Month: March 2022

Camp Chip-A-Groomer will be opening for the summer session



Ms. Ashley bills herself as a “lifelong sexuality educator.”  Which means she has figured out how to make a career out of talking to elementary school children about sex.

Consider what sort of person creates a summer camp for children ages 8 to 10 to teach them about things like insertables and pornography.

Yes.  The words “groomer” and “pedophile” are appropriate.

Also consider what sort of parents would pay for that camp.  Clearly not ones interested in their children’s well being but to use their children to score Woke points among their peers.

I think I too will start a summer camp.

We will teach children how to identify predators and perverts.

How to defend themselves from emotionally and psychologically manipulative adults.

And how to safely operate a woodchipper when grinding a pedophile into mulch.

I’m honestly terrified that a person can list something like this online and not get raided.


Just a quick passing thought.

I am having a bad feeling about the consequences of the Ukraine war for us in the US. We have a nutcase in the Soviet Union Russia going Cossack because he can and has a finger in a nuclear trigger or at least outside the trigger guard. And on our land, we have a senile old fart with a bunch of puppeteers behind/under/inside him who need to look butch, or otherwise they will badly lose both sides of Congress come November and maybe even the Presidency before its time.

Stupid desperate politicians make for stupid desperate decisions that do not affect them but screw us far and wide.

Stupid desperate politicians scare the shit out of me.

I fully endorse this tactic


Democrats: “DeSantis won’t let us talk to kids in school about sexuality and gender so we’re doing put in our gayest rainbow pride parade costumes and sing ‘gay’ in the Capitol.”

Normies: “Is that what they want to do with our kids in school? Fuck that noise. Sign the bill!”


Every time a Leftist puts on a pride costume and talks to a child about alternative sexual orientations a normie thinks about buying a woodchipper.

At what point does energy policy become actual treason?

White House is considering sending Biden to Saudi Arabia to convince them to pump more oil as barrels hit $130 and US discusses easing sanctions with Venezuela

President Biden’s advisors are reportedly considering sending him to Saudi Arabia to push the kingdom to pump more oil as prices soar to over $130 a barrel.

Biden has so far held off on banning Russian oil imports despite bipartisan pressure to do so. While the U.S. has tried to present a united front with its European allies on sanctions, Biden is considering going it alone with banning Russian oil imports, according to Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, White House officials met this weekend with Venezuela’s corrupt President Nicolás Maduro to talk oil and gas exports.

A trip to Saudi Arabia would force the White House to compromise on its emphasis on human rights as they scramble to divert the U.S. from Russian gas. The potential visit was first reported by Axios.

Let me get this straight:

Biden killed the KXL pipeline.

Biden ended new leases in Alaska, New Mexico, and elsewhere.

Biden has totally reversed Trump’s making America energy independent and has waged a regulatory war on the oil and gas industry.

Biden has twice dumped oil from our strategic reserves.

Biden’s sanctions on Russia explicitly exempted Russian petroleum.

Now he’s turning to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil but will not turn on American oil production.

At what point does gutting our oil supply and buying more oil from anti-American enemy  nations technically count as treason?

Because honestly, if the Republicans win the majority in the House and Senate, I want them to impeach Biden and Harris over this and put in a Republican who will reinstate Trump’s oil policy.

It’s not just about the cost of gas, it’s about the strength of our strategic position.