By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “9-11”
  1. I think you will find that REAL Americans are still pissed too. Why the guilty country isnt a parking lot of black glass is beyond me.

  2. Agree. My mom worked there back in the day and at around age 11 or 12, I was allowed to go up well past the 40th floor where commercial offices were rented and into the construction area. I was ‘escorted’ by a construction worker who knew my mom. He sat me down at his work table and had me make paper airplanes and then we walked the perimeter tossing them out of the windows which only had rebar rods between us and the sky. A magical moment for a kid that utter scum are trying to erase. Somehow, the films of celebrating Palestinians dancing on rooftops in NJ as the buildings burned fell into the memory hole dug deeply by the left, somehow LGBT embraces those who murder LGBT, somehow BLM endorses those who still have a slave trade.

    Never did I imagine I would have think through my toolbox (Mossberg 500 in pistol grip for home intruders, Saiga 12 with a 20 rnd drum for the yard, AR 15 for the immediate neighborhood, AR 10 for the town and the Remington 700 for overwatch, and a PS 90 with its 50rnd mag for the truck) for those who wait for the day to subjugate or kill me, my kin and my kith. My family tree has too many branches violently and evilly cut too short by their predecessors to allow history to repeat.

    1. Somehow, the films of celebrating Palestinians dancing on rooftops in NJ as the buildings burned fell into the memory hole

      Somehow? It’s because there is no such film, and there never was.

      The people celebrating were Israelis… not Palestinians.

      Just do a little search for the ‘Dancing Israelis’. They were set up with cameras ready before the first plane even hit the towers! At the very least they had foreknowledge, as did other Israelis, and American Jews too.

      The only ones arrested in relation to 9/11 on 9/11 were Israelis. There were roughly 200 Israeli spies arrested in the US before, on, and after 9/11 (Fox News did a four part series about it which they then promptly deleted).

      Now these things are never mentioned… wonder why?

  3. That evening, I searched for and found the text of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I copied it onto a page with an American flag for the background, and at the bottom the note: “September 11, 2001. Never forgive”.
    Not “forget”. That was a deliberate phrasing. I hung it on my office wall the next day.

  4. I am pissed off as well. Not only about the attack (I witnesses the plane hitting the pentagon), but also about:
    1. The 0 administration trying to memory hole it by changing Sept. into a “day of service”
    2. The leftist media trying to blame GW Bush for it
    3. The radical assholes who claimed the US deserved it (and still do)
    4. The media again for allowing idiots like the “Squad” a platform, and one of the “Squad” saying some people did something.
    5. And, finally, for the mayoral administration of my town for supporting a BLM rally, but refusing to support a memorial service for 9/11 victims.

    It took decades before December 7th fell to this level of languor, it only took about 5-8 years before Sept. 11 became “ancient history.”

    1. On point 3: I have saved away some articles from Dutch newspapers which report on opinion polls held shortly after 9/11. They report that the vast majority of Middle East residents approved of the terrorist attack. No surprise there, partly because a fair number of them undoubtedly knew they were required to say that if they wanted to survive.
      What’s a bit more surprising is that somewhere between 30% and 50% of muslims residing in countries like Holland approved.

      There was an excellent op-ed in today’s WSJ by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an immigrant from Somalia by way of Holland (where she served in the legislature for a number of years until driven out by some very dishonorable politicians). She’s now a US citizen, a very different one from terrorist supporter Ilhan Omar.

  5. Never forget, never forgive… Capt Larry Getzfred, Jack Punches (USN Ret), AW1 Joe Pycoir. Navy command center, Pentagon.

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