Month: February 2022

Not drugged enough.

So, the missus had somewhat invasive dental surgery earlier today. When she was done and about to be wheeled out, I asked the doctor if she was comfortable and doped enough. He assured me she was and that that over-the counter pain killers should be enough. I decided to check myself.

Me: “Honey, I am gonna drive you home, put you in bed and then I am going to the gun store see if I can get me something.”
Her: “The hell you will!”

The doctor wrote her a script for the good stuff.

I was warned about this when I came to Tennessee.

The Tennessee Firearms Association announced its opposition to a pending bill under General Assembly consideration that lowers the handgun carry age from 21 to 18.

State Rep. Chris Todd (R-Madison) filed HB1735 last month. House Majority Leader William Lamberth is a co-sponsor. Senator Mike Bell (R-Riceville) filed the companion bill, SB2291, on Wednesday.

A statement provided by Tennessee Firearms Association Executive Director John Harris to The Tennessee Star said:

“Tennessee Firearms Association has considered House Bill 1735 (Senate Bill 2291) and does not support the bill as filed.  Current Tennessee law allows only those individuals who are 18-20 years old and who have military service to obtain an enhanced handgun permit while denying other 18-20 year olds who lack military service the capacity to obtain an enhanced handgun permit.  This legislation would eliminate the clear equal protection problem of existing Tennessee law and would treat all 18-20 year old citizens the same with respect to the capacity to obtain a handgun permit.”


The Tennessee Firearms Association Opposes Bill Lowering Handgun Age to 18 Because of Certain Provisions – Tennessee Star

So rather than have the nose of the camel getting under the tent and get a partial victory and steppingstone to more achievements, we go loudly go ahead and shut the whole thing off because we could not get all the cookies.  Did anybody approach the Legislators and said something like “Hey, I appreciate the bill, but can we get it to include everybody 18-20? What would you need to make that happen and how can we help?” rather than “Hey, Fuck you and your pussy bill! We want it all now or we shit on your idea in public!

Just because we can’t fit all the passengers in the lifeboats does not mean we allow everybody to drown.

Realpolitiks is a hard concept to execute.


Black History Month Movie recommendation.

This is the month where Black movies produced by politicians and rejects from the Dollar Store management program flood the market. I just even saw the preview of a race-based remake of Cheaper by the Dozen, so I am going to share my choice for this month so you can checkmark the “I did my part for Racial Justice!” box.

Besides the fantastic film “In the Heat of the Night” with Sydney Poitier and Rod Steiger (which should be in your library anyway), I would recommend to you “A Soldier’s Story.”

Besides the top-notch script, acting, directing, etc. the music is amazing which is to be expected with Herbie Hancock and Edward Bland are in charge and Ms. Patty LaBelle sings us a song.


Now we love action films, and nobody can do Black Action like Wesley Snipes. But rather than Blade or Passenger 57, I have the guilty pleasure to ask you to consider Drop Zone.

Add your selection in the comments.

OK, Checkbox marker. We return to our regular programming.

Italians doing the COVID Resistance Movement

From what I gathered; this is being done all over Europe. A nice way to flip the finger and it goes double because it is Winter.

But, you know what’s coming: For fear of spreading the Maricon variant of COVID, you are no longer allowed to have outside picnics unless you can isolate yourself and wear mask while you chew or some other horsepucky like that.