Month: January 2022

I’m going to seize the Ivy League universities endowments and turn their campuses into public parks and low cost housing

This Tweet and the responses:

Here is what this thread is saying quite explicitly:

Only ideologically pure Leftist are worthy of the Ivy Leagues.  If someone graduated from one or more of those schools and is not an ideologically pure Leftist  they are stupid and obtained their entrance and degrees dishonestly and with nepotism or corruption.

I’d be inclined to ignore this except that graduates of these institutions have so much sway in our political and economic institutions.

So of they want to admit that the Ivy Leagues are not schools that educate but credentializing institutions for the indoctrination and minting of hard core Leftists then I see no reason for them to exist anymore.

Seize their endowments to pay for vocational degrees for working class kids, turn their dorms into low cost housings, turn their academic buildings into and green spaces into public municipal use areas, open their libraries to the public.

America would be a far better place if no one ever received an Ivy League degree ever again.

Leftists are so antisemitic they would scuttle their own art festival before accepting Jewish support

Sydney festival boycott: more than 20 acts withdraw over Israeli funding
Festival board issues new statement as protest against it grows, with program thrown into chaos two days before opening night

More than 20 acts have pulled out of the 2022 Sydney festival, just 48 hours before opening night, boycotting the festival over a sponsorship deal with the Israeli embassy.

The comedian Tom Ballard, the Belvoir theatre production of Black Brass, former NSW politician Meredith Burgmann, First Nations dance company Marrugeku and commentator Yumi Stynes are just some of the festival participants who have either cancelled or distanced themselves in protest, joining a growing number of Arab, pro-Palestinian, First Nations and Greens groups spearheading the call for a boycott.

In a statement posted to social media on Tuesday, Belvoir said it had a “long and fruitful relationship” with the Sydney festival. “Black Brass was made by and with the many African communities in Perth,” the post said.

“At the heart of the process was a commitment to cultural safety which gives artists the freedom to work without fear or compromise.

“In recognition that the community is now divided and Palestinian artists are unable to participate in this year’s Sydney Festival with the same cultural safety that was so essential to the making of Black Brass, we are choosing not to accept any direct financial support from the Festival.”

On Tuesday the Sydney festival board put out a second statement, backing its controversial decision to forge ahead with a Sydney Dance Company production of Decadance, a work created by the Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin and Tel Aviv’s Batsheva Dance Company, whose Sydney festival participation is being funded by a $20,000 grant from the Embassy of Israel in Canberra.

“We spent time with a number of groups who have concerns about this funding and welcomed the opportunity to engage with them. All funding agreements for the current Festival – including for Decadance – will be honoured, and the performances will proceed.

“At the same time, the Board has also determined it will review its practices in relation to funding from foreign governments or related parties.”

The festival badly needed money due to COVID restrictions.

The Israeli embassy sponsored it to the tune of $20,000.

Dozens of artists and performers pull out in boycott because they can’t stand to be around Jews.

The festival organization tries to figure out how to not accept Jewish money in subsequent years.

They all claim this is because of safety, because Jews sponsoring the arts is somehow dangerous to Australian First Nations (Aboriginal) people.

Fine, if these people want to destroy their own art festival rather than allow Jewish sponsorship, fuck ’em.

But don’t let them pretend to be the virtuous ones.  They’re just a bunch of bigots and should be treated with the appropriate amount of derision for it.

Burn down the universities

This guy is a professor at UC Riverside:


This is his Tweet:

This is the biological equivalent of 2+2=5.

This is scientifically and probably false.

This is what a professor is teaching in class.

This man got his PhD at the University of Texas in Austin.

The university system is not teaching science.

It’s teaching sexual Lysenkoism based entirely on Leftist, trans-activist political ideology.

We need to purge the universities, burn them down, and start over.

There is crazy out there.

I will give more props to the young lady. Although her situational awareness sucked (Guy got too close) she fought back and she kept on fighting till a positive outcome happened.

And this is a good example for the need of less lethal options in your EDC. I approve the second man’s initiative to help but going hands-on is always an iffy situation. I believe that several bursts of OC accompanied by lots of screaming are a nice alternative to getting too close and in contact with crazy,

The US army of Vietnam was a turning point

As an avid fan of military history, I would agree, but with stipulations.

Vietnam was the first truly modern military we fielded, where we didn’t show up late to the game with old toys.

If you look at WWII, other than the M1 Garand, much of our early WWII weapons were lagging behind German military technology.  Arguably, even the Garand wasn’t as good as it could have been because the Army wanted to use up its stash of 30 cal from WWI so we didn’t get a higher capacity, intermediate cartridge M1 like Garand wanted.

There was a large isolationist push going into WWII, and so our military developed lagged behind.

Once we committed to the war, we went in balls to the wall and caught up quick.

Vietnam was different.

Because of the Cold War, America was committed to maintaining a well trained and equipped standing army.

It had its hiccups, but what we fielded in Vietnam was incredibly well prepared.

But Vietnam was also a turning point.

The Military Industrial Complex was born from WWII any by Vietnam was in full swing.

Vietnam marked the first time career officers rose through the ranks alongside military contractors.  It was also the first war that combined the military with a strategic intelligence community (CIA and DIA).

Lastly, it was the first war shown on nightly American TV.

Consequently, it was the first war in which the interests were more than generals achieving tactical victories and defeating the enemy.

While our troops on the ground may have been outperforming the Viet Cong tactically, the war was undermined politically and by officers who has post military careers in the MIC private sector.

That cancer in our military began in Vietnam and has metastasized since then and is now killing our military from the inside.