Month: February 2023

He seems nice


We know nothing about the shooter but his go-to reaction is to attack your gun rights.

He also attacks you for expressing concern and condolences in any way other than his preferred way, which is knee-jerk gun control.

It’s a double whammy of being an asshole.

Here is what I find interesting.

This man is a Sikh.  He says so in his bio.

Sikh are commanded to carry a sword, called a Kirpan, to defend the innocent.

You know that line from The Mandalorian that has become a meme: “Weapons are part of my religion.”

That is actually Sikhism.

But this guy wants to go after your right to own the tools to defend yourself.

I guess nothing of value was lost

California baker who died in robbery wouldn’t have wanted killer locked up, family says

Family and friends of an Oakland baker who was dragged to her death during a robbery say that she would not have wanted her killer to be prosecuted.

“I think Jen would affirm that of course that’s what people have been trained to believe is the answer, to lock people up,” Emily Harris, a close friend of Jen Angel, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “But we know that if the people who cause her harm are sent to jail, all we’re doing is perpetuating more harm.”

Angel, the owner of Angel Cakes bakery, died on Thursday from injuries she sustained after being confronted by armed thieves who smashed her car window outside an Oakland Wells Fargo and fled with her belongings.

Angel tried to chase down the suspects but was caught in their vehicle door as they left the scene and dragged more than 50 feet before her head hit the sidewalk and they drove away.

Fuck Jen and her friends and family.

This is a selfish bullshit attitude.

This is the sort of attitude Woke assholes have to seem compassionate, but it’s really just awful.

If these robbers are not prosecuted then they will do this again, and will kill someone else.

They will deprive about swt of parents of a child, children of a parent, a spouse a parter, etc.

We don’t just prosecute criminals to punish them for what they did but to keep them from offending again.

By saying “Jen wouldn’t have wanted her killer to be prosecuted” they are saying “Jen wouldn’t really have cared of they killed someone else.”

So it’s fortuitous that Jen and her shitty selfish attitude made the ultimate sacrifice and I’m glad these thieves are being prosecuted against her last wishes.


How much are the tags gonna be?

Naming the names. Final batch of documents containing ‘salacious’ allegations related to Jeffrey Epstein associates – including Prince Andrew – will finally be made PUBLIC after dozens of John and Jane Does agree to unsealing

The final batch of court documents containing ‘salacious’ allegations related to 167 of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates, victims, and employees, will finally be unsealed – nearly four years after the disgraced financier’s death.

The material will be made public in the coming months and, can reveal, is expected to include information pertaining to at least one ‘public figure.’

The documents represent the last of the sealed material to be made public as part of a years-long process that has been rumbling through federal court in New York since before Epstein apparently killed himself in 2019 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges.

So once we know the names of the pedophiles who cavorted on Epstein’s kiddie-rape island, what’s the plan?

I’m for a lottery for hunting permits.

Winners will get to bag a famous pedophile in a trophy hunt.

In all honesty, the scariest thing would be is nothing happens and these people continue with their lives unchanged.

If they don’t end up in prison or an industrial shredding machine, they should be harassed every single day for the rest of their lives and treated at pariah.

Link Dump

An interesting article because of New Hampshire law.  “Gun Free Zone” has no legal standing except for certain federal buildings, like post offices and courts.  There is no restriction on firearms within the capital buildings as well.

Going into a medical facility with a firearm is not illegal.  If your firearm is seen then the staff can request you leave.  If you don’t leave you can be trespassed.   This man got in trouble because he had his hand on his firearm when the police approached which took this to a different level.

Just an opinion piece on the Oregon Supreme Court allowing the county judges injunction to remain.  It is reported that their opinion read much like Alito’s did.  That they are going to let this play out within the county court and they will get involved only after the case has been decided based on the merits of the case

California AG Rob Bonta whines that the Fifth Circuit court found parts of 18 USC §922(g) unconstitutional. “Their legal analysis is poor, their conclusions are misguided and their outcomes are dangerous and that is a problem.”  The media agress with him.

MSNBC miss reports on the Fifth Circuit court’s ruling in order to get the feels.  Forgetting the difference between having a TRO for domestic violence and being convicted of domestic violence.

Over in Illinois county Judge T. Scott Webb issued an injunction against Illinois’ kill carry/gun ban.  Unfortunately this only applies for the people named on the suit.  So far the injunctions are being restricted to the plaintiffs, but they are happening.

This was covered before.  There is more to this story other than a dumpster full of firearms.  It is unlikely we’ll know until the case is decided in court.

A bit of balanced reporting where they don’t make the FFL out to be a merchant of death

Another strand of spaghetti that was thrown at the wall in NJ was blocked when District Judge Zahid Quraishi issued an injunction based on the PLCAA.

The ATF has released a report that I’ve not read yet. The media has decided that it is proof that guns and more importantly, “ghost guns” are horribly dangerous.  The cool thing is that if §922(g) is ruled unconstitutional, all this yap-yap about “Ghost Guns” will be mooted.

A huge part of the infringers battle plan revolves around making buying, selling, and/or owning gun too expensive for the common person.  One way they do this is to get towns, cities, and counties to pass infringements which then need to be fought in court with  no real cost to the people that passed these infringements.

Measure 114

You know you done messed up with Miguel tells you that you done messed up. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa.

I had not actually read measure 114 until today. I’ve been writing from second hand reports instead of actually reading the bill.

B.L.U.F. What is Measure 114? What does it do? What are some of the juice tidbits within?

The preamble lists all the reasons why guns are bad and why gun right should be infringed. Nothing we haven’t seen and heard before. Lots of hand waving to “studies show” plus the standard “it would have been worse if this or that infringement wasn’t in place.”

Section 4

This is the Permit-To-Purchase. The first thing of interest is that it is written in reverse. Instead of stating that you are allowed to purchase unless one or more things disqualifies you, it is instead written as you are only allowed to purchase if you meet a list of qualification that is open ended.

Is not prohibited from purchasing or acquiring a firearm under state or federal law, including but not limited to
successfully completing a criminal background check as described under paragraph (e) of this subsection;

You must successfully complete a background check but other things can be done to exclude you is how this language reads.

The subjective part:

Does not present reasonable grounds for a permit agent to conclude that the applicant has been or is reasonably likely to be a danger to self or others, or to the community at large, as a result of the applicant’s mental or psychological state or as demonstrated by the applicant’s past pattern of behavior involving unlawful violence or threats of unlawful violence;

“reasonably likely to be a danger to self or other”, if you want to buy a gun you are likely to be a danger to self or others. Very very subjective stuff.

You need to fill out and application and sign it in front of the permit agent. You can’t apply by mail. What is asked on the application is pretty intrusive: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, physical description “andany additional information determined necessary by department rules.”

This implies that the department can decide that they want your social media aliases as well.

You are required to be fingerprinted and the FBI must do the criminal background check. Of course they say the FBI supper duper promises not to keep a copy of the fingerprints or a record of who applied for a permit to purchase.

Here is one of those Soviet style clauses. The idea being that the clause says something really good for the people and then takes it away with the exception.

Within 30 days of receiving an application for a permit under this section, if the permit agent has verified the applicant’s identity and determined that the applicant has met each of the qualifications described in paragraph (1)(b) of this section, the permit agent shall issue the permit-to-purchase.

It sounds like you will have to wait a maximum of 30 days from the time you apply before you are granted your permit-to-purchase. That is not what this clause actually says. It says that if the permit agent has verified that a permit should be granted, they have to grant it within 30 days.

What happens if they are just too busy to do the verification within 30 days? This clause actually says they can take as long as they want.

The permit agent shall report the issuance of a permit under this section to the department, and shall provide to the department a copy of the permit and any information necessary for the department to maintain an electronic searchable database of all permits issued under this section. A permit agent revoking a permit shall report the revocation to the department at the time that notice of the revocation has been sent to the permit holder.

Well what about that, they have started a gun and firearm owners registry. What could ever go wrong with that?

The bill explicitly states that expired and revoked permit records are kept forever.

The firearms training requires that all instructors be certified by a law enforcement agency.

The appeals section is interesting in that there is a 30 day hard deadline for the person appealing to get all the paperwork done and submitted. The petitions filed will be heard and disposed of within 15 judicial day or as soon as practicable thereafter.

Sounds like being understaffed and overworked at the permitting agency is a good enough excuse to deny people their right to keep and bear arms.

Question for FFL holders, if somebody decides not to take possession of a firearm after completing a NICS check and being approved, do you have to notify anybody of that event? According to this bill, an FFL is required to report the actual transfer of the firearm. And yes, they FFL is required to report make, model and serial number. Gun registry for sure.

They already have a universal (except for criminals) background check requirement. This bill now adds a permit-to-purchase requirement.

At least on the private transfer section, if the department can not determine if a person is qualified, they are presumed disqualified. Or stated differently, delayed no longer defaults to proceed after time expires, instead i defaults to denied.

They are banning standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Fortunately my lever action rifles are excluded from this if they use a tube magazine.

The entire thing is nasty, but they knew it was an infringement when they wrote it:

SECTION 12. If any provision of this 2022 Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Act are severable. The people hereby declare that they would have adopted this Chapter, notwithstanding the unconstitutionality, invalidity and ineffectiveness of any one of its articles, sections, subsections, sentences or clauses.

Yep, they wrote this monstrosity such that if any part is found unconstitutional it doesn’t change the rest of the bill. Each infringement must be challenged in order for the law to be overturned. There might be cases where a judge will strike down more than just a single clause, but not always.

Measure-114 PDF Warning