Month: February 2023

Assault with a deadly pussy.

“In addition, the man was holding a cat during this encounter, which he reportedly started to squeeze tightly, causing the animal to start clawing at him.

Then, the affidavit said the man shoved the distressed feline toward one of the officers, who blocked his face, but still ended up with several scratches on the back of his right hand.

According to the court documents, authorities managed to free the cat from the man before he could injure it.

However, the man allegedly managed to kick an officer — the same officer who got clawed up — a few times in the lower leg, the affidavit stated.”

Man accused of using cat to attack officers in downtown Nashville, TN (

Just when you thought Florida Man’s championship belt was safe, here comes that one redneck with a challenge.

I’ll be up for a while: UPDATE.

Boston Butts being smoked and brought to deliciousness.

Rub composed of salt, garlic, black pepper, paprika and brown sugar over a coat of mustard. Shoulders injected with butter, garlic. and black pepper.

I guess 9-10 hours: 5 of smoke and 5 wrapped. Additional humidity provided by spraying apple juice.

Will update.

UPDATE: And done! If you are wondering, After the initial smoking period, I transferred the shoulders to a disposable foil pan, add butter on to and apple juice before covering with heavy aluminum foil and put them back in the smoker for remaining of the BBQing time.   The benefits of doing this to save the juices that can be reused once the shredding is done and mixed with the final product for an amazing flavor. Word of caution: A bit goes a long way, so you don’t need to use the whole liquid goodness. Separate liquid from solid and apply as needed.

Pulled pork sammich for breakfast? And why not?

You are drooling over your devices, stop it!

Measure 114 Small Update

B.L.U.F. Measure 114 is on hold for the time being as the Oregon Supreme Court rules to not let the state proceed with the law.

Measure 114 is the gun grabbers dream bill out in Oregon. The gun grabbers were not able to get the legislature to pass it so instead they took it to a popular vote. Mob rule in other words.

There was some upset about how it got onto the ballot but it did. It passed, barely.

So now it is “voter approved” and the media constantly points that out as they discuss the multiple lawsuits that have been filed.

As we’ve discussed in the pass, there are two primary paths through the courts. At the state level there is the lower court, there might be an appeals court, then there is the state supreme court and then over that is the US Supreme Court. At the federal level there are the district courts, over them are the circuit courts of appeal, and above them is the US Supreme Court.

At every level there are three responses the court can give.

  1. Dismissed
  2. Win
  3. Lose

If your case is dismissed or you loose your case you can appeal. The higher court can the grant the appeal or deny it. If that higher court is an intermediate court, you can appeal to the next higher court.

You can appeal all the way to the US Supreme Court. If SCOTUS decides not to hear your case, then your case is over. You can reapply with changes but the Justices have been known to say “if this yoyo applies again, charge them.”

In general, when a court decides they will not hear a case, they just say that. Nothing more. It is unusual when they actually issue an opinion to go along with that decision. This is why the Antonyuk III denial at SCOTUS was so powerful. Alito, with Thomas concurring, told the plaintiffs that their case was not heard for procedural reasons and that if the Second Circuit Court didn’t respond in a timely fashion the plaintiffs should bring the issue back to SCOTUS.

In general, if your case involves the US constitution, you bring your case up through the federal court system. This is what they did in Oregon. The district court did not grant temporary injunctions nor did they grant any injunctions and the cases are moving slowly. The Ninth Circus Court is highly unlikely to hear an appeal and even if they do, they will delay and then rule that the case has to move forward at a pace that makes glaciers moving look like NASCAR racing.

The lawyers dealing with Measure 114 out in Oregon took a second track as well. They brought the case before a county judge. This is the state level equivalent of a district court at the federal level. Lowest tier.

The judge looked it over and using the Oregon constitution ruled that in his opinion, the plaintiffs (good guys) would prevail at trial and granted an injunction blocking Measure 114 from going in to effect.

The state then appealed to the Oregon Supreme court. The Oregon Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal. This let the temporary and later preliminary injunctions stay in place.

This week the Oregon Supreme Court issued another ruling/opinion. The state had requested an emergency request to allow them to let the law go into effect.

The Oregon Supreme Court denied the appeal. Measure 114 is enjoined for the time being. Another win.

L.A. Confidential: The Night Owl Massacre.

I do crap on Hollywood plenty, but sometimes movies do have teachable moments:

If you are in a crowded locale which is suddenly invaded by thugs and demand people go to the back room/bathroom/cooler and stay there till they are done, you best start shooting as it is the equivalent of being invited by the SS to take a communal shower.  They are rare cases, but invariably end with a stack of bodies to be found later by the authorities.


The gunmen herded four restaurant employees into a walk-in freezer, then rifled the restaurant safe after shooting its lock to open it, police said.

They then returned to the freezer and opened fire, killing Mrs. Figueroa and Eugene Jefferson, 35, a dishwasher at the restaurant, police said. The two other employees were not injured.

The third victim, postal worker Peter Santangelo, 23, apparantly walked into the restaurant to deliver mail during the robbery and was gunned down as he tried to flee, police said.

A former employee of Smokin' Joe's Corner was held… – UPI Archives

Trivia point: The owner of the restaurant was Heavyweight champion Joe Frazier.