in LA for the criminals to attack.

Fred Guttenberg is still a POS

Parkland parent activist Fred Guttenberg is a piece of shit.

I feel bad that the man lost his son but he has turned his grief into hate attacking everyone who didn’t kill his son.

Maybe Guttenberg is ignorant of the situation but it’s his Secretary E-Thot that started that.

According to the NY Post:

In an appearance on NPR’s Friday Roundup Podcast, Fried was asked about having previously referred to the Republican governor an “authoritarian dictator” by co-host Melissa Ross, a reporter at WJCT in Jacksonville.

“He is doing everything possible to take power away from local governments, taking away people’s abilities to protest, making it harder to vote, talking about, you know, banning books,” Fried responded.

“That’s what dictators do. Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people, and, you know, that, I’m sorry, I’m a student of history, too. I saw the rise of Hitler.”

Yeah… DeSantis is just like Hitler because he’s against government mandates and creating a two tier society?

But it gets better.

From Florida Politics:

The ADL said Fried’s comments were ‘inappropriate and offensive.’
The Anti-Defamation League of Florida issued a strong statement Sunday rebuking Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried for comparing Gov. Ron DeSantis to Adolf Hitler.

Christina Pushaw mocked Nikki Fried for a statement so obscene that the ADL had to criticize a Democrat on behalf of Ron DeSantis.

And Guttenberg wants her fired for it.

And he doubled down:

I’ll say it again, I feel terrible for Fred Guttenberg for the murder of his son.

That’s not an excuse to be a hyper-partisan, hypocritical piece of shit, who uses his Judaism to attack Ron DeSantis’ press secretary for mocking the antisemitic statement of DeSantis’ Democrat opponent but not criticize Democrat herself.

And we have another Smart Gun and another failure

Gun Control advocates and the Media were giggling with joy at the announcement that a new Smart Gun was available and that this time for sure was going to work thus ending once for all Gun Violence… or some recycled horse hit like that. And as usual, the ignorance of the Media shows that the gun was actually less than perfect. I guess they forgot to edit that out or did not know what they were looking at.

Did you see the gun failing to fire at the end? Here is the video for future reference:


Some smart guy, probably Clint Smith said something like

The two loudest gun sounds you’ll ever hear: A gun going “BANG” when it is supposed to go “CLICK” and a gun going “CLICK” when it is supposed to go “BANG.

Ain’t that the truth.