Month: November 2023

Thank You

I grew up in a traditional family. Part of this meant that we ate as a family every night. When we finally got a TV, we didn’t eat in front of it. That was something that was a reserved special treat.

For a long time, I had lost that. When my wife and I got together I reinstated that family meal.

Unless it is something special, we eat at the table. The entire family. If you are feeling anti-social, you still come down and say prayers.

We go around the table and everybody gives thanks for something real to them for that day.

  • Thank you to Miguel for letting me write for the blog and for trusting me to take care of his child
  • Thank you to J.Kb for putting up with me as a co-blogger.
  • Thank you to you, our readers.  Your readership means a great deal to me.
  • Thank you to our founding fathers that gave us this great country
  • Thank you to all the men, women, and children that have fought to keep this country free
  • Thank you for winning the lottery when I was born an American.
  • Thank you for the protected right to armed self-defense
  • Thank you for the vast wealth our country has
  • Thank you for the vast wealth each of us has.
  • Thank you for the technology that allows me to work in this great state with people around the world.
  • Thank you  to our Creator, who has given us so much.
  • Thank you for the joy of bang sticks.
  • Thank you for the smiles of my new born children
  • Thank you for the smiles, glares, “Oh Dad…” of my children today.
  • Thank you for the health care that has allowed my wife to have four knee replacements.
  • Thank you for the modern medicines that keep me going.
  • Thank you for all the plenty that is on our table, every day.
  • Thank you to my friends.  Those that have passed, those that are gone, those that are close, and for all my friends I have yet to meet.

Happy Thanksgiving


When you try very hard to yell RACISM! but the facts do not help.

The was a mass killing in Ohio 3 days ago. I had heard something about the event of some white guy with the obligatory AR 15 (actually a Hi Point carbine in .45 ACP) killing injuring 4 people and I just checked the latest info.

BEAVERCREEK, Ohio (WXIX) – The FBI says it is continuing to investigate the factors that may have led to the Nov. 20 shooting that wounded four people at a Walmart in Beavercreek.

“Based on evidence collected, including journal writings from the attacker, Benjamin Charles Jones, the attack may have been at least partially inspired by Racially Motivated Violent Extremist (RMVE) ideology,” said FBI officials.

Finally! We have a bonafide racist in our midst!

I checked the definition of RMVE and found the following:

Racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism (REMVE) refers to a loosely organized movement of individuals and groups that espouse some combination of racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic, and homophobic ideology. REMVE actors see their race or ethnicity under threat and promote the use of or engage in violence against a given population group. The majority of REMVE actors are motivated by cultural nationalism or White supremacy—beliefs that Caucasian or “Aryan” peoples represent superior races, and that “White culture” is superior to other cultures.

A Dangerous Web: Mapping Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism | RAND


Oh boy! This is the poster boy the Left was looking for to prove the pervasive White Supremacy culture permeating every nook and cranny of the racist U S of A.

But let us get back to the original article.

A media release says the victims are a Caucasian female, two African-American females, and a Caucasian male.

So, the asshole shooter was actually evenly split in racial lines about who he killed. Why bother with the lie? Simple, guess which piece of info will be transmitted faster via Social Media? That the asshole shooter was a White Supremacist or that the victims were not actually all minorities?

And that’s all they want or need.

There are better options.

Seemingly, there is no winning. Either nod along politely or engage, thus running the likely odds of escalating a conflict that ends ugly for all present parties. But there are other viable options when confronted with a miserable liberal on Thanksgiving. Consider one or all of the following, depending on the subject’s level of hostility.

A Guide To Surviving Miserable Leftists At Thanksgiving Dinner (

I have two options in my arsenal. Number one is if I am at somebody’s house and the host is not doing anything: I leave.

Number two is if I am the host. I point at the door and give them 30 seconds to vacate the premises and be at least 1,000 yards from the festivities. If they know me, they will be no “or else what?” If they don’t know me, they will find out.