Month: March 2022

NYT Journo shot and killed in Ukraine

He probably died with the satisfaction he did not have to cover mean tweets.

Jim Acosta, the bravest journalist in the US should step in. don’t you think?

I understand why Southerners would burn down the homes of carpetbaggers


From the comments:


A Tran-activist leaving the shithole of California to move to the free state of Florida and then vote for a Democrat who is actively campaigning for groomers to talk to kindergarten and elementary school children about sex.

Please stay the fuck back in California.

Red states, like Florida, need to pass laws to keep these people out.

If you move from a Blue state you should have to pay a 100% property tax and wait 10 years to register to vote.

I don’t think things will stay peaceful

My wife took the kids to Sunday (Hebrew) school.

She stopped to get gas and this is what she texted me:


I remember not much more than a year ago when filling up her SUV cost less than $30.

A buddy of mine who still lives in Alabama sent me this:


But it’s not just Red states.

These are going up across the country, even in places like New York City, faster than gas station attendants can take them down.

The interviews from a New York Post article on gas prices are incredible:

Decals of a finger-pointing President Biden, with the words “I did that!” in big, bold print, have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country — including New York City — as gasoline prices skyrocket.

“I just know everything he’s been doing since he took office has been going downhill. Bring Trump back,” said Harold Frost, 29, of the Upper West Side. “My car has been parked the whole week because of this. I took the train, but it’s dangerous now on the train. You gotta be careful.”

That’s a fucking choice, go broke filling your tank or risk getting mugged and murdered on the subway.

Mayor Melendez, 20, of Brooklyn, said he’ll have to make budget cuts elsewhere to fill up his Toyota RAV4

“I just spent $47, and that was only half a tank,” he said. “I usually go out to eat on the weekends, and now I can’t do that.”

Food or gas.

Of course food prices are going up.

I wonder what will happen when it takes $100 to fill up a midsize car and a loaf of bagged sliced sandwich bread is $5.

When middle Americans are paying to make PB&J what they used to pay to make burgers.

When it takes one day’s wages of every work week just for the gas to drive to work.

I don’t see it stating peaceful.

That level of crushing, grinding you into the mud, poverty makes a civilization unstable.

Right now it’s sparky stickers but it’s not going to stay this way forever.

Oh sh*t, we’re at war with Iran now


Apparently Biden’s utterly calamitous and limp-dick fuck-ups in Afghanistan and Ukraine have given the green light to every enemy who wants a piece of us to give it a shot.

We have three more years of this shit.

The only upside is if the NORKs launched at us they’d only be able to hit California.

It’s un-fucking-believable just how far a nation can fall in one year.

the worst of WWI history is repeating itself over Ukraine

There is an unbelievable amount of propaganda and bullshit surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Everything from NATO adoption to US/Ukrainian bioweapons labs.

I’m believe deeply in Occam’s Razor, and seek out the simplest rational explanation for things.

Putin came to power in 2000.  He is an old KGB agent who deeply believes in the old Soviet system.

For the old Soviet Russians, they look longingly at a time when the Soviet Union was a global superpower; before Russia became a failing nation ranked 57 by per capita GDP, a birthrate below replacement, and one of the highest opiate addiction problems in the world.

He wants Soviet strength once again.

He wants Ukraine for the same reasons Stalin did: lots of farm land, abundant natural resources, and warm water ports.

Stalin killed Ukrainian civilians to try and break them into being obedient Soviet citizens.  Putin is pulling the same play from the same book.

There is no 4-D chess here.  It’s 1917 all over again.

As Russian repeats one of its worst parts of history, the Western World has decided to do so as well.  Namely, the interwar period.


Russian citizens are being destroyed and destroyed discriminated against for the actions of their government.

Russian athletes are being ejected from competition and Russian cats can’t compete in cat shows.

None of this hurts Putin.

After WWI, the world isolated and discriminated against Germany and hurt German citizens because the German government invaded Belgium and France.

This led to the hyperinflation of the Weimer papiermark, the collapse of the Weimar Republic, the election of Adolf Hitler, the rise of the Third Reich, and WWII.

So, the Western World is going to isolate and discriminate against Russian civilians because Putin invaded Ukraine until Russia.  It’s going to break the Russian people, crush their economy, and drive them into povery.

What comes next is a Russian Hitler who overtly states he wants to build a Second Soviet Union, one so powerful enough that the rest of the world can’t crush it.

Go read the translation of early Hitler speeches.  He tapped into a legitimate German grievance about what the world was doing to the German people.

This time, Russian Hitler has nukes and the backing of China.

I’m not saying let Russian conquer Ukraine.

I’m just saying taking your anger against Putin out by tormenting Russian civilians from your moral high horse is a bad fucking idea.

Don’t get mad at me and call me a Russian puppet.

I’m just seeing patterns in history unfold.