Month: April 2022

Madison Cawthorn is a dumbass and bad example of responsible gun ownership

In the past I had supported Congressman Madison Cawthorn for being pro gun.

But this is just fucking stupid on his part:


Twice.  He’s done this shit twice!

I have a NC pistol permit.  It’s an 8-hour class that goes over not doing shit like this.

I get that he’s probably a busy guy but this is just irresponsible.

Here is where this story gets worse.

The article states that Charlotte Mecklenburg Police took possession of the gun.

This is the gun:


He lost possession of a $2,000 Sticcato C2!

Not just did he lose track of his carry piece, but he lost track of his $2,000 custom carry piece.

Not just is he going to face a $13,910 fine, but he’s going to lose his carry gun and pistol permit too.

In NC it’s forfeit if you are convinced of a gun crime, including misdemeanors.

I absolutely want pro-gun members of Congress.

But I want them to be examples of responsible gun ownership who don’t do dumb shit like this.

Awesome news! The Gary Sinise Foundation is moving to Tennessee.

The Gary Sinise Foundation is so excited to officially announce we’re moving to the great state of Tennessee! We will move into a new headquarters in Franklin this summer, and our very own Gary Sinise also plans to move to the state with his family. “It will be very, very good to be in a state that’s connected to seven other states, all of them with military bases and many, many veterans and all those communities around Tennessee,” said Gary. “Having our foundation more centrally located in the country will be a very, very positive thing for the work that we do.”


Why Gary Sinise Is Moving His Veteran Nonprofit to Tennessee | Gary Sinise Foundation


This guy is a saint. Few people in Hollywood do good things because it moves them to do so and not looking for a Tax Break or Social Media relevance.

God Bless him.

Hat Tip LawrG

Into The Woods

You’ve decided, for whatever (bad) reasons, that you are heading into the woods. There are a few considerations to keep in mind as you head into the woods.

You’re Not the Only One!

Yeah, there are any number of other people that think they are going to be living in the woods after a SHTF situation.

The good news, for you, is that after a couple of weeks, you’ll start to come upon caches of goods. You’ll be able to spot them by the smell of dead bodies near by.

Most people won’t survive in the woods for very long. If you plan on surviving in the woods, you need to be able to shelter and survive and move back towards living (as opposed to surviving).

Your biggest enemy will be time. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you are going to need to do.

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They asked for tolerance but give none


This doofus pulled out the pepper spray in the store he went into because a manager wasn’t wearing a mask.

The manager was on duty and kept his cool.

Out in the real world this guy deserves to have his keychain defender taken from him and used to administer a pepper spray enema.

Remember that they asked to be treated civilly and with respect for wanting to continue to wear their masks now that the mandates are lifted.

I guess they never intended that to be reciprocal.

Vox writer inadvertently justifies the Second Amendment


Buying two Senate seats is a felony.

But assuming he does this in such a way that Leftists justices would accept the argument that paying people to move to a state then vote for him is not a bribe and therefore not a crime, this is exactly why the Second Amendment is the final check and balance of our government.


The MIC doesn’t have to be this stupid

This is an old Tweet but it resurfaced because of what Biden said about green military vehicles.


It’s a good thing the Sea Sparrow is environmentally friendly when it hits its target and plunges thousands of pounds of aircraft full of thousands of pounds of heavy metals, toxic ordnance, jet fuel, plastics, etc into the ocean to sink to the sea floor.

The problem is that the MIC relies on government funding and politicians who allocate that funding have agendas, so defense contractors have to waste time and money on stupid shit like this.

As the government gets more and more invasive into every area of business and people’s lives, everything is going to be more like this.

Someone just had a dissociative psychological break on TV


That’s almost exactly what Twitter and Facebook did to Trump in 2020.

They throttled Trump and locked down the NY Post and anyone who covered the Hunter Biden laptop story.

And I can guarantee you that if DeSantis runs in 2024 they would have locked out his and Christina Pushaw’s accounts.

This talking head is having such a hard time with the thought of losing control of the narrative that he’s had a psychological break and is confessing in projection.