Month: January 2022

Hanging around stupid places with stupid people…

Piece of advice to young men everywhere: No piece of ass is worth getting shot. That goes double if the women do not know how to behave like ladies and instead act “like a common flathrag on payday.”

The Tennessean and the Non-Spike of Deaths in Nursing Homes: You can almost detect the disappointment.

There is an air of ghoulish desperation with this people. Tennessee is not following the Pandemic Gospel According to Fauxci and thus it should have the bodies of the People, especially the elderly stacked inside refrigerated trailers but somehow that has not happened which is a threat to The COVID Theater of Horror’s Narrative.

That is bad, but it is worse when it is being reported that Lockdown, Masked and Vaccinated Michigan under the Gracious Ruling of Sainted Governor Whitmer has been doing a Governor Cuomo and playing with the numbers of deaths in Nursing Homes.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) underreported the number of people who died from COVID-19 in long-term care facilities by 30%, according to a report from the state’s auditor general.

The report identified 8,061 COVID-linked deaths in long-term care (LTC) facilities, up from the 5,675​ previously self-reported LTC deaths as of July 2, 2021.

The spread between the two figures is actually 42%, but the auditor’s report spent several pages explaining why the state’s responsibility for undercounting was 30%.

Michigan nursing home COVID deaths underreported by 30% under Whitmer | Just The News

This is why more and more people are doubting all this effing idiocy with Kung Flu, and unfortunately some of those who are really sensitive to the virus will not take the necessary precautions because the confidence in the leadership has been shot due to OD by political Bullshit.

People need to stop posting their fetishes online

This is a humiliation fetish.  These white Leftists want to be made uncomfortable.  This serves no actual purpose in making America better.  Its just a way for white Leftists who are too young to have been Civil Rights activists to get their rocks off.

Honestly, I want to capitalize on this.

Maybe buy a cotton farm in Alabama and host a retreat where wealthy white Progressives pay to have black dominatrixes dressed in plantation garb wip them and make them pick cotton for a weekend.

Then at the end they get a certificate saying they are certified not racist.

For a some more money they can have anti-racist CBT after dark.

Let these people indulge in their humiliation fetish without destroying society.

The Germans are going to elect someone worse than Hitler and this is why

This is not a parody, it’s from a European sexual health website.

I don’t believe most German men do want to have gay sex with anyone, let alone an immigrant from North Africa or the Middle East.

Shit like this is why there is a growing Far Right/neo-Fascist pushback in Europe.

It will be terrible and it will be a result of the Woke Progressive Left being crazy and unable to moderate itself.

Taking a dive to the deep mental end while holding an anvil

Not a parody.

I never heard of these people till today and I have to thank Scrappycrow for sharing this bout of idiocy. To say the owner has a serious mental issue via TDS would be underselling it. Here is the whole email.

Some excerpts:

Remember after George Floyd’s murder the anger and righteous outrage that swept across America? Remember how Black Lives Matter stepped in and redirected that anger into peaceful protests that millions of Americans from across all walks of life participated in, amassing a hundred million human-hours of peaceful protest?




Remember how Republicans, going against a mountain of evidence to the contrary, once again lied and said BLM wasn’t a peaceful movement but instead terrorists inciting violence throughout the country and then raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person? What a bunch of racists.

If you’re a part of a party that does everything it can to make it harder for Black people to vote, gerrymanders the value of minority votes down into a small fraction of the value of white votes in state houses and in the US House of Representatives, and are willing to vote for candidates of the party that nominated a man for president who explained why he was launching his campaign by saying: “Mexicans are rapists and murderers,” the Racist label is one you will deservingly wear every day you stand with them. Get used to it, or maybe instead, become a better person. The choice is yours. We will be here rooting for you to Choose Love.

I do believe this person would love to see us dead. This much derangement and hate will lead to somebody’s early demise, and I am hoping it is the owner’s via a stroke or a heart attack. Unchristian of me? Fuck yes, but I am not giving chance or quarters to a crazy asshole like that who twisted the truth in such a fashion it will make it “morally” right to have us erased.

PS: Apparently the sister had enough of the crazy shit and opened her own spice company devoid of politics.