Month: March 2022

Screw Twitter gun culture, they are forgetting some important details

I have seen a lot of posts, a lot of posts, about how it’s time to sell your extra ARs and buy NODs, IR lasers/illuminators, a can, mags by the case, and so on.

See, you can only carry one rifle so having more than one AR is stupid.

You need to liquidate your collection to gussy your one AR up like you’re a motherfucking elite operator.

Of course, implied in all of this is if you’re not carrying a recce rifle identical to some Knight’s Armament gun porn or what some Delta operator carries, you’re gonna die.

This is feels a lot like Gun Culture 3.0’s version of the old and obnoxious CCW “you still carry a snub nose revolver, you’re just gonna get yourself killed on the streets if your not carrying [favorite plastic wonder 9] with three reloads.”

So here are my counter points.

First, the practical:

Anytime you buy new gear you need to practice with it.  If you add new optics, especially something like NODs, and you don’t practice, it becomes a liability.

Ammo is stupid expensive right now.  If you can’t or don’t want to spend the money on practicing with all your new gear your were convinced to buy, you’re not really helping yourself.

If you do have the money then post your lottery numbers in the comments.  Because if, on top of the price if gas and food for a family of four, I added an adequate ammo budget to cover practice with NODs, whatever money I had left will become alimony for ex-wife.

If you are familiar with your equipment, don’t change it unless you really feel the need to upgrade.

Second, the legal:

This blog coveted the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting and trial in detail.  I also recently addressed the Jake Garner shooting in Omaha.

So imagine you are caught in a Leftist riot gone to hell.

It’s late at night, these riots don’t get really bad until after dark.

You slot some rioter(s) with your registered 12-inch SBR, with a can, IR laser, and night vision optic.

You are going to fucking prison.

I hate to be the barer of bad news but popping a dude in the dark with NODs will be interpreted as intent to commit murder.

ARs and red dots are probably common enough that with sufficient exculpatory evidence, you can avoid a guilty conviction.

NODs and IR lasers, that type of stuff will be used against you.

“You put the same accessories on your gun as a NAVY SEAL.  Do you think you are a SEAL?  Were your preparing for battle?”

Then your beloved recce rifle is going to walk out of the evidence locker and into some police chief’s gun safe while you are doing 20 to life.

Now, let’s say that society has gone to hell so much that you have no fear about a post-shooting prosecution..

Then I will stipulate that there will be plenty of NODs available already mounted on select fire M4s, and you will have free reign to pick them up off bodies or out of abandoned armories.

Under those circumstances I’m going to get myself an abandoned Stryker.

If you want to own that stuff because it’s cool, fine.  That’s your prerogative.

But I’m going to say the same thing about recce rifles as I will about guys who tell you that you need to practice with your AR out to 300, 400, 500 yards:

Having been through major natural disasters and social unrest, I have never witnessed a situation that required a civilian to take a shot in self defense outside of 25 yards that on anyway could be legally justified.

Buy and practice however you want, but when the shit hits the fan you need to remember you are responsible for every bullet you send downrange and will be required to justify it in court when it’s all over.

A quick update on the Ruger PC 9.

I had not shot mine since I forget when, but yesterday I took it out for a long overdue spin. Other than a mounted light and a sling, it is strictly an out of the box PC 9 without any modifications other than the charging handle moved to the left side. Oh yes, I have not cleaned the thing since I shot it first in the SWFLa Blog shoot.

Some 75 rounds later, I stopped. I ran the carbine off hand, standing up on a slope at different steel targets at different ranges and angles. And the little long gun performed flawlessly. Me? not so much, but that is a different story. Fifty yard body shots were the norm and I hit targets farther than that not as regularly, but that was because of me and not the gun.

I need to sit down and bench the PC 9 to see how far can I get it to shoot. In theory, I believe it can be a proper 100 yard gun with the right scope a top of it. Something of variable power to get flavors close and far with a simple twist of a ring.

For some reason, the term “American AK” popped in my head just now. I know, it is not a rifle cartridge, but if you own one and have already messed with it a bit, it will probably makes sense to you too.

I will need to buy another PC 9 for my collection.

Damned gun list keeps getting longer, ain’t it. I am sure I am not the only one with that problem.

I almost feel bad for the Russian soldiers


Imagine being a Russian soldier and your officer commands you to be the perfect target in a textbook ambush.

Just form a tightly packed column on a road with obstructions to either side, that has clearly been pre-sighted and gives great cover and concealment to the enemy.

Russian military tactics have never been heavy on well thought out maneuvers.

The standard Russian doctrine since… forever, has been throw men at the enemy until they run out of ammo and you overrun their position.

Rolling into an ambush is an extension of that tactic.

Took them long enough to come up with this


Poll after poll and hard voting in Florida giving Trump the win in the last elections has made it clear that the Hispanic vote was no longer joined at the hip of the Democratic Party. It was time to come down on the treasonous spic shits that went to the Dark Side and tag them as Hateful Racist Bastards.


What they’re saying: Experts tell Axios far-right extremism within the Latino community stems from three sources: Hispanic Americans who identify as white; the spread of online misinformation; and lingering anti-Black, antisemitic views among U.S. Latinos that are rarely openly discussed.

Far-right, neo-Fascist Latinos becoming more visible (

If you have read the blog for any length of time, you know I have touched on the particular likes-dislikes Hispanics carry within our culture. Yes, they exist, but contrary to what the Axios “experts” say, it is not based on color but Nationality. Mexican and Hondurans look alike, but they do not like each other (The way Mexicans treat Honduran illegals would make most Libs excrete in their La Perla panties), Colombians and Venezuelans have been throwing shit at each other since 1830 give or take a couple of years and Panamanians split from Colombia not because they did not like Cumbia. If you go down the list of Latin American countries, you will find this “dislike/hate” repeated over and over with the exception of Argentinians who pretty much nobody south of the Rio Grande like.

Are there Hispanics that do not like Blacks or Jews? Shit yeah. You just need to traipse to Argentina. Uruguay and Paraguay where there was a heavy German immigration sometime in 1945-46 to find some true haters. The Argentine Israelite Mutual Association was blown in Argentina some years back and although attributed to Hezbollah, the evidence and investigation showed heavy local participation by non-Muslims and the case was eventually botched (op purpose many say) by the authorities.

But what the “Experts” are trying to do is scare the Hispanic renegades to come back to the lettuce patch and be good brown skinned pickers for the Democrats. And if they refuse to come back, they will be tagged as “gusanos racistas” (racists worms AKA traitors) and badmouthed till they are shunned by the community. But as long as the “Experts” continue to shoehorn Hispanics within their pigeonhole of color rather than culture, they will keep failing as we come in may colors, races and religions. Before Jessie Jackson came with the Rainbow Coalition club, Hispanics had been that for over a Century.

Exactly what you’d expect from an NPR employee

We are all familiar with the type of person, generally a Leftist, who has a particular type of condescending contempt for America and love for Europe.

You hear things like:

America has no culture.

Everything in Europe is quaint/better/more cultured/[synonym for superior] to America.

For example:

Ms. Beardsley is the Paris correspondent for National Public Radio.

Of course she loves that Paris has cobblers and how happy she was to shit on America for not having cobblers to a Parisian.

I bet it made her feel so superior.

No doubt she believes that all Americans wear disposable sneakers from Wal-Mart and have no need to resole a shoe.

Tell me you have never met a soldier or cowboy without telling me you never met a soldier or cowboy.

Every city I’ve ever lived in had a boot repair shop and at least half the items I’ve seen on the shelves were high dollar cowboy boots and uniform/combat boots.

There are also a fair amount of high end hunting, hiking, or work boots.

I’ve had several pairs of boots resoled.

When you spend a few hundred dollars on quality work boots, you want them to last.

My dad was a lawyer, he had dress shoes that were older than me and would have them resoled as well.

These places exist but I guess Bob’s Boot Repair (an actual place in Rapid City, SD that does excellent work) isn’t as quaint and cultured as a Parisian cobbler shop, so it doesn’t count.

So without a doubt Ms. Beardsley was absolutely wrong, going entirely by her prejudices and not knowledge.  But what else could you expect from a sneering Leftist who works for NPR and lives in Paris.

There goes the price of fruit and vegetables


Holy fucking shit balls!!!

It’s going to be $3,000 to fill a semi in California.

Two-thirds the fresh fruit and vegetables in the grocery stores this times of year comes out of California.

Transporting that out of the state just became ridiculous.

Time to start a victory garden.