Month: January 2022

They hate you and revel in your death, and the feeling is mutual

This was published in the LA Times:

Civil society is really hanging on by it’s fingertips and people like this are intent on stomping on them.

I can guarantee you that the names of people who have openly voiced this type of opinion are on lots of lists.

And if and when shit finally breaks, these people will not have the last laugh.

I’ve read about Balkanization and the partition of India.  Lots of tribal grievances were settled in brutal ways.  Maybe these people should read up on that as well.



The other option is going commando

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them.

The Norwegian military said Monday that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic.

The Norwegian Defense Logistics Organization said because of “a challenging stockpile situation, this move is necessary as it provides the Armed Forces with greater garment volumes available for new soldiers starting their initial service.”

Norway Tells Conscripts to Return Underwear After Service |

“Are you ready to defend your homeland? Stop scratching yourselves! The crabs are nothing compared to the Russians!”

Can we like send somebody to Walmart and get a couple of six-packs of Fruit of the Looms undies?  This has to be embarrassing for any military. Not quite a supply chain but more like a supply silly string.

PS: I owe the hat tip. I think it was PaulK, but lost the email.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – POSTPONED

Damn it… Get well guys!

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – POSTPONED

The Queen Of The World and I both are sick, and not getting better faster.  We don’t think it’s Covid (probably something less lethal, like yersinia pestis) but it’s just not feasible to have the blogshoot this weekend.  We will pick a date in the next few weeks, so watch this space.

Sorry to everyone about the change.

Marxist groomers try and fracture the Cruz household

What is the point of this?


Ted Cruz’s daughter is a teenage girl on the internet.

I’m about 99.9% sure she said this because she needs an interesting identity online because online culture is a toxic hellhole.

LGBTQ Nation punished this for two reasons.  To drive a wedge between Ted and his daughter, assuming that a Conservative Republican will disown his daughter over her non-traditional sexuality.  Also to send the groomers after his daughter.

These people are out to destroy the Cruz household because thats what they do.  They have always tried to turn the children against the parents.  This time they add sexual grooming to they tools of family destruction.

They are pivoting because the fear porn they pushed is backfiring

Watch these clips:

For most of 2020 and 2021 the Left said it was a conspiracy to claim that most of the people who died of COVID were old, fat, and sick to begin with, the danger of COVID determined by deaths is being misrepresented or over inflated, and the shutting down of society isn’t going to save lives, in fact the cure is worse than the disease.

Now it’s 2022 and the economy is dog shit, unemployment is up, inflation is up, shrlves are bare, business are closing, and parents are pissed like hell about the data on remote learning, kids falling behind, and continued teacher strikes.

All of this is about to bite the Democrats right in the ass.

They are figuring out that the fear porn they pushed to destroy Trump is going to destroy them.

They created the monster and it’s not going to eat them.

What you are watching is them trying to calm down the COVID panic they created, to get society back towards normal before they all get shellaced.

They cannot be allowed to get away with this.


“Follow the law. Don’t cave.”

Dayonte Resiles killed Jill Halliburton Su by stabbing her to death and leaving her lifeless body in a bathtub in her Davie home — on that much, jurors could agree.
But they couldn’t agree on a murder charge, according to the jury forewoman, because three members refused to sign off on a verdict that would send a young Black man to prison for the rest of his life. For a short time, the nine who wanted a first-degree murder conviction were willing to budge. A manslaughter conviction would send Resiles to prison for 15 years, not for life. All 12 jurors signed off on manslaughter late Tuesday.

“I just got a knot in the pit of my stomach. I looked at the defense table. They were just cheering and patting him on the back, like he graduated high school or made the winning touchdown at a football game,” she said. “I thought, what have I done? Is this the world I am creating for my children, a world where someone can get away with murder because of the color of their skin?”

Juror who upended verdict in murder trial has no regrets – South Florida Sun-Sentinel

This is 12 Angry Men but flipped to right a wrong.

Finally, she recalled the advice her husband gave her before the trial started: “Follow the law. Don’t cave.”

She was convinced Resiles did not commit manslaughter on Sept. 8, 2014 — he committed murder. Manslaughter was not her verdict.

“No,” she told the judge. She didn’t agree.

And that did it. It eventually went to Mistrial and Dayonte Resiles will have to face another trial and another Jury because one good woman, one woman of color refused to play political games and respected this Nation of Laws.

She stood tall where others crawled. She has my admiration and respect.