Month: June 2023

Why do I have scars in my tongue.

Person 1: “I am sick. Newfangled Medicine is giving me sweat, shitters and blinding headaches.”
Person 2: “I am also taking Newfangled Medicine and getting that plus dizziness so bad I can barely drive.”
Me: “You should stop taking it and call your doctor for an alternative. Get rid of that stuff.”
Person 1: ” I paid for that stuff! I have to finish the 3-month prescription I have!”
Person 2: “It is not like money grows on trees; you know? That would be wasting it.”
Me: “Oh man, look at the time! I am late for the meeting.

And these one of a hundred reasons why I do not mingle with coworkers after the day is over or make friendships. It will either end up in an situation where I end up questioning loudly their mental capacity (and a free trip to HR) or I sever my tongue altogether with my teeth.


Falling down…

Hagar has a post up this morning. I’ve got an article in progress, but I need to finish out some work related things before I can finish my GFZ post.

On the mostly good news, I was able to track down my citeserver issue(s).

Here’s an example citation: [xCite item="LPGQXCDT" para=7 pos=2]. This says to add a citation to that particular item with a locator a ΒΆ7. All well and good.

The problem is that the form that I get my data isn’t quite right. It is a little bit off. I was working on fixing it when I found tools that would do it for me. Of course, they didn’t work. I fixed them.

From there I was finally getting citations. One of the big reasons for this is to allow me to use Id. and short forms easily. That part wasn’t working.

Back to the supplied code. After three days, the debug output showed me that I was getting the correct answers. Just like the documentation told me to expect.

And while looking at the provided code… They are throwing away all the excess results. Even though my code was producing the correct results, their code was throwing it away.

That’s been fixed. I have citations doing most of the correct things. What’s left for me to do is to fix up the actual citation description to work correctly for GFZ. I’m getting there.

The amount of work I’ve invested in this might seem out of keeping for the return, but it is a pain trying to do all the correct copy paste. This just works.

Sexualizing Children

B.L.U.F. – Let’s just stop sexualizing children altogether, hm? It’s wrong at all levels.

The big news out there right now is Target’s ill-chosen marketing of “tuck friendly” bathing suits for children. I have to admit, I lost it when I read that one. I went and checked it out, because that was beyond the pale, even for the woke side of things. The bottom line is, it’s both true and “not quite true”. The bathing suits are there, but only the adult ones are labeled “tuck friendly”. But as that article states, the kids’ bathing suits are MADE that way. Due to all the bathing suits in question being Pride oriented, the tuck friendly ones were displayed next to the children’s ones. (Please note, this is about the inappropriate for kids bathing suits, and not the Pride items themselves.)

I’ll go out on a limb here. I don’t care if someone who has male parts decides that they want to be female. You want that, go for it. But you do it as an adult. I don’t mind catering to kids who want to dress like the opposite gender, or no gender at all. I’m fine with kids wanting to change their names, or institute a nickname. But changes to a developing body are not cool at all, as the fairly significant number of people who transitioned as children are now talking about. If you want to take hormones or make surgical changes after the age of 18, that’s between you and your doctors. It is literally none of my business. Do not go changing your children, though. That’s WRONG.

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