Month: February 2022

The fatal shooting of Daniel Turcios

From what I gather, this is another case of road rage that went bad and ended up stupid.

I am going to say something that will be unpopular with the Victimization crowd and those Bleeding Hearts and La Raza types: Turcio had it coming since he was suffering a bout of Machismo.

At 2:36, Turcio says he was driving all peacefully, and the other driver flipped him the middle finger (“el me venia sacando el dedo!”). The at 2:54 is where I reckon Turcio sealed his fate with his mindset “Aqui mandamos nosotros!” (We are in charge here!).

Also revealing is what the wife said right after that, something along “mira lo que hiciste” (See what you did?) and when he rejects it, she loses her mind and starts screaming at him. He argues back and ends up hitting the truck. He was then primed to do something stupid and eventually it came to be.  The taser dose should have been a warning to Turcio that the cops were done playing games. but I believe his machismo shouted at him “You have a knife! You can take them all Daniel!” and he believed it.

The family is already seeking some monetary compensation claiming the usual “He did not need to be killed, he was murdered by the cops, blah blah.”

Nobody’s fault but his own.

It is like the White House does not have access to Google.

Biden’s handlers once again gave him a script full of mistakes and he got to repeat lies talked about the Second Amendment:


And again, for any of the press in here, the press listening: This doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment right.  There’s no violation of a Second Amendment right.

We talk like there’s no amendment that’s absolute.  When the amendment was passed, it didn’t say anybody can own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon.  You couldn’t buy a cannon in — when the — this — this amendment was passed.  And so, no reason why you should be able to buy certain assault weapons.  But that’s another issue.

Remarks by President Biden at a Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Meeting | The White House

Clayton Cramer dug into the Library of Congress to find ads for the sale of cannons back in 1799, 11 years after the Constitution was ratified. I also searched and got a screen capture for your viewing pleasure.

If you click on Cramer’s page, you will see that the ad is from July 1799 while the one above is from March of the same year. That seems to indicate this was not a one-off sale but a regualr offer of selling goods, in fact, that year you can find a similar ad from Simon Walker starting on January 2 (5th column, below the fold).

And he was not alone. Same paper, January 1. 1799:


And again, same paper January 3, different seller:


And again, another seller in December the same year:

And to finish the idea that cannons were absolute realm of the military, we have this other clipping of rather unfortunate news. From Rhode-Island Republican. 10 July 1802:

It is Mister Jabez Luther, a civilian and by the narration about his disposition, a true badass.

And with that, we close this sad chapter of Gun Control misinformation once again. You should bookmark this page because you will see this idiotic asseveration again in the future and will need to shut them up quickly.

Speaking of police recruiting, I can’t see this going wrong at all

A buddy sent me this:


It’s real.  It’s on the MPD Facebook page.


Readers know of my contempt for influencers.

I can’t imagine how badly this will go.

Some slice of cheesecake in uniform, patrolling while on TikTok or Instagram trying to get those influencer dollars while on duty.

That won’t be a conflict of interest at all.

And what will the blowback be when Officer McSugartits gets shot while livestreaming to her two million followers.

The people running our civilization are coming up with such bad ideas they are dumping black pills into the drinking water like fluoride.


The state of modern parenting

When you have all the comorbidites so you make your toddler wear a mask around the house and post it on TikTok for likes instead of losing weight and getting in shape.

When this poor child grows up with a speech impediment and a reading deficiency, it will be blamed on systemic racism, I guarantee it.