Month: March 2022

Trans-grooming children is a cult

A cult is a system of deep religious devotion to an idea or person.  One of the salient aspects of a cult is that cults are always harmful.  Cults manipulate and abuse their devotees in the interest of the cult against the interest of the member.

The current transgender movement is every bit a cult with the object of religious fanaticism being a perverse idea of gender and sexuality.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘I knew the hormones wouldn’t work. Why did they play with her life?’ Bereaved mom blames LA County for her teenage daughter’s suicide, claiming school pushed her to transition to a male instead of properly treating her depression

A California mother says the government wrongfully took away her daughter, pushed the girl into transitioning to male, and is to blame for his suicide age 19.

Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019.

In an exclusive interview with, bereaved mother Abigail Martinez accused her Los Angeles County school of encouraging Yaeli to take hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery as a child, while failing to properly treat her severe depression.

Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.

In a statement to, LA County agreed that they ‘aggressively pursued the implementation of inclusive, gender-affirming laws, policies and supportive services for LGBTQ+ youth,’ but partially laid the blame for Andrew’s death on ‘higher rates of suicide’ among queer young people.

‘The school was telling her to go to these LGBT groups behind my back. She went from questioning her sexuality to her gender.

‘She had these peers at school two years older than her. They were the ones who brought these ideas – ‘Maybe you’re depressed because don’t you feel like you’re a boy?’ – and the school was supportive of that.

‘The school told her these groups were the place to go, and I didn’t need to know about it.

But the mother claimed it was Yaeli’s depression that was the problem, not gender dysphoria.

Yaeli had already tried to overdose on pills in eighth grade in 2014, and tried to jump off a bridge near the freeway in her hometown of Arcadia in her freshman year, shortly after she cut her hair short, attracting the attention of social workers.

Instead of proper treatment for mental illness, Martinez said her daughter was encouraged by the school and her LGBT support group to take hormones and pursue gender reassignment surgery, and cut Martinez out of the process.

This is absolutely cult behavior.

This was a girl with some sort of emotional issue, probably depression.

Rather than seriously try to help her, they saw that she was vulnerable to being indoctrinated into the cult and did just that.

They didn’t make her better.  They made her worse, drove her to suicide, and then absolved themselves with the statistics of transgender suicide.

The truly sickening thing is that this cult has members in the highest positions of government and media influence.

It’s why Lia Thompson is allowed to beat girls in the pool and Rachel Levine was voted Women of the Year.

We should be able to object to such insanity but the cult has too many people in too many high places and we are afraid.

How dare you say “I can see the bulge of the dick and balls of the First Place girl through his swimsuit.”  You might get fired are hounded by the media for being a bigot.

But this is a cult.

If you have children, especially children with emotional vulnerabilities, beware of the cult’s desire to recruit your children into their evil machinations.

The woodchipper will be the symbol of my administration


Everyone who manufactures, sells, buys, or advocates the use of this or any other “gender affirming” products aimed at prepubescent children will be fed to the chipper.


Every single participant in this atrocity would be chippers and the venue burned to the ground.

This cancer must be excised from society.


I can’t help but stand back and laugh at the idiocy and irony

I got sent two great articles by our readers. Paul K gets the first wave of thanks.

Here’s what the far-left Occupy Democrats tweeted on February 24 as the Russian invasion began:

BREAKING:  Ukraine’s Interior Minister announces that 10,000 automatic rifles have been handed out to the civilians of Kyiv as they prepare to fight tooth and nail to defend their homes against Putin’s invasion.  RT IF YOU STAND WITH THE BRAVE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE!

Minutes later, they amplified the crusade:

If you’re an American who stands with the brave citizens of Ukraine who have been issued 10,000 automatic rifles as they prepare to repel Putin’s bloodthirsty invaders – please RT and follow our account for the latest breaking Ukraine news.

That’s difficult to square with their June 14, 2016 tweet mindlessly maligning the same concept:

No civilian needs an AR-15, regardless of whatever mental gymnastics you do.  You are a very special breed of stupid.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden rightly sends thousands of small arms as part of a broader military weaponry aid package to Ukraine.  Biden’s Department of Commerce is even expediting approval for private-sector U.S. manufacturers to export firearms and ammunition to Ukraine.

Last year, however, Biden mocked any suggestion that small arms might repel militarized oppression.  “If you wanted, or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”


Biden Supports Gun Rights – Just Not for Americans (

Pretty much self-explanatory. do not expect them to see the contradiction even if you roll it and smack them on the nose with it. They will come with a “logical” explanation why it is not the same, probably something in the spere of “We are never going to see a tyrannical government in this country, you do not need and AR 15” or some similar trope.

And this great background check (see what I did there?) about Ukraine is courtesy of RogerG.

And just as with the baseless rush to war with Iraq, which every outlet of mainstream media loyally supported, those who refuse to repeat slogans of “Ukrainian democracy” or “Russian aggression” are denigrated, either as cowards or as apologists for the heinous actions of others, for which they are obviously not responsible. Besides being inaccurate, the latter accusation is particularly perfidious because it effectively makes reasoned dissent impossible.

But by pretending that history started with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the story is made simple, a clear case of right and wrong. And while it is true that Russian president Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine and so is responsible for the present war, such a Manichean telling of the story does little to further informed policy discussion. Indeed, that is precisely the point: to ignore the decades of declared Russian security interests in the orientation of states directly at its border, as well as to obscure a history of US meddling in Ukraine.

Facing Unpleasant Facts: What You aren’t Supposed to say about the War in Ukraine | Mises Wire

Putin is truly still very much product of the Soviet Regime and the KGB. But Ukraine is not a little patch of Earthly paradise but a truly corrupt government.

The US has to back Ukraine because Lord know how many videos of Hunter Biden they have poking little girls and sucking meth like it was free bourbon.

Do not invest emotionally in a war that will have the US lose no matter which side it takes.

More Things Ukraine

Got this from Facebook. Take a read.

Tom Cooper
March 18 at 6:15 AM ·
To clarify few things that came up ‘in reaction’ to my reporting from yesterday and today:
1.) Condition/Status of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine (RFA)…
– The withdrawal of the 58th CAA from Mykolaiv to Kherson means no ‘defeat of Rusisa’, ‘end of war’ or similar nonsense -, but a withdrawal of the 58th CAA to Kherson. Nothing more and nothing less. Please, be so kind, and don’t put words in my mouth, especially not such statements like ‘Tom says Russia is defeated’: I’m allergic to such behaviour, and I’ll instantly block anybody displaying it.
– On the contrary, I can only repeat: while I remain on the standpoint that Russia can’t win this war, I also insist that it’s far from being defeated. Inability to win a war is not the same like defeat. It simply means: Russia cannot defeat Ukraine in a conventional war any more.
– Foremost, mind that the West OSK and the South OSK are currently scratching all the troops they can get and rushing them to the frontline. Be sure; they’ll be back as soon as they only can – if for nothing else but something like ‘Plan D’: conquer Ukraine east of the Dnepr River. In this regards, a withdrawal of the 58th CAA to Kherson is making perfect sense.
– Keep in mind that Putin’s ‘(three days) special operation’ remains popular – at least in Moscow and St Petersburg, where more than 50% of those asked about it continue to support Putin’s decision. Whoever wants to say ‘but these are only two cities, Russia is giant’: these two cities are the only ones that matter in Russia. Everybody else – no matter in Kaliningrad or Vladivostok – has to accept what those in control of these two cities want and do. And that with Western sanctions… sigh… have explained it already weeks ago: that came much too late. Putin is an ex-KGB/FSB – and as such little else but a mafia-boss and extortionist: he came to power thanks to blackmails, he maintains himself in power for 22 years by blackmailing, and he’s going to continue blackmailing everybody and everything as long as he only can.
– Moreover, keep in mind that this aggression remains highly popular within circles of the mid- and high-ranking Russian military officers. Yes, it exposed an endless list of shortcomings, failures, incompetence, corruption (they all can’t stop bitching about ‘corrupt Shoygu’, in particular), and outright ‘Potyomkin villages’-level of PR-nonsense about super-turbo-Wunderwaffen and ultra-modern Russian weaponry. However, nothing of that matters to the officers in question (even to those who are, actually, ‘something like anti-Putin’). They’re priding themselves with the performance of their officers and troops in Ukraine. At most, they’re discussing such details like ‘is Mi-28 better than Ka-52’ and/or where to go next, once they’ve defeated Ukraine… Losses do not matter to them: troops and machines are ‘easy to replace’, and whether we think this is really the case or not – is irrelevant to them.
– Bottom line: do not fall for any kind of illusions – especially not for one that I’m trying to create any kind of illusions. I’m reporting about events I can cross-check, that’s about all.
2.) Talking about illusions….
Some people are making themselves illusions in regards of what I’ve reported about the ‘exchange’ of Egyptian S-300Vs for F-15s, too. Well, if you think that the White House and the Pentagon really ‘negotiated that deal already weeks ago’, that’s your own illusion. Not mine, and I never said anything of that kind (besides, Washington and Cairo actually hammered that one in the course of few hours).
– Is that ‘illogical’, or ‘absurd’? Well, tell me, please, how is Russia supposed to remain capable of helping keep Egyptian S-300s operational (through supply of spares), if it a) has to replace own losses, and b) is going to experience massive problems while trying to do that because it can’t even manufacture chips necessary for its own computers….?
Thus, and while I know that remaining sober is hard for the mass of Egyptians when it’s about their armed forces, please, try to get your feet back to the ground. At least stop jumping to entirely absurd conclusions about what do I report.
3.) Ukraine – whether its government or its supporters abroad – continues demanding deliveries of combat aircraft by the West, and is de-facto blackmailing all the responsible politicians, in style of, ‘you’re having the blood of our kids on your hands’.
Whoever supports such ideas, please keep in mind the following:
– Yes, plenty of Western politicians (and the entire oligarchy bribing them, which, all combined, is several hundred of people) has bloods of Ukrainian kids on their hands. But, this is so because they wasted the last 20 years appeasing Putin and succumbing to his blackmails, and NOT because they are now refusing to deliver any kind of combat aircraft to Ukraine.
– Please, realise, finally, that countries like Bulgaria and/or Slovakia can’t simply hand over their MiG-29s. They’ve got no other supersonic interceptors in service, right now (yes, sure, both air forces are in the process of acquiring F-16s, but that’s going to take at least a year longer to complete). By all the NATO, at times like these it’s ‘every man for himself’ – and thus they’re unlikely to hand over any MiG-29s before having a suitable replacement, especially not before it’s about 1,794,837% sure, they’ll not need them to fight Putin.
– As the experiences of the Ukrainian Air Force over the last three weeks have clearly demonstrated – and I’m saying this in full respect for the courage and determination of Ukrainian pilots – its MiGs and Sukhois are almost entirely useless. In a war as massive as this one, no pilot bravado, and no 15 legends about the ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ can make anything better.
Thus, instead of demanding these old MiGs without an end, see to get yourself more UCAVs/drones like Bayraktars, and such loitering guided missiles like Switchblade: they’re ‘only’ about 172% more useful than any obsolete MiGs and/or Sukhois.
4.) Finally, a few words about the ‘no-fly zone’, the Ukrainian government and parts of the public demand from the NATO:
– As first, this would be equal to a NATO’s declaration of war with Russia – and thus play straight into Putin’s hands. Why? Because he’s all the time feeding a steady diet of fake news about ‘NATO aggression’ to his public at home. So much so, the mass of Russians is convinced that NATO simply can’t wait to invade Russia.
– As second, in order to establish and maintain a no-fly zone over Ukraine, NATO would first have to destroy Russian long-range surface-to-air missiles deployed in Belarus and south-western Russia. I.e. NATO would really have to fight Russians on the Russian proper. And that would be entirely pointless to do, especially considering the VKS is hardly ever flying further south-west than Lviv, i.e. more than 50-100km behind the frontline: the mass of strikes on targets further west and south is run by ballistic- and cruise missiles. I.e. even if, a ‘no-fly zone’ would change absolutely nothing in the skies over most of Ukraine.
– What the NATO can do – at least in reasonable fashion – it is already doing: it’s supplying Ukraine with such surface-to-air systems like S-300, which are capable of intercepting ballistic- and cruise missiles. Sure, the gov in Kyiv is not boasting with that, but, whenever they’re capable of such action (i.e. there is no threat for them), Ukrainian S-300s are regularly intercepting incoming Russian missiles.
Bottom line: sorry, but there’s absolutely no point in getting hysteric and exercising any kind of further pressure over these two issues (my points 3 and 4). There are far better means of supporting Ukraine: those certain not to provoke a Third World War including a pulverisation of the northern hemisphere by several thousands of nuclear weapons. Keep in mind: that would be not only an end of Russia, but of Ukraine, too.

“Promoting Nonviolence.” You Keep Using Those Words, I Do Not Think They Mean What You Think They Mean.

DUMAS, Ark. – (UPDATE – 12:00 A.M.) Chief Keith Finch with the Dumas Police Department said one person was killed and at least 20 others were injured in the shooting incident outside of a car show Saturday evening.

Speaking to, Finch said the shooting started just around 6:50 p.m. He also told MonticelloLive that “multiple gunmen just started shooting.”

The shooting happened outside of the 16th annual “Hood-Nic” event held by the Delta Neighborhood Empowerment Youth Organization. One of the organizers of the event said the gathering was an attempt to promote nonviolence.

Dumas PD Chief: 20 injured, 1 dead in shooting outside Arkansas car show | KARK

After seeing so many articles about shootings in events that are supposed to “promote nonviolence,” I think it is safe to add the term to the list of danger warning indicators we should use to do a 180, run as fast as we can to stay away from trouble.

Next on in the list of considerations is “Hookah Bar.”

Be safe everybody.

Hat Tip Marckc