Month: August 2023

La Vergne, TN selects a Bloomberg cop as new Police Chief.

La Vergne Mayor Jason Cole offered the police chief job to finalist Christopher Moews, public records confirm.

The city’s police officers learned about the offer from a Wednesday email from Andrew Patton, the local government’s director of human resources.

“I’m so happy to share that the city has made a conditional offer to Christopher Moews as the next police chief,” Patton said in his email.M

oews is a Milwaukee police captain and one of the five finalists for the La Vergne police chief job. He could be going from serving a Wisconsin city with a July 2022 U.S. Census estimated population of over 563,000 to serving a suburb of Nashville that La Vergne officials estimate has 42,000 to 45,000 residents.

La Vergne offers police chief job to Milwaukee police captain (

I did a bit of background searching and found out he ran against Sheriff David Clarke in Milwaukee with the full backing of the local Democrats and our infamous Mayor.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s political action committee, Independence USA, has purchased $150,833 in television ads in an effort to  defeat Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and  support   his opponent Milwaukee police lieutenant Chris Moews.

In response to the news of Bloomberg’s anti-gun PAC  ads, Clarke said in a statement. “I trust the voters. The voters can’t be bought.”

The ad buys by Bloomberg’s PAC  come on top of a $400,000 in media ads purchased by the Greater Wisconsin Committee to try to beat Clarke who is seeking his fourth term in Tuesday’s (Aug 12) Democratic primary election.

Bloomberg’s PAC enters Milwaukee County sheriff’s race (

I wonder how well he is going to fare trying to adapt to a state where everybody and their cat have guns up the gazoo.  And once again this is the reason why Chief LEOs should be elected and not selected by a small group of politicos.

You are already in the Revolution, Tovarisch.

Divemdic asked me to share my thoughts and memories about this comment:

I used to wonder, like what would be the sign, how would you know the communists really have taken over, bolshevism is coming, etc , etc… like, how would you know that balloon has gone up?

Joe Blow over at Divemedic’s

First, I do see similarities with what happened in Venezuela with what we are going through here. But if you are looking for specific points in common, there aren’t because every country had/has its peculiarities and the enemies of Freedom tailors the actions accordingly. What may affect an Anglo-Saxon Protestant mind will not be the same as to a Latino Catholic or anybody else. Some will fall faster because of historical traditions of submission or independence. There is no concept of inalienable rights in Venezuela, or pretty much anywhere outside the US so there has not been a long-lasting struggle that allows you to appreciate them.  A flick of a pen and you are no longer “protected” and unable to stand for your life or have the moral back up of millions because that is the way it has been for 500 plus years. Here we are always fighting because we do understand the concept and understand that our falling will come when the Bill of Rights officially becomes the Bill Of Removable Privileges.

Unfortunately, there is never a very specific moment in time or action per se that could be defined as the crucial moment when people went “Aha!” and the veil fell from their eyes.  Sure, you go back and read some books written by historians and inevitably you will be told of that moment may it be the Boston Massacre, El Grito de Dolores, the Beer Hall Putsch, the Attack on the Moncada Barracks or El Caracazo or any other date that is needed to create some sort of starting point to bloviate about some further events.

The truth is whether it be Fascist or Communists, they all took their sweet time working and prepping the ground where their revolution was to grow. Do notice I do not differentiate between one or the other in the spectrum because they both seek the same thing: Be minority with absolute Power; and the rest of the factors in the equation are just ornaments used to disguise the objective.

As for Joe Blow’s question, the proverbial balloon has been up for quite a while and it has been a bunch of small ones, not just huge one painted in reflective orange with big flashing sings indicated “The time has come!”  We as society, under the principle of “we all should get alone and allow all ideas to be discussed over ours” have allowed free floating rights and the overtaking of the moral “airspace” to ideas that have been proven not only wrong, but morally perverse and historically deadly for a long while now. Example: we are even allowing the discussion of the sexual perversion of children by a group of individuals that have sought and obtained the protection of the “law” which previously would have sent them deep inside a deep pit never to surface again.

We have allowed the weaponizing of our Law Enforcement against political foes, may it be a former president or a mom standing against a school board. That did not happen in a short frame of time and some of you may still remember when they were called Peace Officers rather than Law Enforcers and the wording itself should have been warning enough to take pause. Andy Griffith is long dead, Judge Dread is ruling Mayberry, and we are told to deal with it, citizen.  And then we have masses of people politically aligned/created by Fascists Bolsheviks run crazy through cities not only without any fear legal reprisal but sometimes with their protection so we cannot stand against them. Set a block of buildings in fire after you cleaned them out? Almost peaceful protest. Shooting an asshole pointing an AK at you because he was in the approved mob? Arrested, tried and convicted for exercising self-defense and the gall to stand against their right to murder you.

And how about mind-altering drugs both legal and otherwise? Remember when they told us that all addiction and crime problems would disappear once we tolerated/permitted/legalized drug use? Does people openly shitting on the streets, stabbing somebody to get some cash for the next fix or dying of overdose in front of the grocery store seem like a problem solved?  There is no longer a “bad side of town” in Chicago, Pittsburg, San Francisco or Seattle because they are now the bad side of the frigging country.

I don’t believe I have to continue providing examples on how deep we are in the shithole. The problem is we have been too polite and pinched our noses because that is “the right thing to do” and “right” has been skillfully equated with being peaceful and inactive and thus we have refused or feared to take a forceful stand.

I sadly believe there is no way to avoid the upcoming “unrest.” Pretty much what I have left is wondering about the number of bodies that will be piled up and who will be the most ruthless about it, because that will be the side that wins.

There is nobody coming to help us once the shooting starts and there is no country we can escape to as refugees. There is only one America and that is us.

Ain’t I a cheerful Mfer?

Apologies for the ranting.

Unintended Consequences of Target Fixation.

Former President Barack Obama pledged during a recent lunch with President Biden at the White House that he would do all he can to support Biden’s reelection and reportedly stressed that Donald Trump remains a formidable political foe.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Obama voiced concerns about Trump’s political strengths, such as his intensely loyal base of supporters, political polarization and the conservative media world backing him.

Obama voiced concerns about Trump’s political strength in meeting with Biden: report | The Hill

The funny thing is that if Democrats weren’t so fixated in bringing down Trump with this banana republic hatchet job, he would probably have imploded on his own by the grace of his own mouth.

Now the Democrats will be forced to cheat three times harder to reelect Pedo Joe.

And yes, it will happen. And we will lose Congress to boot.

Wait, are you expecting any other result?

When they lose, they attempt to change the rules

The Constitution was written to set the rules of government in stone. It takes an entirely new tact on how to define a government. Instead of saying what the government is not allowed to do, it defines what the government is allowed to do.

Anything that the government hasn’t been given permission to do is reserved for The People or the States.

Many years ago, I owned an ISP. Back when dial up was king. When my partner and I were discussing the terms and conditions, he wanted to make this long list of things that were not allowed. I went the other direction.

“Be good. If you are not good, your account will be terminated. You will be charged for any mess that you leave us to clean up. Cleaning up after spam starts at $2000.”

There was something in there about us being the last judge of what is “good”.

We didn’t have problems with our clients. They got it.

If we had created a list of, then if somebody found Y that they did and we would not like it. They would simply say, You didn’t say we could not do Y, and we would be out of luck.

Our Constitution works the same way. The government was given a limited set of things they were allowed to do. In addition, the founders added a set of “Hell NO!” clauses because they knew the state couldn’t be trusted. That is the Bill of Rights.

Our Constitution is a remarkable document. It created an astonishing country, one I’m proud to be a citizen of.

Of course, when the left loses, they cry. They claim that it isn’t fair, that it isn’t right, that you cheated. If none of that works, they then go to that old standby, changing the rules.

Trump got three justices confirmed to the Supreme court. That was because the Senate stopped filibusters on Supreme Court appointments. That was possible because the Obama Senate stopped filibusters for appointments below the Supreme Court. They were warned, but they did it. A few years later it bit them, and we have Bruen.

Facing a largely ineffective Congress, an overstepping Supreme Court, the rising threat of authoritarianism, and a government seemingly unable to address many of our most pressing problems, a small but growing number of liberal scholars and commentators have been making a strong case against a previously sacred cow: the U.S. Constitution.
Ross Rosenfeld, The Case Against the Constitution, Newsweek, (last visited Aug. 3, 2023)

Well, isn’t that a kicker. The Constitution seems to be getting in the way of their goals. Maybe because their goals suck.

Among the biggest issues they cite are the amendment process (which makes changes virtually impossible), excessive veto points, the Electoral College, lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices, a first-past-the-post (winner-take-all) electoral system (rather than, say, proportional representation), and a grossly disproportionate Senate that ensures greater power for the mostly white, more rural small states at the expense of larger ones.

If you look at California’s constitution, you will find a document with 514 amendments. That is quicksand compared to the granite under the Constitution of the United States.

Everything he is complaining about are the things that keep the wolves from voting to have lamb for dinner.

And “RACISM!” is there too.

When you look at election maps, and you see blue states, then look at the county maps and find that most blue states are mostly red by area, with a few very dense blue cities. Those blue cities use gerrymandering to maintain control of the state.

“There’s not just one way to do democracy, but the way we’re doing it now is bizarre,” he told Newsweek, “because it allows people to win victories in the presidency or control the Senate, the House, and state legislatures without actually getting the most votes.”

Yet, the Constitution acts as an impediment to any serious change.

That’s because we are not a democracy. We are a representative republic. The mob doesn’t rule.

“The simplest way to put it is the Constitution was written in 1787, and the framers designed a government for a tiny, primitive, agrarian nation of some 4 million people,” he said. “And they designed a government for their times; not for our times. Government wasn’t expected to do very much back then and they designed a government that couldn’t do very much.”

There it is, they want the government to do more. He has no understanding of living without the heavy hand of the government controlling him. More important to him is that the government will control you and me.

“Our devotion to the framers and to the Constitution [is] a strange custom that if you discovered it in a foreign tribe, you would come back and say ‘This is really odd.'” He added, “The national Constitution is treated really as a sacred book and to talk about amendments is almost blasphemous.”
It’s possible that we’re beginning to see somewhat of a change in public opinion—in part, perhaps, because of the willingness of some to dive into these previously toxic waters, and perhaps because the threats to democracy suddenly seem so very real.

The threat to democracy might seem real, that’s because what this entire article is about is the left not getting their way.


Ross Rosenfeld, The Case Against the Constitution, Newsweek, (last visited Aug. 3, 2023)

First Impressions Matter

You see this and what is your decision? First thing out of your gut/head.

If the answer is: “I am getting out of here” you will have no argument from me.  What we can gather is that there is a likelihood that something happened that required the presence of Law Enforcement and at least guns are involved. This is not a ” I must go in or else” location so other than being bothered a bit and having your routine changed, there is no true loss in you going away. Even if you later find out that there was nothing truly dangerous going on, we always default to actions and strategies that keeps us safe. Feeling foolish is just a feeling that goes away rather quickly; injury and death tend to be longer-lasting.

Do you want to know details for the hell of it? This pic was taken on my way out of the place. They were checking out an intoxicated person sleeping in front of a store about 2 doors down. I had seen the individual when I came in, assessed and my gut told me he was too much into Baccus’ juice to be of an immediate threat. There are some LEOs that go to the gym and maybe one of them may have called or somebody else did.

And again, if you have arrived at this moment and then turned around and left, you would not only have no arguments from me, but I would applaud your strategy.

Avoidance, deterrence & de-escalation: Words we live by.

Never dismiss your instincts when they point to survival.