Month: January 2022

This anecdote is from the Editorial Board of the Salt Lake Tribune

Yesterday I said we had data on what percentage of Democrats wanted fascist like total control over the unvaccinated.

The Salt Lake Tribune decided to be another data point.

Utah leaders have surrendered to COVID pandemic, the Editorial Board writes

Government officials, mostly but not exclusively Republicans, were apparently determined not to be caught governing in the face of this challenge. Any move or recommendation to mask up or, when safe and effective vaccines became available, to make vaccination a requirement of admission to public places and society in general was shouted down as an unwarranted imposition on individual freedoms.

Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.

Seems like the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board is part of the 59% of Democrats who believe the unvaccinated should be locked in their homes under house arrest.

Of course the Editorial Board is willing to send armed troops to do it.

All because some people refuse to obey Biden  tyrannical mandate to take a mostly useless vaccine.


Our military is owned by China

Soldiers, in uniform (PTs are still uniform), in barracks, posting videos on an app that we absolutely know the Chinese monitor.

Trump banned TikTok, the Deep State Justice Department imposed an injunction against the ban, and Biden reversed it.

And now we’re back to US Military personnel making videos inside military installations with all the Metadata attached.

There is no way the Biden Administration and the DOJ don’t know this.  Which means they are allowing it to happen on purpose.

The Soviets wasted a lot of money and effort spying on Americans.

As it turns out Americans will freely give up everything for likes on social media.

Utah Newspaper advocates sicing the National Guard on the Unvaccinated.

Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.

But it may be too late for that, politically and medically.

Utah leaders have surrendered to COVID pandemic, the Editorial Board writes

Knowing very little about the people of Utah, I believe that deploying the very few Guardsmen that would be stupid/drunk/high enough to obey such idiocy would amount to nothing more than target practice for the population, and the transfer to private hands of assorted military hardware left behind by those NGs who suddenly remembered they had business elsewhere and did a French tactical deployment to points unknown.

But it is the first few words that I want to focus on. I believe that by far, the Journalist Corps and the State Department (Diplomats and nearby sycophants) share the sentiment for the people they are supposed to serve: They despise them. They cannot stomach the idea they have to use their “intellect” and training on what those rubes need and are truly entitled to as citizens of this country, so they try to avoid doing it in the best of cases or standing against them if they can truly get away with it.

The members of The Salt Lake Tribune’s Editorial Board feel themselves languishing into oblivion in such a “backward” state. They would rather be part of the Intelligentsia News circles in New York City, Washington DC or at least Los Angeles or San Francisco. They can’t code (nor they can learn how to) and other being a teacher somewhere (Which would bring them in contact with the Little People, yuck!) they cannot do anything else but run a newspaper I am willing to bet is losing money and should go bankrupt the soonest.

If they hate Utah so much, I am sure their local U-Haul is full of moving trucks at exceptional rental prices if you are ready to take your belongings to points East and South where the demand for that equipment from people desperately trying to escape those “civilized places” is very high.

Or they can stay and cover (from the front) the National Guard when they go out and try to stop the Unvaccinated at gunpoint. The good People of Utah always need firearms and accuracy shooting training against moving targets.