Month: January 2022

What part of “Read the Text” some people still do not get?

Anybody who has spent (wasted?) a decent amount time reading this blog, knows about “Read The Text.” Whenever possible, especially when related to legal and law issues, I just do not state something or mindless repeat it as gospel but look for the source and post it so you can also read it and make your own decisions. We have seen many times where the professional Media willfully confuses a subject by partially describing a particular legislation or just give it a false orientation in order to make it politically unpalatable to their consumers. How many articles where Stand Your Ground was and is still mentioned are absolutely wrong and may be done just on purpose because it goes against the official Narrative that Self-Defense is “Taking Justice in Your Own Hands…Bad… M’Kay”?

And when it comes to fixing mistakes and correct false information, we have always been upfront and do so, provided we are shown the proper sources. Plenty readers have told us “Hey dudes! That thing your wrote? Totally bogus! LOL! Here’s the real stuff.” And we hang our heads in shame, admit we were taken, thank you heartly for your care and make the appropriate corrections because it is the deal we undertook when doing this blog.

If you come to us and demand a correction or retract support from a position or person, you better back it up with evidence because already being a dick from the get-go is not going to go well.

Case in point, Recon Medical mentioned many times in this blog as purveyor of tourniquets, seems was sued and lost for copyright/trademark/patent/etc. violation issues.  This kind of stuff is not something surprising for me, don’t forget I come from the Music Business World and lawsuits about somebody stealing some song from somebody else are older than Rock itself.

Here is the exchange I had about this thing:

Now, one thing is a trademark violation (And I did find one legal document online supporting the story of the lawsuit) but a screwy, unreadable screen capture simply does not cut it, especially when you forcefully state/suggest the TQ are shit. If I politely ask you for the evidence of your statement, adding the word “FUCKING” is not proof enough for anybody with functioning neurons.

The initial exchange happened almost 24 hours ago and still no evidence or transcript has been provided about the alleged lackluster quality of the TQs. Personally, I have not found the TQs to be bad, nor have the persons who have bought it come to me and complain about the quality of the devices, and that includes a couple of serious instructors who I know used them over and over as teaching prop.

And to close this post, I add a screen cap form Recon Medical’s Facebook page regarding the quality claims.

That is all for now.

Always Read the Text


And the last chapter of the Rittenhouse Prosecution closes in defeat again.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – The man who bought an AR-15-style rifle for Kyle Rittenhouse has pleaded no contest to a reduced charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor in a deal with prosecutors to avoid prison.

A Wisconsin judge accepted Dominick Black’s plea on Monday.

Prosecutors dropped two felony counts of intent to deliver a dangerous weapon to a minor. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a non-criminal citation.

Man who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse pleads no contest (

Mr. Black basically got a ticket and is now much poorer, but not with a felony conviction and his Constitutional Rights remain in place.  I do hope Kyle wins the well-deserved lawsuits and is thoughtful enough to cover Mr. Black’s legal bills as his legal issues were just political pettiness rather than Justice being served.

If there is some GoFundMe established for this guy, let me know so I can link it. He should not be forgotten in the post-coital mental recycling of the case.

This is the result of a perfect storm of Leftist politics

Let’s count the problems:

The Left only cares about Asians being targeted when they can blame it on white people.

California, and San Francisco in particular, has made it nearly impossible to buy a gun to defend yourself.

Leftist prosecutors refuse to punish criminals who do this with any seriousness if at all.

As such, Asians are being targeted for home invasion and are left hiding behind closet doors and makeshift barricades.

All in the name of equity and progressivism.