Month: January 2022

New York City has Woke itself to death, seal it off now

I will give NYC Mayor Eric Adams credit for at least trying to do something about the crime killing his citizens.

‘This is gun that killed our young officer’: Adams vows to get ‘trigger pullers off streets’

Mayor Eric Adams on Monday unveiled plans to crack down on illegal guns like the one used to kill a rookie NYPD officer and critically injure another cop in Harlem last week — while displaying photos of the illegal murder weapon.

During his speech, Adams, a former NYPD captain, vowed to “get the guns” out of criminals’ hands, saying, “I know how to do this.”

Adams said the NYPD would start by focusing on the 30 police precincts where 80 percent of the city’s violence takes place.

Teams will be deployed to the 20 most dangerous neighborhoods during the next three weeks, he said.

“We will have boots on the ground, on every block in this city,” Adams said during a speech in City Hall.

The initiative includes rolling out undercover police “Neighborhood Safety Teams” — first reported by The Post — whose members will travel in unmarked vehicles and will wear street clothes but will also be easily “identifiable” as cops, Adams said.

Adams also plans to increase the staffing for the NYPD’s Gun Violence Suppression Division, a unit of detectives responsible for seizing illegal firearms and building cases against traffickers and sellers, according to a 15-page “blueprint” released by City Hall.

Actual boots on the ground policing, in the precincts where the crime is happening, and going after the recidivist criminals who cause the crime.

What a novel- and effective – concept.

Too bad…

Leading lawmakers reject Eric Adams’ legislative proposals to stem shootings in NYC

New York’s legislative leaders all but declared Mayor Adams’ plan to amend the state’s controversial bail-reform laws dead on arrival Tuesday — even as a top court official said judges largely agreed with his desire to let them lock up potentially dangerous defendants.

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Yonkers) and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-The Bronx) also said they opposed Adams’ efforts to roll back the Raise the Age law so gun-toting teens can be prosecuted in criminal court.

Stewart-Cousins also said that giving judges more discretion in setting or denying bail would disproportionately affect “black and brown and poor defendants.”

So New York will do nothing to fix New York.


Fuck ’em.

Just wall it off so none of them can escape.

Dear Never Trumpers: The Cruise Is Over – Emerald Robinson

A lot has happened since my well known essay “The Collapse of the Never Trumpers” appeared in 2018 — and none of it has been good for that tribe of pundits or their garden gnome leader, Bill Kristol. In fact, most of them have seen their careers collapse so spectacularly that only Michael Avenatti could really understand. George Will has semi-retired to a life of boring students to death as a commencement speaker at small colleges. Jonah Goldberg and Steven Hayes used to appear on Fox News regularly but now they pretend to fax a newsletter every morning to their remaining friends and family and David French.

Dear Never Trumpers: The Cruise Is Over (

And this is the nice sweet part. The rest is child abuse with a B-52 doing an arc-light mission. Go read and have fun.

If twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action, what do you call this?

A teacher:

A teacher:

A teacher:

A teacher:

Multiple teachers:

Then there was my post from yesterday about groomer teachers in California.

This is well past coincidence.

We must agree that this is a conspiracy.

It is deliberate that the ranks of our schools are being filled with the worst type of gender non-conforming weirdos who spend countless hours teaching kids about gender nonsense and pronouns.

It is purposeful and malicious.

The long walk through our institutions of primary and secondary education has been carried out by groomers.

Of anything, Youngkin didn’t go nearly far enough.

We don’t just need laws banning teaching CRT.

We must make absolutely sure that these people are purged from our schools and their like are never allowed back in.


WTF is wrong with the Silent Generation – Update (thank you Jack)

Pelosi is 81.  Fauci is 81.  Biden is 79.

Why the fuck will these people not let go of the reigns of power?

Why can they not enjoy their retirement with their millions of dollars?

Why is this country allowing itself to be strangled by the arthritic, liver spotted hands of people that long ago should have gone to an gated retirement community in Florida or Arizona?

Why has America allowed itself to become a senilocracy?


The comment by Jack hit the nail on the head.

It’s been a long time since I read Gulliver’s Travels, and I’m not sure I read all of it (something I must correct).

Struldbrugg were like humans but immortal.  They also continued to age.

At age 80 they were declared legally dead, their property was taken and given to their inheritors and they were forbidden from having jobs or participating in civil society.

As explained by Swift:

Otherwise, as avarice is the necessary consequence of old age, those immortals would in time become proprietors of the whole nation, and engross the civil power, which, for want of abilities to manage, must end in the ruin of the public.

That is spot on what we are seeing.

These people are driven by sheer avarice.

My only disagreement with Swift is that 80 is too old.

Civil service should have forced retirement at the same age as one begins to collect Social Security.

Here is your check, now get the fuck out.

More banana republic type stuff

Trump lost, Biden won.

We’ve been told unequivocally that Biden got the most votes of any presidential candidate ever.

So why this.

Why go after the loser?

Because we’re a banana republic.

The Republicans must learn that they are now the designated losers who only play a role in the political theater that our elections are still free and fair.

This is how Biden secures his reelection.  By going straight to the electoral college and fixing that.

He’s already made it clear that and Democrat losses in 2022 will be challenged as illegitimate.  The DOJ is just fortifying the electoral college for 2024.

The CCP is going after your gun rights

I was thinking about the Ukrainian guy from my previous post who bought the sniper rifle, calling it a hunting rifle, to defend his homeland.

Then I started thinking about the posts I’ve done on our woke military.

Then I saw this:

Why would China propagandize against our gun rights?

If we are ever attacked, say by China, it’s going to be We The People who are going to have to defend this country.

I severely doubt the ability of our military to defend this country.

I can just see some general having to consult with a DE&I officer about where to put troops that respects the local community and doesn’t select where to establish defensive positions based on systemic racism.

Imagine Red Dawn, but instead of our military being wiped out by a sneak attack, it was wiped out due to to its own incompetence as our military leaders are just amalgamation of every horrible stereotype of the Woke HR manager with her pronouns in her bio, stuffed into a uniform.

More than ever, the greatest threat to those who want to harm us on our own soil is the civilian American gun owner.

The CCP knows this, so the CCP must work to encourage our government to disarm us.

The medical establishment is murdering the unvaccinated for their health

I find myself using this Trotsky quote a lot: “The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

The modern context, again something I have said a lot, is: The old principle: who does not work shall not get health care, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not get health care.

I am aware that people can be removed from the transplant list for engaging in behavior that increases the risk of transplant failure, such as someone needing a liver transplant continuing to drink alcohol.

However, falling back on this justification to deny someone a transplant for refusing a highly contentious vaccine that may have no appreciable effect on the latest variant and may in face cause heart related issues in a patient with a bad heart, seems less about science and more about politics.

To be honest, so many people have been screaming for the unvaccinated to be killed or left to die from medical neglect that I can’t give a hospital the benefit of the doubt that they are making this decision based on a desire for the patient outcome and not partisanship.

Remember, this is what passes for comedy right now.

And just listen to the audience applaud and cheer the cruel deaths of people for not obeying.

So maybe I just don’t trust those who have the power over life and death decisions anymore when they choose death for the unvaccinated that it’s anything other than the desire to inflict cruelty on unvaccinated untermenschen.

I keep telling you I am not a conservative anymore.

Dictator J.Kb. would have every administrator who had a hand in this decision put to the wall in front of the transplant team as motivation to the transplant team to do their fucking job.

They’ve made it clear they want to kill you for your non compliance and it seems like they will take every opportunity do so with medical neglect.