I’m glad Yang is bringing this up but does he have the gall to address the root cause?
Men now comprise only 40.5% of college students and are failing in high school at much higher rates. There’s a crisis among American boys and men that is too often ignored and is definitely going unaddressed.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
Boys are more than 2-3x as likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD, five times more likely to spend time in juvenile detention, and are far less likely to finish high school. In many places being good at school is now considered feminine. 70% of US valedictorians were girls in ‘12.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
It doesn’t get any better when men become adults. Average male wages have declined since 1990 in real terms. At least one-sixth of prime working age men 25-54 are either unemployed or out of the workforce. More men aged 18-34 are living with parents than with romantic partners.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
Economic transformation hasn’t helped. Almost three-quarters of manufacturing workers are – were – men; the sector has lost about 5 million jobs since 2000. That’s a lot of unemployed men.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
The sidelining of this many boys and men has massive social, political and economic consequences. Tyler Cowen calls it “the bad men problem.” It’s getting tougher and tougher to not fall into this category. Addressing or at least reducing this is crucial to any positive future.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
The fact that this isn’t front and center of any policy agenda is a massive failure of our media institutions and public leadership that struggle to frame boys and/or men as sympathetic figures despite very clear data indicating the need.
— Andrew Yang?⬆️?? (@AndrewYang) January 27, 2022
This is a huge problem.
Some of the comments talk about the need for more trade schools. That is true, but that won’t fix the problem.
Other talk about the shift in the economy away from more “masculine” jobs. That’s only sort of true. Yes, there are more HR and DE&I officers than ever, but we still need people to actually build and make things.
The problem is as a society we have approached the gender equality issue as a zero sum game, and for one gender to win the other must lose.
That is a product of the Marxist thinking that took over the Left in the 1960s.
Going all the way back to antiquity, philosophers and thinkers understood people need a purpose.
We need something to motivate us.
People without a purpose are indolent and self destructive.
Since the dawn of civilization, the purpose of men has been to be the provider and protector.
The goal of a man was to make himself desirable to marry, get married, have children, and take care of his family. Men were encouraged to do this and were lauded for it.
The ancient Greek and Roman philosophers wrote about this, so did the ancient Jewish sages.
In modern times that has be abandoned and denounced.
The message of society has be men are unnecessary and unwanted.
Women can enter the corporate world and don’t need a husband to support financially.
Women can be single mothers and raise children without a father.
Men who want to be providers and protectors are sexist pigs who just want women to be oppressed, barefoot, and pregnant in the kitchen.
Men who do the things men have traditionally done to build great civilizations are toxic.
And boys got that message.
They have no purpose.
If a woman doesn’t need you, why work hard to make yourself marriage material and get married. There is porn and OnlyFans when your horny.
Why go out and try to contribute positively when that’s just makes you a toxic knuckle-dragger.
And so men have checked out of society to play video games, watch porn, drink beer, and smoke pot.
Men have been stripped of their purpose and so no longer have the intrinsic motivation to build themselves up or build up society.
As a result both men and society are crumbling.
The only way to fix this is to change the culture and tell me that they are needed, wanted, and the things men have traditionally done for society are good and valuable.
If you read the comments to Yang’s thread, so many of them are “men have had it good for a long time, it’s women’s time now.”
We must get away from zero sum thinking. We must recognize that we can build up men without diminishing women and that building up women by diminishing men was how we created this crisis in the first place.
And let me be clear, I’m not blaming women for this. Many are just as much victims as men. I’m blaming the Marxists who pushed this garbage on society.
If we can’t get past zero sum thinking and restore purpose to men, we are doomed to failure.