Month: January 2022

Explain this to me about January 6th

Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

Sunday, January 3, the heads of a half-dozen elite government special operations teams met in Quantico, Virginia, to go over potential threats, contingencies, and plans for the upcoming Joint Session of Congress. The meeting, and the subsequent deployment of these shadowy commandos on January 6, has never before been revealed.

Jeffrey A. Rosen, the acting Attorney General on January 6, made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called “national” forces. There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.

The contingency units meeting on January 3 included the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI’s national “Render Safe” team, an FBI SWAT team from the Baltimore Field Office, Special Response Teams from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group.

All of these assets were “pre-deployed” and ready to go over the weekend of January 2-3, staging out of the FBI Academy complex in Quantico, 30 miles south of the Capitol building.

On the morning of January 6, most of these forces staged closer to downtown Washington, particularly after intelligence was received indicating a possible threat to FBI headquarters building or the FBI’s Washington Field Office.  

FBI tactical teams arrived on Capitol Hill early in the day to assist in the collection of evidence at sites—including the Republican and Democratic party national headquarters—where explosive devices were found. FBI SWAT teams and snipers were deployed to secure nearby congressional office buildings. Other FBI agents provided selective security around the U.S. Capitol and protection to congressional members and staff.

The presence of these extraordinary forces under the control of the Attorney General—and mostly operating under contingency plans that Congress and the U.S. Capitol Police were not privy to—added an additional layer of highly armed responders.

Let me get this straight:

The AG filled the basement of the Capitol with heavily armed and trained DOJ trigger pullers ready to lay waste to everyone who broke into the Capitol, but didn’t feel the need to use them.


The protesters who broke into the Capitol were violent and deadly insurrectionists who almost destroyed our democracy in an attempted coup?

If the protesters really were that much of a threat wouldn’t the DOJ trigger pullers gone upstairs and pulled some triggers?

It’s almost Ike J6 was no threat at all but the Democrats and media need to maintain the narrative that it was 9/11 Pearl Harbor Reichstag Fire for political purposes.


Always be prepared everywhere

In case you missed it, some 50 miles of I-95 in Virginia was/is shut down due to snow.  People have been stuck in their cars since yesterday.

It’s winter out there.

Do you have blankets or a sleeping bag in your car?

Maybe a couple of chemical warmers so you don’t have to run your car for hours?

A shovel to dig yourself out of snow?

A flashlight (or several)?

Or are you commuting to work not realizing that your normal drive might take nearly a day because of weather and shitty government disaster response?

You may have your bug-out bag at home, you may have pockets full of EDC, but are you prepared if your car is stuck?

Keep that in mind.


We are getting lapped by El Salvador

This is how their government is fighting COVID deaths:

This is what we should have done 18 months ago when it became clear that COVID was really only harmful to people under 70 who had severe preexisting conditions and/or obese.

But Big Pharma doesn’t own gyms and gyms don’t own politicians, so our gyms were closed, fast food was deemed “essential,” and we were told to stay home, watch Netflix, wear sweat pants on Zoom meetings, and take a shot (and another, and a booster) to fight COVID.

El Salvador has demonstrated that despite being the home to one of the world’s most deadly and profitable narcotics gangs, it’s less corrupted by drug money than the United States has been by Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna.

Does it come with Fa**ot-Card or Pole-Smoker Express?

And it seems it is not some sad homophobic joke.

Maricon is the ultimate homophobic insult against a Gay of the male persuasion. Somebody must have grabbed a bunch of unsuspecting White Liberals and sold them in the concept of Maricon being just another word in Spanish for Gay and the push the Maricoin crypto-currency angle which everybody is trying to do now.

I can tell you right now that this crypto will not go far into the Latino markets, even among the Hispanic Gay community. I can foresee somebody in Little Havana asking if he can pay with Maricoin and then waking up in Jackson Memorial’s ICU.

Hat Tip J Kb

I am actively hoping for a Right wing dictatorship in America

It’s the only way we are going to get groomers like this out of the schools:

I’m absolutely serious.  Any teacher that discusses gender or sexually, or fails to abide by a strict gender conforming dress code in front of children, should be fired and sent to a prison labor camp.

This is pure evil and I don’t see a peaceful way out of it.  The power of the education system should not and cannot be used to to destroy children, but it is.

How to get your hand slapped into next week or the benefits of having no self esteem

I have no idea what this is from, probably some sort of reality show or something.

Here’s the thing, I know stroking my arm like that would have resulted poorly.

I’ve seen myself in the mirror.

I am not the sort of man random hot chicks make a move on.

My first instinct on being touched by a stranger in public is “pickpocket.”

If not that then “this is a setup for something bad.”

The guys who fell for this honeypot are stupid.


This is why you never give governors emergency public health powers

NY Gov. Hochul declares racism a ‘public health crisis’
‘I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on,’ the Democratic governor says

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation that went into effect Saturday that declares racism a “public health crisis.”

The Democratic governor signed a package of bills last month aimed at addressing racial injustice and promoting racial equity in the state. Among them is a new law that officially declares racism a public health crisis and establishes a “racial equity working group” within the state department of health to make recommendations for legislative action.

“For far too long, communities of color in New York have been held back by systemic racism and inequitable treatment,” Hochul said in a Dec. 23 press release. “I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on, addressing racism, expanding equity and improving access for all.”

State Democrats cheered the move.

“Framing racism as a public health issue compels organizations and governmental agencies to address the crisis in the systemic ways that other threats to public health have been addressed,” state Sen. Kevin Parker said in the release. “For decades, racial inequalities have caused significant mental, physical, and financial hardships for people of color. These inequities have impacted how they live, the resources they have access to and more importantly their quality of healthcare.”

Give them emergency powers for a public health crisis and they will turn anything into a public health crisis to maintain their powers.

By declaring racism a public health crisis she now has substantially more authority to do whatever she wants in fighting racism.

Being a Progressive, we know that means more meddling in people’s lives and more bureaucratic regulations to try and ensure equality of outcome, which ultimately means crushing people under the boot heel of government.

Hochul is going to blow Cuomo out of the water when it comes to Progressive tyranny.