Month: July 2023

Mine just stares at me….

…and fall to the ground in a quivering mass of terror.

Some fun new competitions open to the general public include the “Mom Calling Contest” and the “Husband Calling Contest” to take place on August 19.

The “Mom Calling Contest” is open to fair-goers between the ages of five and nine. Anyone wishing to enter must register in advance at All entrants will have one minute to call their mom. It will take place at 1:00 p.m.

Husband callers will take the Opry Stage at 3:00 p.m. Contestants are invited to wear their best husband calling outfit, and they have one minute to get his attention. No profanity will be allowed.

Tennessee State and Wilson County Fair Celebrates Year of Corn – Rutherford Source

I may have to give it a chance. I have never been in a county fair in my life.

Pulling Bullets

When you make a mistake, own up, do the right thing.

I didn’t do the right thing. The right thing was to pull all the bullets for the hot loads I made. I didn’t want to because it is a bit of work, and I’m lazy. It should be safe to unload them through the R92.

Lazy, safe, reloading do not work. You have to be careful, you have to do the right thing, every time.

I have two or three powder throws. I do not use them. The consistency I was getting with them wasn’t good enough.

The two presses I have are both Lee presses. One is an OLD single stage. I like it. I don’t use it. At this point, my main complaint, using it to deprime, is no longer an issue as I use a different method. The press I do use is a Lee Turret press.

When I started using it, I used it as a turret press. Everything was all setup and I could crank out the rounds quickly and easily. First I would deprime, then clean the cases in a wet tumbler. From there, it was time to run it through the turret press.

Put the case in shell holder. Handle down to resize the case. While the handle is down, place primer in the primer cup. Handle up to insert the primer and rotate the plate to the next station. Handle down to flare the mouth, throw the powder charge. The Lee charger is semi-automatic. As the case presses into the die, it causes the charger to throw one charge. Handle up, place bullet in the case. Handle down to seat the bullet. Handle up to move to the next station. Handle down to crimp the case. Remove the cartridge, put the case in the shell holder, repeat.

Today, I use the turret press as a quick change plate. There is a universal depriming die, sizing die, mouth flare, bullet seating+crimping die. I rotate the plate to the die I want, then use it like a single stage press.

Which brings us to how I do it now. I have an automatic powder measure. You input the weight you want, press the “drop” button. The machine twists a trickle tube until the scale reads exactly the weight you wanted.

It takes just a few moments to throw the charge accurately. I have a standalone powder charger stand. I have just the base in it. This gives me a big enough target that I don’t need a funnel. I hold the case mouth against the bottom surface, pour the pan into the top and the case is charged.

The pan gets placed back on the scale for the auto-throw. Once it stabilizes, it will start throwing the next charge. While that charge is being thrown, I’m putting the case in the press, putting a bullet on and seating it along with the crimp.

Not as fast as a progressive, by far. Not as fast as just using the turret press. But it is the way I do it today.

So back to pulling bullets. I have a collet puller which hasn’t worked for me. Instead, I use an inertia puller. Put a round in the puller. Hit it on a hard surface a few times, the bullet pops out. It works, it just takes more of an effort than I like, as a lazy person.

Now that all the bullets are pulled, I can reuse the bullets and put the correct charge in place.

Thank you to everybody who told me I was being a dumb ass. I was. Your gently chiding was enough to make it clear I needed to do the right thing.

This is what I was thinking of:

Since the video, they did discover that the SLAP rounds that he was firing were not military surplus. That they were way too hot and the cause of the exploding 50 BMG rifle.

And they keep trying.

I have no idea how I got in this mailing list, but it makes for interesting info:

A house party? Canapes and Drinks for Gun Control? Tea and Crumpets for Sensible, Common-Sense Gun Laws?

I checked their “board of directors”, and they have both Democrats and RINOS on it pushing for Red Flag Laws and Universal Background Checks.

If they send me any more info, I will keep you guys posted.


They are trying so hard…

…but simply there is no taste for it.

All traditional Media is pushing hard even when they have to know (and probably choose to ignore) that Tennesseans are not in favor of any Gun Control.

I have no background on the governor, but all the vibes I get from him makes me believe he is a RINO who got elected for some reason. Why does he keep pushing for Red Flag laws? No effing idea and he has not even taken the time to share what his proposal would be. Why would he be afraid to show what he thinks? Hey, maybe there is a good idea or two in there.

Or maybe he is afraid to piss off anybody and risk they don’t like him anymore?


South Florida Cops: Not warm and fuzzy.

The missus and I are fans of several Youtube channels that show police activity via body worn cameras, dash cams or witnesses’ videos. Many a case, you see LEOs from many jurisdictions take unholy time trying to warn a subject to lay down whatever weapon or doing a tussle trying to arrest them.

But this is South Florida: Too hot, too humid to be wasting time with more than a couple of warnings. And they don’t care about your gender either: You will get it.

Then again the great advantage that the forces in Florida, mostly south of Orlando have is that they are impervious to accusations of White Supremacy and racism. Kinda hard to pull the race card when some departments have over 60% minorities, from rank and file to top cops.

Friday Feedback

Things are getting better. I have a few rounds to be pulled. All the “hot” rounds have been put in a safe place, and I’ll pull them tomorrow.

There have been a couple of horrific opinions issued by the courts in the last few weeks. I’m going to be looking at more of them.

There have been a few wins. The 11th Circuit has vacated the opinion of the 3 judge panel and is currently planning on hearing the 18-20 yo aren’t a part of The People en banc.

The 2nd Circuit is still dragging their heels. The 7th Circuit hard testimony and is not going into wait it out mode. The 4th circuit still hasn’t made up their mind if they are going to follow Bruen and declare Kolbe bad law.

I’m still looking for dana950 and OldNFO to contact me via email.

Have a fantastic weekend!

The comments are open to everybody.