Month: January 2022

I am grateful for his honesty

He puts Chinese money over Uyghur lives.

As long as his team gets royalties from sales of merchandise in China he doesn’t care what crimes against humanity they commit.

We all knew this, of course, but the honesty he has in admitting it is freeing.

From now on, any time an NBA player shots on America and tires to manipulate us with Woke platitudes, simply refer them to this video and tell them to go fuck themselves.


The Biblical Basis for Self-Defense – Kevin Creighton

I believe that armed self-defense is an extension of the Christian’s mandate to protect the innocent, to “watch over widows and orphans in their distress.” No one doubts that a policeman who carries a gun and watches over society can do such things and still be a Christian: Why, therefore, is there any doubt that an armed individual like me can carry a gun and watch over a small portion of society (my family) and yet still have a deep, abiding faith in God?

The Biblical Basis for Self-Defense – Ricochet

Go read the whole thing.

I like to say I am the most peaceful man you will ever know, but I am not a Pacifist.  Not understanding that difference can be hurtful to your health and ability to remain above room temperature. This does not counter the doctrine of the Catholic Church or any real Christian belief. It does piss off something fierce the Lefties using alleged Christian values and political jump points for the most antichrist behavior they can think of.

Woke means prioritizing a transgender rapist over his victims

Woke LA DA George Gascon says he doesn’t want to send transgender woman, 26, who sexually assaulted girl, 10, when she was 17 to adult jail over fears she’ll be attacked because of her gender identity

A mentally disturbed transgender woman who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl could be allowed to serve her sentence under house arrest, after the Los Angeles County district attorney refused to prosecute the 26-year-old as an adult for the crime committed shortly before their 18th birthday.

Tubbs was a boy named James when, on New Year’s Eve in 2014, he spotted a 10-year-old girl at a Denny’s in Palmdale, California.

He followed the girl into the bathroom, held her by the throat and forced his hand down the girl’s pants. He only stopped when someone came into the restroom, and then ran away before he could be stopped. He was two weeks off his 18th birthday at the time – with Gascon refusing to sentence Tubbs as an adult because the defendant was 17 when the attack took place.

Hannah Tubbs pleaded guilty to the 2014 crime after being charged in early 2020, and will be sentenced later this month.

But Gascon has said that he will not press for jail time in an adult facility, as the crime was committed while Tubbs was a minor.

Tubbs instead faces a stay at a juvenile custody facility – even though she is too old for juvenile hall – or will be granted probation at a court, according to the LA Times.

Gascon told the outlet he was concerned Tubbs could be victimized in an adult facility as a trans woman and said a probation report recommended she be sentenced to home confinement.

So in LA, being trans and raping a 10-year-old girl carries the same penalty as not getting vaccinated.  At home lockdown.

This is why I advocate for immediate woodchippering of pedophiles.

You don’t have to worry about their gender or how they will be treated in gen-pop.

The woodchipper does not discriminate.  All pedophiles are reduced to the same size chunks.

The Yevsektsiya are Leftists and Leftists only like defenseless, and therefore dead, Jews. Fortunately, Jews seem to be waking up to that fact.

Miguel sent me this Tweet:

Two points:

1 – Clearly Jews are learning the importance of self defense and not relying on others in an immediate crisis.

2 – Clearly being in a pro-gun, concealed carry state makes a difference.   The Jews of NYC and LA can’t carry if they wanted to.

But I decided to dig into this thread a bit.

Here is how it unfolded.

It was a response to a Tweet by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg.  I’ve written about Rabbi Ruttenberg before.

She is the Wokest of the Woke Rabbinate.  A true, dyed in the wool Yevsektsiya.

She spent four year explaining exactly how Donald Trump was the second coming of Adolf Hitler and the real meaning of Judaism is to stump for Democrats, taxpayer provided abortion, open boarders, and gun bans.

This time around Rabbi Ruttenberg us advocating for total Synagogue disarmament, including getting rid of police, to make Jews safer.

I will agree with Rabbi Ruttenberg on one detail, the Waffen NYPD is a threat to the Jewish community.

The rest, however, is bullshit.

If you go into the articles she quotes, they are filled with gems like this:

The white Jewish community is a racist community, not much different than any other majority-white space in America. It’s a hard truth, but denying it is useless to everyone except those who benefit from it. Pretending otherwise is disrespectful to the experiences of Jews of Color, which have been well-documented. White congregants may not be police officers, but they often carry the same bias towards people of color and black people. With guns, their bias could still get someone killed.

I spoke to Kai*, a black Jew from Pennsylvania who absolutely does not trust their fellow congregants with guns. Kai told me that if the members of their synagogue were armed, they would feel the need to attend almost all synagogue events so as not to appear “new” or “unfamiliar.” Kai said that, “If I miss one Shabbat, I might get shot [at] the next [one] by some new idiot.”


Despite the rising tide of anti-Semitism, we must not put armed guards or police officers in synagogues after Pittsburgh. In the aftermath of this horrific attack on our community, we must prioritize the safety of all Jews. And the simple fact is, with police officers in synagogues, Black Jews and Jews of Color won’t feel safer at all.

In fact, we’ll feel — and be — less safe.

This is the same horseshit that comes out every time a state liberalizes concealed carry.

“There will be blood in the streets!!!” They yell.

Then they add the racial dynamic.

“White gun owners will gun down innocent black people because they are racist!!!”

Of course that never materializes.

I’m old enough to remember in the early days of COVID how we were told if black people wore masks then white people would shoot them.  Again, it never happened.  But I digress…

Now they are directing that argument straight at the Jewish community.

What is truly, grossly disgusting is that the real number of Jews killed in mass casualty attacks far outweighs the number of histrionic, strawman, fictitious incidents of a CCW holder gunning down an innocent black person over a case of bigotry and mistaken identity.

But The Narrative uber alles.

So the Woke Yevsektsiya convince Jews to ignore real threats and embrace real solutions with intersectional fairly tales.

But of it saves the life of one black Jews from being shot by a racist fellow congregants, it’s worth the lives of all the there Jews killed in antisemitic attacks.

And where Rabbi Ruttenberg says “Because when we stop being communities that live into our obligations to care for those who need care, we stop being Jews.”

Fuck her.  We don’t stop being Jewish when we decide to go armed and defend ourselves.  We stop being Jews when we’re gunned down and stop living.

I know that we will never get rid of antisemitism.  After 6,000 years, it’s clear that some people will always hate us.

We need to wake up to the fact that Jews have a moral obligation to defend themselves.

Many Jews already have but the Yevsektsiya don’t want that because Yevsektsiya are Leftists and for Leftists the only good Jews are dead ones.

The will to fight and doing what you can with what you got

This is an interview with Rabbi Charlie Cytron Walker:

I’m reminded of the Mosney, New York, Hanukkah Stabbing where Joseph Gluck threw a marble coffee table at the attacker.

The fight is in the mind, you must have the will to choose violence when it is necessary.

Rabbi Walker lives in Texas.  I hope he goes out today and buys a gun.

He’s proven he has the will, now he needs more effective things to throw, like a quality JHP.

The Poor Rich Royal Brats can’t go Home.

The Duke of Sussex believes the UK is too dangerous for him and his family to visit without state protection, as it emerged he is taking legal action against the government to allow him to pay privately for police security while in Britain.
Prince Harry lost taxpayer-funded police security when he and Meghan stepped back from royal duties in 2020. The couple pay for private security in the US, where they now live.

Harry is seeking a judicial review against a Home Office decision that prevents him personally paying for police protection for him and his family while in the UK. His legal representative said the duke’s private security team did not have adequate jurisdiction abroad or access to UK intelligence information required to protect him, his wife, and their children, Archie and Lilibet. They said the family had been subjected to “well-documented neo-Nazi and extremist threats”.

UK too dangerous for us to visit, says Prince Harry | Prince Harry | The Guardian

The British Royal Family barely twitches my interest needle. They are somewhere between “Who gives a rat’s ass for that anachronism?” to “For fuck’s sake, it must be a slow news day. OK, what happened now?” Even the sainted Diana was nothing much other than a receptacle for royal sperm and continuance of the Line IMHO and much overblown fame as a real-life “suffering” Disney Princess.

So that poor Harry and Official Wench feel less than protected because they cannot access privileged information of alleged threats against them in England, is just too much entitlement whining and they can go fuck themselves for all I care.

I am sure they can get another very special show with Oprah to explain to the common folk why life is being unfair to their very wealthy and privately protected asses.

Hat Tip GaryE.

Never forget what going Woke took from the Navy

I recently came across the fascinating history of the USS New Orleans (CA-32).

The New Orleans saw some of the heaviest fighting during the Pacific war, beginning on December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor and continuing with action at Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal, and later in the Gilbert, Marshall, Marianas, Philippine, and Okinawa campaigns. It was during the Battle of Tassafaronga on November 30, 1942, off Guadalcanal that the New Orleans sustained its heaviest damage. A Japanese Type 93 “Long Lance” torpedo detonated the forward magazines and destroyed 150 feet of hull. The impact of the explosion killed 182 men. A further 50-yard length of the ship’s bow and forecastle tore away from the ship as she struggled to stay afloat.

The Damage Control Officer on the New Orleans, Lieutenant Commander Hubert M. Hayter, and two of his men, Lieutenant Richard A. Haines and Ensign Andrew L. Forman, remained at their damage control posts despite the fact that it was filling up with toxic fumes. These three brave men were eventually asphyxiated by the fumes and perished. The ship’s chaplain, Howell M. Forgy, later wrote about Hayter, “I wondered what he thought about in those final minutes, but I knew one thing: he was not afraid.”

Following the end of the battle, the New Orleans limped back to Tulagi harbor across from Guadalcanal where temporary repairs were made to try to save the ship. After working furiously for 11 days, the crew of the New Orleans managed to get the ship in a good enough condition to sail for Australia for more permanent repairs. However, due to the temporary coconut log bow, the ship had to sail backward to prevent flooding from sinking the ship.

You can read the full Navy report here.

Let’s recap, the USS New Orleans is struck by a torpedo, 183 crewmen were killed, the remaining crew put out the fire, steams it to port, patches it up with local coconut logs, then steams it backwards almost 1,200 miles across the South Pacific to safe harbor for repairs.

Seventy-eight years later the USS Bonhomme Richard burned to the keel and was lost, during peace time, docked at an American port in San Diego, because one asshole set a fire.

Now the Navy is adding two more weeks to boot camp for “more mentorship, life skills and personal and professional development.”

According to The Daily Mail:

“The Navy will add two weeks of training to its boot camp program that focusing on suicide and sexual assault prevention, hazing and extremism.  It also includes the rise of extremism after several former and active military members took part in the January 6 Capitol riot.”

The last decade or so of going Woke in the military has done more damage to our Navy than all the Tojo torpedoes.