Month: January 2022

Dear Jewish Readers

In recent years there have been several mass casually attacks at places were Jews congregate.

The Tree of Life Synagogue shooting.

The Chabad of Poway shooting.

The Mosney, New York, Hanukkah stabbing.

Now this hostage crisis in Colleyville, Texas.

I’ll even add in the New Jersey Kosher Market shooting.  It was not a house of worship but it was a place where Jews frequented.

If you attend a Synagogue in a shall issue state or locale, where it is legal to carry in a house of worship, and your Synagogue is a gun free zone, ask, demand to know why they will not allow Jews to be armed.

Every Synagogue should be requesting volunteers of the congregation to be armed during services.

I will say this about Churches in Red states, they are armed and defended.

In 2017, a gunman killed 26 and wounded 22 at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

Two years later, when another asshole attacked a church in White Settlement, Texas, he shot two before an armed worshiper blew his brains out the side of his head with a 357 Sig.

The Churches I knew in Alabama at the time responded by arming up even more, having armed volunteers outside as well as inside.

Why on God’s green earth does the Jewish community not emulate that?

If it’s legal to carry in a Synagogue in your state, demand the right to do it and encourage every responsible Jewish adult to do it.

Pray for the Jews and police of Colleyville, TX

Shabbat morning service began at 10 a.m. Saturday, according to the Reform Jewish congregation’s calendar. A neighbor told the Star-Telegram she saw SWAT officers headed toward the back of the synagogue with weapons drawn about 2 p.m. as the standoff continued.

Commenters on a Facebook livestream of a service at the synagogue said a man there is holding people hostage. An angry man could be heard ranting on the livestream, at times talking about religion. The video did not show what is happening in the building. The man has repeatedly mentioned his sister and Islam and used profanities. At one point, another voice can be heard apparently talking on the phone to police. The man has said a few times he didn’t want anyone hurt, and he has mentioned his children.

Last update is that they are going to send in SWAT.

Also, this is why you should always carry in Synagogue.


If I’m in Synagogue I’m packing a SIG P229 loaded with Winchester Ranger +P and two reloads.


I would love to play chicken with Nike

I would have federal agents seize 100% of Nike products made in overseas sweat shops by slave labor, and destroy it with giant commercial shredders.  Then I would fine Nike for the cost of environmentally friendly disposal all of that shredded material and force them to issue refunds to vendors for the undelivered product.

Apple too.

Really, I would have the supply chain bottle neck funnel right into my army of shredders until I got compliance.

I learned my way of war from Frank Herbert.

He who can destroy a thing can control a thing.

I will control Woke corporations by destroying their imported products.

Trust a Cuban to hate commies

This made me smile:

Jason Miyares shakes up staff before becoming Virginia’s attorney general

Jason Miyares, Virginia’s incoming attorney general, is shaking up staff ahead of taking office on Saturday.

Miyares, a Republican, will take over from Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring, who was narrowly defeated in the November 2021 election.

On Friday, Miyares’ team said he made 30 personnel changes, including 17 attorneys and 13 staff members. Those attorneys include the solicitor general and deputies that served under Herring.


Virginia us, like many Blue States, overrun with woke state attorneys.

Social Justice reforms put criminal back on the streets, resulting in a 23% increase in homicides in one year.

Violent Leftist groups were given a pass while the Charlottesville kerfuffle was the excuse the Virginia AG needed to go on  Jihad against the boogeyman of white supremacism.

The new AG Jason Miyares is cleaning house of these Leftists and will return justice to the Virginia Department of Justice.

“If Your Local Prosecutor Won’t Enforce The Law, I Will”

Jason Miyares is the US born child of refugees from Cuba.

Nobody hates commies like the child of Cuban refugees.

I welcome his purging of commies from the VA DOJ and restoring law and order to a department that has become just a tool of Leftist political enforcement.

This has to be a sad record for a city.

100 carjackings in 14 days. Philadelphia vying hard for Shithole of the USA, 2022