Month: January 2022

This is just too on the nose

In DC, you can guarantee that the least knowledgeable and competent people are the ones who try and run the show.

Any person interested in gun rights know the phrase “shoulder thing that goes up.”  Because it’s always the people who know the least about guns that want to make gun laws.

Small business is regulated by people who have never made a payroll or worked in the private sector.

But this incompetence is just telling.

Of course she’ll get the job because who else should regulate cars than an octogenarian who can’t drive?

The fifth column in the Jewish community

The last 48 hours has been really bad for me in terms of Lefty Jews hand wringing about everything but an antisemitic Islamist terrorist hostage incident at a Synagogue.

It’s crystal clear that Leftist Jews want Jews to be less safe, more open to attack, and therefore more likely to die.

I thought that Ariel Gold of IfNotNow or Rabbi Ruttenberg were peak Yevsektsiya, but I think i found the worst.

It started with this (now deleted) obscenity:


I am almost at loss for words.

Ignore for a moment that she is factually wrong about Kyle Rittenhouse, the idea that a SWAT team should not take out a guy who took hostages at gunpoint and threatened to blow up the building with bombs because said hostage taker didn’t actually kill anyone is beyond the pale of reason.

Of course, in her world, the only reason there police would shoot a man who took four hostages at gunpoint and threatened to detonate bombs is anti-Pakistani racism and Islamophobia.

I looked into this woman’s other Tweets and she is evil.

She has a seething hatred of white (Ashkenazi) Jews.

Every post in reference to the Colleyville Synagogue hostage crisis is either to defend Islam from criticism or criticize white Jews for wanting security with the accusation that wanting security is racist against Jews of color.

Her statement “white Jews to sit with the fact that your experiences with antisemitism do not make you People of Color, that Jews of Color do, in fact, exist, and that this language hurts us.”  Is particularly disgusting.

Ashkenazi Jews, that is Jews of Central and Eastern Europe (including Russia) were not considered white.  The entire basis of Hitler’s Final Solution was that Jews were not ethically European.

Only very recently did the Left decide that Jews are white and only because of socioeconomic reasons.

Now here is this person lumping Ashkenazi Jews in with white people explicitly to deny us any minority status or sympathy.

“When you talk about “the Jewish community” has come to inherently mark whiteness as a basis for Jewish humanity.”  This is upside-down as the basis for ghettoizing the Jewish community was that white supremacists told us we were not white.

So I’ve been trying to figure this person out.

She has put more effort in the last 48 hours to attacking white Jews for being racist than criticizing antisemitic terrorism.

Nearly a third of her Tweets are about solidarity with the Palestinians.

The rest are anti-Zionist lies.

What I’m about to do is Taboo but I feel like I must do it.

In Judaism, a Jew is a Jew.  Someone who converted yesterday is just as much of a Jew as someone who can trace their lineage back to the forefathers.

To question a convert or suggest they are not Jewish is a taboo, but I’m going to do it.

This person clearly hates the majority of the US Jewish population because of our skin color.

She obviously hates Israel and Zionism.

She defends Islam and stumps for Palestinians.

I think she converted to be a fifth column.

She can say the most vicious and vile things about the Jewish community and then say “but I’m a Jew.”

I think she’s a racist antisemite who converted for cover.

And I think the Lefist Jewish community that embraces her is welcoming in a fifth column.

At a time like this after an attack on Jews we should come together in solidarity.

Understand that our enemies see us as monolithic.

That’s why Islamists attack Jews around the world.  When some Palestinian supporter stabs a Jew in London, Paris, or Berlin, or beats up a Jew in New York City or South Florida, they believe they are striking a blow against Israel because all Jews everywhere are equal targets.

This hostage taker in Texas proved that when he attacked a Synagogue in Texas, in part, because he hated Israel.

At that same moment we have Leftist Jews inside the Jewish community attacking white Jews as white supremacists for wanting to be safe in our houses of worship.

I cannot stress this enough.  Leftist Jews are out to destroy our community.  Dividing it along racial lines at the very instant we sound have unity and demanding we make ourselves weaker and more vulnerable.

The Left fervently believes that the only good Jew is the dead Jew because a dead Jew is a victim, and they want to make us all into good Jews.

If you need to watch something worth your time: 1883.

Since it is the creation of Taylor Sheridan, who already has under his belt the script of Sicario and is the creator of both Yellowstone and The Mayor of Kingstown, I decided to pay for Paramount+ and take the chance it was in the same pedigree.

Holy crap, it is damned good. It tells the story of the Dutton family crossing the plains with a caravan. It is narrated by the Elsa who is the daughter of James and Margaret Dutton played by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. And if you are wondering if a couple of Country singers can pull a good acting job, holy crap they do amazingly well. And then you have Sam Elliot doing perhaps his best acting and that is a lot to say if you have followed the guy’s career.

First, amazing script. No punches pulled and great story which makes for good watching. This quote is from the last episode “Fangs of Freedom”:

I think cities have weakened us as a species. Mistakes have no consequences there. Step into the road without looking, and the carriage merely stops or swerves. The only consequence, an angry driver. But here, there can be no mistakes because here doesn’t care. The river doesn’t care if you can swim. The snake doesn’t care how much you love your children, and the wolf has no interest in your dreams. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown. If you get too close, you will be bitten. If you are too weak, you will be eaten.

Production values, scenery, weapons, etc. so far to my untrained eye is top notch and accurate. It feels very real even if you know is all a made-up story.

With the total lackluster of decent TV in broadcast, cable and streaming, this is one of the few jewels for you to enjoy.

The Godfather, 50th Anniversary

I was too young for the Venezuelan movie theater rating system to see it when it came out back way then. After that I saw it once or twice in crappy movie houses and I believe they were 16 mm copies rather than a full 30 mm theatrical release film. Other than that, I have only seen The Godfather in TV screens and I have The Godfather – The Coppola Restoration Blu-ray. So, watching The Godfather fully restored into 4K UHD in the huge screen is something I have to do.


What the absolute f*ck is wrong with Biden

Holy fucking shit!

Martin Luther King Jr was perhaps the most important civil rights activist of the 20th Century.

George Floyd was a criminal who ODed under a cop during a traffic stop and who’s death was used to foment riots for the malicious and calculated purpose of making Donald Trump look bad.

I guess this is a Freudian slip by Biden that shows he doesn’t actually care about MLK or civil rights, but whatever helped take out Donald Trump was most important.

It must be his senility that caused him to admit that.

But seriously, what the actual fuck?!


I have no additional information but it is important to take this shit seriously.

Be prepared.

Be armed.

Be on the lookout.

You are your first and last lines of defense.