Month: June 2022

I’m not shocked, I’m raging like hell

Miguel said he won’t be shocked at the antics of the Pride activists in Seattle.

He shared a video of naked cyclists.


They were doing that in front of children.

You can, and I do, blame parents who took their children to that, but that does not absolve the cyclists themselves.  They did this in public to be seen.  If they had shame, when they saw children watching they would have covered up.  They wanted to be seen by children or they would not have done this.

Then there is this:


I was a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Eagle Scout, and Venture Scout.

The only thing ever discussed with Scouts of a sexual nature was our annual training on what do to if an adult tries to molest you.

Now there are Scouts marching with Pride flags.

Marching with Pride flags held higher and more numerous than the American flag.

When I got into politics in college as a College Republican, I honestly believed in gay rights.

My older cousin was gay.  I lived on Miami Beach for a while.

I sincerely believed that the 14th Ammendment granted gays equality under the law, that they should be able to marry and get jobs and housing without being discriminated against.

I signed up for equal rights, not government sanctioned and supported public displays of sexual degeneracy directed at children.

We live in a Banana Republic where there are two sets of laws and clearly the LGBT community can engage in any and all sexual depravity in public around children and get away with it.

If you had a bunch of straight men waggling their penises at children they would be violently arrested and sent to prison.

Gay men in bandage gear doing the same while carrying a Pride flag?  The media will tell you that it’s a good things for children to see it.

The Dobbs decision stated that the Court wasn’t going to revisit gay marriage.

On Friday I thought that was right.

This morning I want them to overturn Obergefell.

I want them to reverse anti-discrimination laws on the basis of sexual orientation.

I look at this and I  want the LGBT community waffle stomped back into the closet.

I want to go back to the bad old days when you couldn’t be out in public.

Then, after sufficient residence time, we can let them back out of the closet on a short leash.

Go ahead and get married.

Go ahead and live normal, middle-class lives, and at night go home to a same-sex spouse and do whatever it is that you do behind closed doors.

Bare your dick to a child in public a have Boy Scouts carry a flag of sexual degeneracy and we will yank your leash so hard so fast it will make your head spin.

Do I sound extreme?

You are damn right I sound extreme.

I didn’t start out this way.  They did this to me.

When I was a Scout, if an adult exposed himself sexually to a Scout, the police got involved.

Now I have to worry that my son in Scouts might be exposed to a cock in public while carrying a Pride flag at a sanctioned event.

Shit like that is what turns me into what I am today.

Depending on the police for assistance? It may be a while.

CHICAGO (CBS) — Video shows a Good Samaritan stepping in to help a store clerk during an attack on the city’s North Side last week.

As CBS 2’s Jermont Terry reported Monday night, what the attacker didn’t know was that the Good Samaritan also happens to be a jiujitsu trainer.

At 10:15 p.m. Thursday, June 16, police said the suspected thief entered the 7-Eleven and proceeded to take food items and try to walk off without paying. The 19-year-old store clerk did not approach the thief at the time, police said.

But the same man entered the 7-Eleven again soon afterward and was asked to leave – at which point he punched the clerk, police said.

Soon afterward, Redzovic had him in a jiujitsu “gift hold.”

“Hey homie, let me go,” the man is heard saying.

“No,” Redzovic tells him. “You swung at those dudes.”

Despite the rapid takedown and hold, Redzovic never injured or hurt the man. He stayed holding onto the suspected thief until police arrived 13 minutes later.


Caught on video: Jiujitsu instructor steps in, pins down suspected thief at Ravenswood convenience store – CBS Chicago (

It is a good thing the good Samaritan was in good shape and had the knowledge to control the critter. I know I could have not (Probably would not have intervened either) and probably most of you either. Not because cowardice, but common sense: There is a gun already present, and crap can go sideways if we go MMA.
But what I see happening in the future if these delays keep happening is that either the bad actor will be let go unharmed or with a nice reminder never to come back and screw again with this location and people.
I seem to recall from some book where a bad guy was sliced three time across the gluteus zone for some non-deadly offense and sent on his merry way. Those are wound that are a bitch to heal and constantly remind you they are there.

I won’t be shocked.

In the future (near, I hope) there will be breaking news about how Seattle was found to be a top hot bed for child grooming and trafficking. News people will act surprised and even feign offense at the disgusting discovery while asking the usual generic question of “how could this happen?” A couple of scapegoats will be found, arrested, prosecuted and “suicided” and the same media will deem the issue fixed and go on to blame whatever political enemy du jour is on their list.

The grooming and the raping will continue in the dark, because the players know they chose the right political side to huddle under and they will not be attacked without bringing down the whole Liberal house.


You’re Racist: Black Caucus Abortion Version

Friday was a long drive with my lady. We discussed Dobbs and she made the statement “I’m worried because this will affect the class of poor black women”. I’m in total disagreement.

Some states will or have banned abortion. The response from the death clinics will be to send buses or vans into those states with bans and offer free transportation to the nearest death clinic in the next state over.

We see this with states with no sales tax. You find stores popping up right across the border on well traveled roads. Not because there is a driving need within the sales tax free state, but to service all the out of staters that can do math and balance a 6% sales tax against a 30 mile round trip drive.

Yes, it might be that a woman with murder in her heart will have to wait for a bit for the van to arrive and then she might have to wait a couple of hours to get to the clinic before she finally is able to exercise her will. And then she’ll have the same long ride back to her home state.

The people this will actually affect is poor rural women that still have to make that long trip to the death clinic but can’t afford the trip into the city to catch that bus.

To be absolutely clear, for the longest time I was pro-choice and anti-abortion. I had lived in the cesspool of “pro-choice” for so long I couldn’t step out of it. What this meant to me is that at a personal level I would do everything in my power to convince a woman to carry to term but I felt that in the end, it was her choice.

I changed my opinion when my ex-Wife got a code while we were out and I drove her to the code. It was a woman with excessive vaginal bleeding. My ex-wife and her crew got the women onto the gurney and she was transported to the hospital where they hoped to save her. My ex-wife reported it as “she’s a frequent flyer. She uses the ambulance as a taxi. We transported her yesterday for her 5th abortion. This is just complications.”

On that day I change my opinion. Turns out that there was a fair number of women that were using abortion as birth control. Easier than using real birth control because it was free.

On Friday the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) asked Joe to declare a national emergency. They want him to use his power to “protect access to abortion services”

They also said the court’s decision will disproportionately affect Black women living in the South at a time when the maternal health crisis is already severely affecting the Black community. The Biden administration released a plan to tackle the maternal health care crisis Friday, promising to focus on building equity within the system.
— The Hill: Congressional Black Caucus calls for national emergency after SCOTUS decision

So there you have it, the law is racist and all pro-lifers that support the law are racist.

I told you this would happen

Yes I did.

Earlier today I said that the Left would use Judicial nominees’ questions against them as grounds for impeachment for perjury.

We won on guns and abortion in 24 hours.

If you think the Left is just going to bluster, you’re wrong.



Socialism: Big Oil Version

Third and most important, the government should nationalize Big Oil. That would allow the government to manage the industry’s drawdown, a process the private sector is ignoring. A coalition of climate-action groups showed the world’s 60 largest banks financed nearly $4 trillion in fossil energy projects over the last five years, investments that could be stranded and lead to more requested taxpayer bailouts when the carbon bubble pops.
— The Hill: Why we must nationalize Big Oil

The author of this opinion piece doesn’t even understand the words he uses. He calls “Big Oil” a monopoly. For some reason, companies that compete with each other for profits seem to set prices that are close to one another. According to my understanding of economics this price reflects the costs of producing the product including all labor, taxes, transportation, facilities and raw goods PLUS the profit.

In most cases, the costs of goods is pretty close from company to company. Sometimes one company is able to get their raw goods a little cheaper or their labor costs are lower. Over all it balances.

Once that is done, the company looks at how to maximize their profits. The greed part of capitalism. Profit is not calculated on an item by item bases but as the value of number of items sold multiplied by the amount of profit.

A widget costs $1.00 to manufacture. As long as the price of the widget is greater than $1.00 there is profit. If the company expects to sell 1000 widgets and they want a profit of $1000 then they will set the price of the widget at $2.00. If they are able to sell 1000 widgets then great. They made their profit.

But what if people aren’t willing to pay $2 for the widget and they can only sell 100. Then the company only makes $100 in profit.

This is the balancing act. Trying to find the price for a good that will sell the most goods with the most profit per item.

As soon as there is profit in widgets, people will create competition. The competition wants people to by from them instead. They have only a few ways of accomplishing this. They can get people to believe that their widget is better so that the people believe they get more value for their dollars or they lower the price at the same quality level.

As an example, cheap imported gear cutter set from China, $159 from Amazon. Same 8 cutters from McMaster-Carr: $712. I know the the McMaster-Carr gear cutters are better quality than the ones from China. The ones from China will work for what I need.

When the price of goods goes up so much that the people start complaining, there is always a group of people that will promise to make prices better (lower) if they can take control. The idea is that a single group of people overseeing an industry will balance not just the profits of the company but also the social profit of the company.

In this case these author believe that all oil companies will be gone in 30 years. If they are going to be gone in 30 years nobody should invest in them today because they are going to be ripped off. If the companies continue to produce goods that people want and in a way that people want them to do it, that is cheating and the companies should be punished.

Thomas Sowell talks about price signals in terms of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had a horrible time with their trains. A large part of that was that they forced their rolling stock to carry more than it was rated for. This caused the cars to wearout faster and fail. Engineers and the experts that explained this were punished.

Thomas looked a bit deeper into what was going on and found that in the Soviet Union, different government bureaus created verticals. Thus a bureau responsible for making a tractor might have mines to get coal, iron and other metals. It might have a factory that made plastic parts and so forth. This was because nobody trusted anybody in the Soviet Union to delver what was promised on time and at the quality needed.

This lead to the interesting situation of trains carrying coal and wood from the west all the way to the east where they were unloaded at factories of one bureau and then loading up with wood and coal at the mines of another bureau to transport them back across the same rails with the same goods.

Socialism fails. It fails every time. It is impossible for any small group of people to know everything that the population knows. There is no way for a government bureaucrat to know that the soil just proved to loose and that the road work is going to need a few tons of sand and stone to stabilize it by next Wed.

Socialism, just say no.