Month: February 2022

Some gun enhancements might be dangerous to your health.

This is video of the shootout between Houston PD and a suspect back in January. I tried to cue it to 1:09 where you get to see one of the officers responding to the incoming fire and losing his gun’s magazine twice in the middle of shooting back.

I have seen that happen before at IDPA matches and I am going to hazard a guess and say the gun has an extended magazine release button. If you are shooting relaxed and without any stress, you will have a wicked fast mag change time. But if you are under adrenalin, a small shift of the grip and you are pushing the release accidentally and the mag disappears into the Oh Crap swamp.

I am not saying you cannot trick your gun; I am all for shaving a fraction of a second if that keeps you alive. But make sure the gun does not go Tango Uniform because of it. Suddenly having a short stick in a firefight sucks and is dangerous to your health.

Oh yes, carry a tourniquet.


Your media experts are just a wealth of knowledge – Update

The knee pads help you steady your shoulder thing that goes up.

Under the J.Kb administration these people will be put to work doing useful things within their skill set like shoveling zoo shit with a teaspoon.


Malcolm Nance was a US Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer in Intelligence.

Has has written several books on military strategy.

He is an Intelligence consultant and MSNBC intelligence expert.

The Chernobyl incident occurred in 1986.

You’d think he’d know that.  Or at least watched the HBO miniseries.

This makes how we fucked up in Afghanistan make much more sense, if this is the caliber of expertise we have guiding the US Military.

This guy will be emptying septic tanks by hand with a ladder and a bucket.

Just to be clear on this Russia/Ukraine thing.

I really do not give to damns about Ukraine, so if Putin keeps it or does not keep it or uses it to park nuclear waste, I really do not care. I worry about Poland, they had enough shit happening to them last century to last a thousand years. I’d give them a couple dozen small nukes and let the Russian know they have them.

This stupid invasion, brought to you by the politics of the Soft Bellies and Yellow Backs of DC, is going to hurt us in the pocket and badly. As I am writing this, the price of the barrel of West Texas Intermediate stands at $99.23 and gas stations are already adapting to the change.

I went early to my local Big Box Wholesaler, and this is what I paid for gallon of gas:

Those stations who have not updated yet, ae still at yesterday’s price:

And then some are already going higher.


Now, between Putin warmongering around and this administration’s effort to be environmentally woke by shutting down oil pipes (but supporting the Russian one) and offshore drilling, we are once again on the way to the Carter years and maybe lines in gas stations. We are back to being dependent on foreign oil and it will cascade on food prices and other consumer goods.

We are just lacking Billy Beer and news that one of our embassies was attacked and the workers are being held hostage to complete the reproduction of times past.


Gird your loins (literally) and be armed in Atlanta

Here is a headline that perfectly sums up 2022 in a Blue city:

Rape in Atlanta up 236%, murder by 43% in 2022

Atlanta Police Department statistics released last Friday indicate that homicides are up 43 percent for 2022 compared to the same period, from January 1 to February 12, in 2021. In total, there were 20 homicides so far in 2022 compared to 14 last year.

Rapes have soared to 236 percent, with 37 reported so far this year, compared to 11 at the same time in 2021.

Burglaries are up 18 percent from last year, with 229 reported as of February 12 compared to 191 at the same time in 2021, and shoplifting cases are up 4 percent, with 164 cases thus far in 2022 compared to 157 last year. (Police simply don’t respond to a lot of shoplifting cases anymore because of a woefully understaffed force.)

I’m going to type it out longhand so you read it and it sinks in:

Rape in Atlanta is up two hundred and thirty six percent.

It’s only February.

I will say with absolute certainty and zero reservations that every rapist deserves to experience the unique and terrifying agony of a sucking chest wound at the hands of their intended victim.

It’s hard to maintain an erection when suffering from hypovolemic shock.

Since the politicians and prosecutors of Atlanta have failed and the police have cleared given up or been hamstrung, it is up to you to protect yourself and your loved ones from rape.

You have been warned, prepare accordingly.


Apparently 10% for the big guy buys you an entire country

Biden’s DOJ ENDS Trump national security program set up to combat Chinese espionage following complaints it discriminated against Asian-American professors and led to failed prosecutions of academics

The Justice Department is ditching the China Initiative, a national security program designed to tackle Chinese economic espionage in the US after a string of cases collapsed amid complaints it was fueling suspicion against Chinese Americans.

It was launched by the Trump administration three years ago amid concerns of intellectual property theft at research universities.

Matthew Olsen, assistant attorney general for national security, announced a change of strategy Wednesday.

He said it followed a months-long review that found it was preventing universities attracting top talent.

Instead, he said the work would continue as part of a broader strategy that included spying by Iran and North Korea.

‘Anything that creates the impression that the Department of Justice applies different standards based on race or ethnicity harms the department and our efforts, and it harms the public,’ he told reporters.

This is chef’s kiss

The Biden Administration gives China the ability to steal our intellectual property and scientific research and he can justify it as anti-discrimination.

Oh, but there’s more.

Biden Touts Chinese-Backed Company at Made in America Event

The White House on Tuesday featured a mining company partially owned by a Chinese mining conglomerate at an event dedicated to strengthening the domestic supply chain.

President Joe Biden announced at the event that the Pentagon would award $35 million to the Las Vegas-based MP Materials in an effort to boost U.S. rare mineral production. But MP Materials has arguably allowed China to tighten its grip on the world’s rare earth minerals supply chain. Shenghe Resources Holding, which is partially owned by the Chinese government, owns 8 percent of the company. Shenge spearheaded the deal in 2017 to help MP Materials purchase a mine at Mountain Pass, Calif., out of bankruptcy. The Chinese company is also MP Materials’s largest customer, accounting for nearly all of its $100 million annual revenue.

James Kennedy, a consultant in the rare earth minerals industry, has raised concerns about other Pentagon grants to MP Materials. Kennedy called Shenghe’s investment in MP Materials a “geopolitical ruse” that helps China maintain a monopoly on the rare earth minerals market.

The rare earth minerals that are critical for computer chips, electronics, and the defense industry.

Biden is letting strategic resources stay in the monopolistic control of China.

The cost of the intellectual property and mineral needs of the United States was $30 Million and a 3-carat diamond.

Pretty cheap if you ask me.  The Chinese got one hell of a bargain when Biden got elected.