Month: March 2022

It will be OK as long as you wear your mask and have that booster shot.

Not The Bee.

Starbucks has announced plans to rid stores of single-use cups by 2025 in favor of an all-reusable model. In a press release issued Tuesday, the company detailed plans to achieve its latest “planet positive goal” by encouraging customers to bring their own personal cups to be refilled, or by offering communal cups that guests would be instructed to return upon their next visit.

Those communal cups would then be professionally cleaned at the store and provided to other Starbucks customers, who would in turn repeat the process.

Starbucks is getting rid of single-use coffee cups, introducing a more communal model | WKRN News 2

  1. I have seen the professionals at the store, the ones that still cannot spell “Joe” right. Somehow, I do not trust them doing a good job disinfecting the re-usable cups.
  2. The term “planet positive goal” sounds like “If we can get this burnt coffee with soy milk and sprinkles drinking idiots to bring their own cup, we could save millions in disposable shit.”

More power to them and Viva Capitalism! specially since I refuse to drink that swill.


Asian women in NYC buying pepper spray to defend themselves against White Supremacists roaming freely in the streets.


It seems that attacks like the one performed by Tammel Esco hitting a old Asian lady 125 was enough to trigger a panic response to buy some form of defensive weapon.

I carry pepper spray, but it is only one link in my defensive chain. Let’s face it: a can of spices is hardly a life-saving device. Specially against intoxicated individuals.

White Supremacist punches Asian woman over 125 times in Yonkers.

Yonkers, NY – On Friday, March 11th, 2022, at approximately 6:11 PM, members of the Yonkers Police Department responded to an apartment building in the confines of the 3rd Precinct on several reports of a dispute; information was given that a woman was bleeding at scene and the suspect was in front of the location. Upon arrival officers located the victim, an elderly female, in the vestibule of the building with severe facial injuries; she was transported to a local area trauma center. The suspect was located outside the building and placed into custody without incident.

Detectives from the Major Case Squad and Crime Scene Unit responded to the scene and interviewed subjects and witnesses, recovered surveillance video, and processed forensic evidence. Investigation yielded that the victim, a 67-year-old resident of the City of Yonkers, was returning home and saw the suspect in front of the building. As she walked past him, he called her an “Asian bitch;” the victim is of Asian descent. Ignoring his comment, the victim entered the vestibule of the building and was attempting to open the second door to enter the lobby when, without warning, the suspect approached from behind and punched her in the head, knocking her to the floor; he then stood over her and proceeded to punch her in the head and face more than 125 times with alternating fist strikes before foot-stomping her seven times and spitting on her. As a result of the beating, the victim suffered multiple contusions and lacerations to her head and face, facial bone fractures, and bleeding on the brain; she is currently listed in stable condition and is recovering in the hospital. The incident was captured on surveillance video.

tip411 – Alerts (

These White MAGA Hat hatemongers need to be brought to heel ASAP, I don’t understand how a place like NYC still allows conduct and people like that.

Free Jussie Smollett! He didn’t do it! It was the White Nigerian Brothers!

Hat Tip Royko

And just like that the final nail is driven into America’s coffin


That’s the end of the American century.

First Saudi Arabia accepts Yuan, then the rest of OPEC accepts Yuan, and petro-dollars are no longer American dollars, and the US Dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency, and then the American economy collapses as the Dollar goes the way of the Papiermark.