Month: May 2023

The Great Divide

B.L.U.F.: Texas Senate Bill 1515 is unconstitutional and therefore should be removed.

Here on GFZ, we look at the constitutionality of laws and bills. AWA does a fantastic job of working his way through the infringer suits that are working their way up the chain. I am not nearly so skilled, but there are issues which I take a more traditionally Leftist stance on, which I believe should be looked at with the same deep scrutiny and view of constitutionality as we do the gun bills, laws, and court cases.

Currently, Texas has a Bill going to their House which requires schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms, SB 1515. This is not an optional thing. Classrooms in elementary through secondary school will be required to post the Ten Commandments in each classroom, prominently. The version of the Commandments must be the one outlined in the Bill; no other version will be accepted.

This goes contrary to Stone v. Graham (see below), which ruled that Kentucky could not mandate the display of the Commandments in public school classrooms, because it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

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This is why Florida will win the culture war

This story:

Trans pedophile who sexually abused her own daughter, 7, for warped porn videos is inmate of New Jersey women’s prison ‘despite still having PENIS – and wants to marry trans accomplice so they can share a cell’

A transgender female pedophile who filmed her seven year-old daughter being sexually abused for horrific porn videos is being housed in a New Jersey women’s prison despite still having a penis, it is claimed.

Marina Volz, 34, is serving her 25 year sentence at the notorious Edna Mahan Correctional Facility alongside her accomplice Ashley Romero, 30, who joined in the abuse of the girl.

Volz, born a man named Matthew, is now recorded as ‘female’ in official prison records, with her presence at Edna Mahan said to be causing terror among biological women housed there.

Shockingly, Volz is even said to want to marry Romero, so they can share a cell together, Reduxx reported, after the publication spoke to other inmates there.

Volz, Romero and two others were found guilty for their roles in sexually abusing Volz’s daughter in the basement of her New Jersey home as part of a scheme to create pornographic films.

Volz, who ran a transgender fetish porn studio, took the youngster from her mother’s home in Oregon, then brought her back to New Jersey, where she was subjected to horrific sexual abuse, the details of which are too graphic to repeat.

In New Jersey, these freaks are put in a women’s prison and are going to be able to share a cell together.

In Florida, they would be strapped I to Ol’ Sparky and the switch flipped.

If you ask the majority of normal people which is the more preferable option, I honestly believe that they would choose to char broil pedophiles over coddling them in a women’s prison.

The more horror stories like this that become public, the more Florida will win the culture war.

SCOTUS is watching

Back in December 2022, I posted NY CCIA challenge at SCOTUS. The GOA challenged the Second Circuit Court’s stay regarding an injunction from Judge Suddaby.

Judge Suddaby enjoined the state from enforcing parts of the CCIA. The state ran to the Second Circuit Court, which heard the request for an emergency stay on an expedited schedule. Of course, the Second Circuit issued the stay.

The stay was just a single sentence, it was not particularly enlightening as to why the stay was granted.

GOA then took the stay to SCOTUS, alleging that the Second Circuit Court had not given them anything to argue and requesting that SCOTUS vacate the Second Circuit Court’s stay. Justice Sotoymyer did something that shocked me. She told the state to file an argument with her within the week, over Christmas.

In early January, SCOTUS denied overturning the stay, but in an unusual turn of events, Justice Alito(?) and Justice Thomas issued a concurring opinion. In that opinion, they said that the reason they believed the court denied the motion was for procedural reasons.

In the state’s filings, they claimed that the case was on an expedited schedule for the appeal to be heard. This was false. Only the request for the stay was expedited. Alito and Thomas said that if the Second Circuit Court didn’t hear the case and provide good justification for the stay, that GOA should come back to SCOTUS.

This put the Second Circuit Court on notice that they could not just let the case sit there for an extended length of time. Oral arguments were heard by the Second Circuit Court on March 20th, 2023.

We are waiting for the results of that hearing.


Over in the Seventh Circuit Court, they are hearing Robert Bevis v. City of Naperville, 23-1353, (7th Cir.) which is the City of Naperville’s AWB/LCM ban.

The Seventh Circuit denied the plaintiffs (good guys) Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal Mot. for Inj. Pending Appeal, Robert Bevis v. City of Naperville, No. 23-1353 (7th Cir. Mar. 7, 2023), ECF No. 8.

Following in the steps of the Second Circuit Court, their order is well-thought-out and extensive:

IT IS ORDERED that the motion for an injunction pending appeal is DENIED.
Order Robert Bevis v. City of Naperville, No. 23-1353 (7th Cir. Mar. 7, 2023), ECF No. 51

Unhappy with this result, the National Association for Gun Rights; Robert C. Bevis; and Law Weapons, Inc. filed an Emergency Application for Injunction Pending Appellate Review.

They are asking the Supreme Court to grant an injunction pending the Seventh Circuit Court issuing an opinion on the appeal.

And here is the great news:

Response to application (22A948) requested by Justice Barrett, due May 8, 2023, by noon (EDT).
National Association for Gun Rights, et al., Applicants v. City of Naperville, Illinois, et al., No. 22-451 (SCOTUS May 1, 2023)

The Supreme Court is watching these gun control cases moving forward. Maybe this is a chance for them to tell the inferior courts to “do the right thing”.

The DeSantis anti-antisemitism law

Earlier today, I posted a reminder that underneath every Libertarian is a Jew-hater.

Reader and commenter Travis Roberts wanted details. I was going go get into this law eventually, so might as well do it now.

The reason I was going to get into it was precisely because of the disingenuous nature of the argument against it made by antisemitic Right Wingers and Libertarians.

The Catch-22 of antisemitism is that anything done to tackle antisemitism is instantly used as evidence that Jews really are evil, anti-White, anti-Western conspirators by antisemites.

Let’s get into the law, itself.

This is from the Florida Government official website:

HB 269 builds upon Governor DeSantis’ record of safeguarding the free exercise of religion in Florida by:

  • Prohibiting a person from intentionally dumping litter onto private property for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner, resident, or invitee of such property;
  • Prohibiting a person from willfully and maliciously harassing, threatening, or intimidating another person based on the person’s wearing or displaying of any indicia relating to any religious or ethnic heritage;
  • Creating a new prohibition against displaying or projecting, using any medium, an image onto a building, structure, or other property without the written consent of the owner of the building, structure, or property;
  • Creating a new trespass offense if a person who is not authorized, licensed, or invited willfully enters the campus of a state college or university for the purpose of threatening or intimidating another person, and is warned by the institution to depart and refuses to do so; and
  • Prohibiting a person from willfully and maliciously interrupting or disturbing any assembly of people met for the purpose of acknowledging the death of an individual.

Nothing in this bill specifically mentions Jews or antisemitism.  But you do need to understand the context of the first three bullet points.

The Goyim Defense League is a white supremacist, antisemitic hate group that has been active in Florida, and elsewhere, for the last few years.

Ironically, the Left attacked DeSantis for being antisemitic by falsely accusing him of being aligned with the Goyim Defense League for not having them immediately arrested.

Then he signs a bill into law that has major points that target them and the antisemites say that means the Jews secretly control him.

What the Goyim Defense League would do is leave antisemitic flyers on private property.  They would go into neighborhoods, particularly in Jewish communities, and leave the flyers on people’s doors and yards.  They would go into the parking lots of Synagogues and Jewish community centers and leave the flyers on car windshields.  They would also use laser projectors to display antisemitic messages on buildings, in one case, on the side of a stadium.

Then they would do shit like this:


This is the driveway of a Chabad in Orlando.  They were literally at the gates of a Chabad and harassing people in their cars with a megaphone.

Libertarians, who are usually supporters of private property rights, are really mad that antisemites can’t violate the private property of other people to intimidate them.

In Florida, you can’t go onto someone’s property to leave bigoted and intimidating flyers or project intimidating messages onto private property without the consent of the owner.

“It’s a violation of my free speech rights to harass Jews while violating their private property rights.” – Libertarians

The other bullet points of the bill are a direct response to what we’ve seen on college campuses in other states, where conservative speakers have been shouted down and their events canceled with the heckler’s veto.  That is now a misdemeanor offence.

This law would also protect churches and Christian organizations that have been disrupted by pro-abortion groups, which is something on the rise.

This law protects people on private property and Florida public college campuses from being intimidated or harassed for their religious beliefs, regardless of their religion.

Another thing about this bill, it was passed unanimously by the Florida Legislature.

DeSantis did sign the bill into law in Israel, but that wasn’t the purpose of his trip.  He traveled to a number of foreign countries on trade relations and stopped in Israel for the 75th anniversary of Israel independence.

But the Libertarians would have you believe je few to Israel to sign a law that bans criticizing Jews

So, no, the Jews did not buy off Ron DeSantis to make criticism of the Jews a crime.

But the Libertarians won’t tell you that.

Crack open a Bud Light for the Navy

He who rules the seas rules the world.

We once had a navy that could fight two wars in two oceans on opposite sides of the world, simultaneously.

Now we have a navy in which a ship is lost as it burns to the keel in an American port because sailors on bord has insufficient fire fighting training.

What did the Navy do?

They got a drag queen sailor to be a digital ambassador.

How stunning and brave.

Not the kind if bravery that makes men run tnto the hold of a ship to put out a fire.

I wonder if the Navy will give out medals for bravely cross dressing?

Did this work?


Is this the Navy’s Dylan Mulvaney moment? Drag performer Harpy Daniels is Navy’s new ‘digital ambassador’ in bid to boost recruitment that’s set to fall short by 8,000

We lost control of the world’s oceans.

The only thing our Navy will do is provide comfort transwomen to our enemies.