Month: November 2023

The A-Z guide to anti-gun vulture talking points on Twitter- Larry Correia

I love this one”

P. Get ready for a history lesson about “what the founders really intended” from some dumb motherfucker who was stoned through every history class in high school.

Go read the whole thing.

J6 Videos – Updated

The house has started releasing J6 video footage. So far, about 29 GB of video has been released. I’ve looked over some clips. Interesting things I noticed:

Some cameras are PTZ (Pitch, Turn, ZoomPan, Tilt, Zoom). One video had the camera suddenly turn to face the crowd. It then zoomed in on a dangerous individual. The danger? She was looking straight at the camera and recording it on her cell phone.

Much of the footage is of empty or nearly empty halls.

There were multiple people being marched away in handcuffs.

When groups of cops interacted with groups of regular people, there was posturing but no violence. In one encounter, somebody was attempting to get around the line of cops. The cops just extended the line and blocked that forward motion.

The one angry person I saw was a cop. He was chasing a person back towards the larger group with his baton in hand. Once he got there, the group of cops stopped him, and he was turned around, still angry. Then the cop that stopped baton cop indicated to the group of people that they could proceed where baton cop had just come from.

I saw the violence of somebody kicking over an umbrella plastic bag holder. Bags that hold wet umbrellas, so they don’t drip on the marble floors.

The absolute worse thing I observed the people wondering through do was knock a stanchion with velvet rope was knocked over and then step on the velvet rope! A little later, they picked up the stanchion and moved it out of the way, so nobody would trip over it.

I just found one where the people entering are committing real crimes. First, there is a point where something is thrown at a cop and lands on the floor. Interestingly, none of the cops picked it up. I thought it might have been a magazine, but since we didn’t hear about a “magazine” I’m sure it was not.

The crowd then surges forward until the cops stop them. Then one person breaks(?) open a door on the right, and the crowd backs up and enters that room. It looks like it might be a way around the cops blocking the way.

Then the strange stuff started happening. There were attempts to open the left door. Some of those temps were very lame. In those cases, somebody almost always grabbed that person and told them to stop, and they did.

Then there were the “dressed for success” people. These people were ready for physical confrontation. One of them went at that door hard. Then got another person to help. Then tried to open the door with a sign post as a battering ram. When that failed, he left, he returned with somebody else, and they proceeded to start banging on the door. They got still more reinforcements until they forced the door.

None of the people right there seemed to want to engage. My spider senses tell me something isn’t right with these people.

Regardless, if they are on the “Trump team” they need to be arrested because they did the crime. If they are on the evil side, then they need to be arrested and, after being found guilty in a court of law, strung up.
West Stairs 2021-01-06 1440

CHA Subcommittee Reading Room

What they are not saying says volumes

From the NY Post:

Suspect in murder of Detroit synagogue leader Samantha Woll taken into custody: cops

A suspect has been taken into custody over the murder of prominent Detroit synagogue leader Samantha Woll, who was found stabbed to death outside of her home last month, police announced on Wednesday.

Police have not yet named the suspect and said additional information would be forthcoming “at the appropriate time.

They are not releasing any information on the susect who stabbed a Rabbi during a period of increased antisemitism by Hamas supporting Leftists.

The suspect is Muslim, black, or both.

No matter what, they have to maintain the narrative.

Narrative uber alles.

Judge Ho Submits his Opinion in Rahimi

Circuit Judge Ho of the Fifth Circuit writes a letter to the Supreme Court explaining what they did in Rahimi and why the Fifth Circuit’s opinion should stand.
(1600 words)

When I read some arguments made by the state, I want to scream about how bad those arguments actually are. The more I read and understand, the more I would like to learn how to write and submit my own amicus curia briefs. The problem is that I would need a lawyer to submit them through.

Besides all of us poor regular people, there is another group of people that are not allowed to submit briefs to the superior courts. That is the judges themselves.

Judge Benitez doesn’t get to submit a brief to the Ninth Circuit rebutting what the state said in Duncan. He is limited to what he wrote in his final judgement. He has developed a robust history in Duncan, but he doesn’t get to point out what parts of that history are important.

Circuit Judge James C. Ho sits on the Fifth Circuit court of appeals. He is part of the group that decided a number of the Second Amendment cases that have been through the Fifth Circuit. That includes the Rahimi case.

On Friday, the 17th of November, the Fifth Circuit court issued their opinion in US v. Kersee, a case that has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Kersee is a case involving domestic violence allegations.

Case History

Starting from the beginning, Mr. Kersee is a strong candidate for the J. Kb.’s pedophile rehabilitation program. He pled guilty to one count of unlawfully transporting a minor over state lines with intent to engage in sexual activity. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 5 years of supervised release.
Read More

Roadblocks and CCW reciprocity

Another mob of Hamas reporters blocked a road and attacked a truck driver.


This scene looked very familiar to me.


Truck drivers are uniquely prone to roadblocks.

Trucks have limited maneuverability and can’t turn around easily.

Road weight limits and size means they might not be able to bypass roadblocks if major roads are closed.

Truck drivers might not know an area and are limited to routes picked by their carrier or GPS.

We need 50 state concealed-carry reciprocity and Truckers need the ability to defend themselves while trucking.

If not, were going to get a lot more Reginald Dennys from Hamas supporters and Antifa.


Spark Button Failure

Firearms need to be cared for. I’m not good at it. I came to it later in life and just didn’t understand what it takes.

That being said, I’m attempting to do better. Part of “doing better” is actually training with EDC in normal clothing/gear and being willing to send self-defense rounds down range.

This sometimes leads to sending many more range candy down range to overcome my bad habits.

The other day, my wife comes out of the bedroom and is putting on her coat, screaming “Which rifle is the right rifle to kill that (long bleep) rodent!”

It is that time of year when the weather turns and the damn mice come in out of the cold. There is one or more that have made a nest in the crawl space under the bedroom. When they are eating, and we are trying to go to sleep, it is very loud.

The problem is that it sounds like there might be an animal just outside our window. This has led to many a parameter walk by at midnight with the R92. On this particular night, my wife was in bed before me. I was busy writing an article for you guys. So she couldn’t just tell me to go deal.

So she’s looking to take one of the rifles out varmint hunting at around midnight.

It was at that moment that I realized: I don’t know if the Henry Golden Boy has been sighted in.

Longer story shortened, I, blue haired fairie, and wife go outside, I prove that there is nothing out there. She heads back to bed.

The next day, I took that .22 out to the test range and proceeded to put 50+ rounds through it. I sometimes forget just how much fun it can be plinking with a .22. I rang steel, put rounds on paper, and destroyed a small pumpkin.

Then I took out my SIG P938 out to test myself.

It is a small 9 mm pistol. Beautiful sights. I take aim, pull the trigger and click. No bang.

I’ve not shot this pistol in too long. Maybe something is wrong and it needs to be clean. I rack the slide, and it doesn’t go into battery.

I give it a slight push, and it slides into battery. Press, BANG! Clean miss.

Next press and another BANG!

Failure to feed.

Drop the mag, clear the failure to feed. Put the no-bang round back on top of the mag, reinsert mag.

Bang. Click.

Cock hammer, click.

Cycle the gun, finish sending rounds down range, finally ringing steel.

We take everything back inside, and I take the Ruger PC9 out, drop one round into the chamber, click.

Out of seven rounds, one failure to fire, one failure to feed. I need more practice.

When I went back inside, I tossed the round to the blue haired fairie and asked, “What’s wrong with it?”

When I came back to her, she stumbles over the words and says, “I don’t remember what it is called. The spark button didn’t go off.”

I hereby declare that from this time forward, “primers” can also be referred to as “spark buttons” in polite company.

Another TikToker begging for a bullet


This piece of shit grotesquely sexually harasses women on camera.

When a few confront him physically, he assaults them with pepper spray.

He was the instigator, and when these women defended themselves, he used a weapon (pepper spray is a weapon) to assault them.

You can’t bait people into a fight as an excuse to draw a weapon.  Baiting people negates your right to self defense.

I really hope, seriously hope, this piece of shit stalks and harasses a woman with a CCW, he fucking deserves the unique agony of felling a JHP mushrooming its way through some vital organs.